Manfaat Probiotik dalam Perawatan Kulit : Review

Elasari Dwi Pratiwi, Susanti Susanti


Probiotik sebagai mikroorganisme hidup dalam jumlah tertentu mampu memberikan manfaat kesehatan pada kulit. Penggunaan probiotik di beberapa negara Asia berkembang pesat, mulai dari penggunaan probiotik dalam industri pangan hingga industri kosmetik. Studi klinis terbaru melaporkan bahwa probiotik mampu mengobati eksim atopik, dermatitis atopik, menyembuhkan luka bakar, menghilangkan bekas luka, mengobati jerawat, mencegah penuaan dini, dan meregenerasi kulit. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas manfaat probiotik pada kulit sehingga dapat dikembangkan sebagai zat aktif pada produk kosmetik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan artikel yaitu study literatur berbagai jurnal internasioanal yang diakses dari situs Google Scholar dan ScienceDirect. Hasil review artikel menunjukkan probiotik yang paling banyak digunakan dalam produk kosmetik yaitu Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, dan Bifidobacterium. Probiotik memiliki aktivitas sebagai antibakteri, antijerawat, antioksidan, mencegah kerusakan kulit akibat radiasi UV, menurunkan sensitivitas kulit, mengurangi ketombe dan mampu menghasilkan asam hialuronat untuk meningkatkan kelembaban kulit dan mengurangi munculnya garis-garis halus dan kerutan. Dari review artikel ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa probiotik dapat digunakan sebagai ingredients pada produk kosmetik.

Kata Kunci

Bioaktif; Kosmetik; Perawatan Kulit; Probiotik

Teks Lengkap:



Nisha K. Kurzekar DW. “Probiotics” In Skin Care Product - A Review. Published online 2018.

Lim K, Koh J. Chapter 5 - Fermented foods and probiotic beverages in Korea. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:61-80. doi:

Sugahara H, Hirota T. Chapter 3 - Probiotic beverages in Japan (some history and current developments). In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:35-48. doi:

Chen W. Chapter 4 - Probiotic beverages in China. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:49-60. doi:

Trevanich S. Chapter 6 - Probiotic beverages in Thailand: Health attributes and future trends. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:81-97. doi:

Paramithiotis S, Syrokou MK, Drosinos EH. Chapter 21 - Thoughts on the future of probiotic beverages. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:441-466. doi:

Cosmetics Overview. In: Us Food and Drug Administration. ; 2021.

Gao Z, Tseng CH, Strober BE, Pei Z, Blaser MJ. Substantial alterations of the cutaneous bacterial biota in psoriatic lesions. PLoS One. 2008;3(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002719

Dunn AB, Hanson L, Vandevusse L, Leslie S. Through the Microbial Looking Glass: Premature Labor, Preeclampsia, and Gestational Diabetes: A Scoping Review. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2019;33(1):35-51. doi:10.1097/JPN.0000000000000375

Lew LC, Liong MT. Bioactives from probiotics for dermal health: Functions and benefits. J Appl Microbiol. 2013;114(5):1241-1253. doi:10.1111/jam.12137

Dréno B, Araviiskaia E, Berardesca E, et al. Microbiome in healthy skin, update for dermatologists. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016;30(12):2038-2047. doi:10.1111/jdv.13965

Byrd AL, Belkaid Y, Segre JA. The human skin microbiome. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2018;16(3):143-155. doi:10.1038/nrmicro.2017.157

Schommer NN GR. Structure and function of the human skin microbiome. Trends Microbiol. 2013;21(21):660-668. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2013.10.001

Fitz-Gibbon S, Tomida S, Chiu BH, et al. Propionibacterium acnes strain populations in the human skin microbiome associated with acne. J Invest Dermatol. 2013;133(9):2152-2160. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.21

Oh J, Conlan S, Polley EC, Segre JA, Kong HH. Shifts in human skin and nares microbiota of healthy children and adults. Genome Med. 2012;4(10):77. doi:10.1186/gm378

Cho I, Blaser MJ. The human microbiome: At the interface of health and disease. Nat Rev Genet. 2012;13(4):260-270. doi:10.1038/nrg3182

Kong H. Eczema, Immunity and the Skin Microbiome. Published online 2013:1-38.

Prescott SL, Larcombe DL, Logan AC, et al. The skin microbiome: Impact of modern environments on skin ecology, barrier integrity, and systemic immune programming. World Allergy Organ J. 2017;10(1):1-16. doi:10.1186/s40413-017-0160-5

Findley K, Oh J, Yang J, et al. Topographic diversity of fungal and bacterial communities in human skin. Nature. 2013;498(7454):367-370. doi:10.1038/nature12171

Gioti, A., Nystedt, B., Li, W., Xu, J., Andersson, A., Averette AF. Genomic Insights into the Atopic Eczema-Associated Skin Commensal Yeast Malassezia sympodialis. MBio. 2013;11(3). doi:10.1128/mBio.00572-12

Lopes EG, Moreira DA, Gullón P, Gullón B, Cardelle-Cobas A, Tavaria FK. Topical application of probiotics in skin: adhesion, antimicrobial and antibiofilm in vitro assays. J Appl Microbiol. 2017;122(2):450-461. doi:10.1111/jam.13349

Krutmann J. Pre- and Probiotics for Human Skin. Clin Plast Surg. 2012;39(1):59-64. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2011.09.009

Foligné B, Daniel C, Pot B. Probiotics from research to market: the possibilities, risks and challenges. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2013;16(3):284-292. doi:

Lew LC, Gan CY, Liong MT. Dermal bioactives from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Ann Microbiol. 2013;63(3):1047-1055. doi:10.1007/s13213-012-0561-1

Babilas P, Knie U, Abels C. Kosmetische und dermatologische Anwendung von Alpha-Hydroxysäuren. JDDG - J Ger Soc Dermatology. 2012;10(7):488-491. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2012.07939.x

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Probiotics in cosmetic and personal care products: Trends and challenges. Molecules. 2021;26(5):1-11. doi:10.3390/molecules26051249

Shi LH, Balakrishnan K, Thiagarajah K, Mohd Ismail NI, Yin OS. Beneficial properties of probiotics. Trop Life Sci Res. 2016;27(2):73-90. doi:10.21315/tlsr2016.27.2.6

Cortesia C, Vilchèze C, Bernut A, et al. Acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, is an effective tuberculocidal disinfectant. MBio. 2014;5(2). doi:10.1128/mBio.00013-14

Nagoba BS, Selkar SP, Wadher BJ, Gandhi RC. Acetic acid treatment of pseudomonal wound infections - A review. J Infect Public Health. 2013;6(6):410-415. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2013.05.005

Bjarnsholt T, Alhede M, Jensen PØ, et al. Antibiofilm Properties of Acetic Acid. Adv Wound Care. 2015;4(7):363-372. doi:10.1089/wound.2014.0554

Zandi M, Mohebbi M, Varidi M, Ramezanian N. Evaluation of diacetyl encapsulated alginate-whey protein microspheres release kinetics and mechanism at simulated mouth conditions. Food Res Int. 2014;56:211-217. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2013.11.035

Lew LC, Choi SB, Khoo BY, Liong MT. Mn2+ and Mg2+ improved sphingomyelinase production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus FTDC 8313 and binding affinity to sphingomyelin for generation of ceramides. Process Biochem. 2013;48(12):1815-1821. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2013.09.023

Neuman MG, Nanau RM, Oruña-Sanchez L, Coto G. Hyaluronic acid and wound healing. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2015;18(1):53-60. doi:10.18433/j3k89d

Narurkar VA, Fabi SG, Bucay VW, Tedaldi R, Downie JB, Zeichner JA, Butterwick K, Taub A, Kadoya K, Makino ET, Mehta RC VV. Rejuvenating Hydrator: Restoring Epidermal Hyaluronic Acid Homeostasis With Instant Benefits. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;1(2):24-37.

Alsaheb RAA, Aladdin A, Othman NZ, et al. Lactic acid applications in pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. J Chem Pharm Res. 2015;7(10):729-735.

Matthew G. Percy and Angelika Gründling. Lipoteichoic Acid Synthesis and Function in Gram-Positive Bacteria. Annu Rev Microbiol. 2014;68:81-100.

Sugiyama A, Arakaki R, Ohnishi T, Arakaki N, Daikuhara Y, Takada H. Lipoteichoic acid and interleukin 1 stimulate synergistically production of hepatocyte growth factor (scatter factor) in human gingival fibroblasts in culture. Infect Immun. 1996;64(4):1426-1431. doi:10.1128/iai.64.4.1426-1431.1996

Niyonsaba F. Protective roles of the skin against infection: Implication of naturally occurring human antimicrobial agents β-defensins, cathelicidin LL-37 and lysozyme. J Dermatol Sci. 2005;40(3):157-168.

Jensen, J.M., Forl, M., Winoto-Morbach, S., Seite, S. S, M., Proksch, E. and Schutze S. Acid and neutral sphingomyelinase, ceramide synthase, and acid ceramidase activities in cutaneous aging. Exp Dermatol. 2005;14(609-618).

Jensen, J.M., Folster-Holst, R., Baranowsky, A., Schunck M, Winoto-Morbach, S., Neumann, C., Schutze S and, Proksch E. Impaired sphingomyelinase activity and epidermal differentiation in atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol. 2004;122:1423-1431.

Jung GW, Tse JE, Guiha I, Rao J. Prospective, randomized, open-label trial comparing the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of an acne treatment regimen with and without a probiotic supplement and minocycline in subjects with mild to moderate acne. J Cutan Med Surg. 2013;17(2):114-122. doi:10.2310/7750.2012.12026

Reid G, Abrahamsson T, Bailey M, et al. How do probiotics and prebiotics function at distant sites? Benef Microbes. 2017;8(4):521-533. doi:10.3920/BM2016.0222

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Forty-five-year evolution of probiotic therapy. Microb Cell. 2019;6(4):184-196. doi:10.15698/mic2019.04.673

Nisha K. Kurzekar DW. “Probiotics” In Skin Care Product - A Review. Published online 2018.

Lim K, Koh J. Chapter 5 - Fermented foods and probiotic beverages in Korea. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:61-80. doi:

Sugahara H, Hirota T. Chapter 3 - Probiotic beverages in Japan (some history and current developments). In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:35-48. doi:

Chen W. Chapter 4 - Probiotic beverages in China. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:49-60. doi:

Trevanich S. Chapter 6 - Probiotic beverages in Thailand: Health attributes and future trends. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:81-97. doi:

Paramithiotis S, Syrokou MK, Drosinos EH. Chapter 21 - Thoughts on the future of probiotic beverages. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:441-466. doi:

Cosmetics Overview. In: Us Food and Drug Administration. ; 2021.

Gao Z, Tseng CH, Strober BE, Pei Z, Blaser MJ. Substantial alterations of the cutaneous bacterial biota in psoriatic lesions. PLoS One. 2008;3(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002719

Dunn AB, Hanson L, Vandevusse L, Leslie S. Through the Microbial Looking Glass: Premature Labor, Preeclampsia, and Gestational Diabetes: A Scoping Review. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2019;33(1):35-51. doi:10.1097/JPN.0000000000000375

Lew LC, Liong MT. Bioactives from probiotics for dermal health: Functions and benefits. J Appl Microbiol. 2013;114(5):1241-1253. doi:10.1111/jam.12137

Dréno B, Araviiskaia E, Berardesca E, et al. Microbiome in healthy skin, update for dermatologists. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016;30(12):2038-2047. doi:10.1111/jdv.13965

Byrd AL, Belkaid Y, Segre JA. The human skin microbiome. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2018;16(3):143-155. doi:10.1038/nrmicro.2017.157

Schommer NN GR. Structure and function of the human skin microbiome. Trends Microbiol. 2013;21(21):660-668. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2013.10.001

Fitz-Gibbon S, Tomida S, Chiu BH, et al. Propionibacterium acnes strain populations in the human skin microbiome associated with acne. J Invest Dermatol. 2013;133(9):2152-2160. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.21

Oh J, Conlan S, Polley EC, Segre JA, Kong HH. Shifts in human skin and nares microbiota of healthy children and adults. Genome Med. 2012;4(10):77. doi:10.1186/gm378

Cho I, Blaser MJ. The human microbiome: At the interface of health and disease. Nat Rev Genet. 2012;13(4):260-270. doi:10.1038/nrg3182

Kong H. Eczema, Immunity and the Skin Microbiome. Published online 2013:1-38.

Prescott SL, Larcombe DL, Logan AC, et al. The skin microbiome: Impact of modern environments on skin ecology, barrier integrity, and systemic immune programming. World Allergy Organ J. 2017;10(1):1-16. doi:10.1186/s40413-017-0160-5

Findley K, Oh J, Yang J, et al. Topographic diversity of fungal and bacterial communities in human skin. Nature. 2013;498(7454):367-370. doi:10.1038/nature12171

Gioti, A., Nystedt, B., Li, W., Xu, J., Andersson, A., Averette AF. Genomic Insights into the Atopic Eczema-Associated Skin Commensal Yeast Malassezia sympodialis. MBio. 2013;11(3). doi:10.1128/mBio.00572-12

Lopes EG, Moreira DA, Gullón P, Gullón B, Cardelle-Cobas A, Tavaria FK. Topical application of probiotics in skin: adhesion, antimicrobial and antibiofilm in vitro assays. J Appl Microbiol. 2017;122(2):450-461. doi:10.1111/jam.13349

Krutmann J. Pre- and Probiotics for Human Skin. Clin Plast Surg. 2012;39(1):59-64. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2011.09.009

Foligné B, Daniel C, Pot B. Probiotics from research to market: the possibilities, risks and challenges. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2013;16(3):284-292. doi:

Lew LC, Gan CY, Liong MT. Dermal bioactives from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Ann Microbiol. 2013;63(3):1047-1055. doi:10.1007/s13213-012-0561-1

Babilas P, Knie U, Abels C. Kosmetische und dermatologische Anwendung von Alpha-Hydroxysäuren. JDDG - J Ger Soc Dermatology. 2012;10(7):488-491. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2012.07939.x

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Probiotics in cosmetic and personal care products: Trends and challenges. Molecules. 2021;26(5):1-11. doi:10.3390/molecules26051249

Shi LH, Balakrishnan K, Thiagarajah K, Mohd Ismail NI, Yin OS. Beneficial properties of probiotics. Trop Life Sci Res. 2016;27(2):73-90. doi:10.21315/tlsr2016.27.2.6

Cortesia C, Vilchèze C, Bernut A, et al. Acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, is an effective tuberculocidal disinfectant. MBio. 2014;5(2). doi:10.1128/mBio.00013-14

Nagoba BS, Selkar SP, Wadher BJ, Gandhi RC. Acetic acid treatment of pseudomonal wound infections - A review. J Infect Public Health. 2013;6(6):410-415. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2013.05.005

Bjarnsholt T, Alhede M, Jensen PØ, et al. Antibiofilm Properties of Acetic Acid. Adv Wound Care. 2015;4(7):363-372. doi:10.1089/wound.2014.0554

Zandi M, Mohebbi M, Varidi M, Ramezanian N. Evaluation of diacetyl encapsulated alginate-whey protein microspheres release kinetics and mechanism at simulated mouth conditions. Food Res Int. 2014;56:211-217. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2013.11.035

Lew LC, Choi SB, Khoo BY, Liong MT. Mn2+ and Mg2+ improved sphingomyelinase production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus FTDC 8313 and binding affinity to sphingomyelin for generation of ceramides. Process Biochem. 2013;48(12):1815-1821. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2013.09.023

Neuman MG, Nanau RM, Oruña-Sanchez L, Coto G. Hyaluronic acid and wound healing. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2015;18(1):53-60. doi:10.18433/j3k89d

Narurkar VA, Fabi SG, Bucay VW, Tedaldi R, Downie JB, Zeichner JA, Butterwick K, Taub A, Kadoya K, Makino ET, Mehta RC VV. Rejuvenating Hydrator: Restoring Epidermal Hyaluronic Acid Homeostasis With Instant Benefits. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;1(2):24-37.

Alsaheb RAA, Aladdin A, Othman NZ, et al. Lactic acid applications in pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. J Chem Pharm Res. 2015;7(10):729-735.

Matthew G. Percy and Angelika Gründling. Lipoteichoic Acid Synthesis and Function in Gram-Positive Bacteria. Annu Rev Microbiol. 2014;68:81-100.

Sugiyama A, Arakaki R, Ohnishi T, Arakaki N, Daikuhara Y, Takada H. Lipoteichoic acid and interleukin 1 stimulate synergistically production of hepatocyte growth factor (scatter factor) in human gingival fibroblasts in culture. Infect Immun. 1996;64(4):1426-1431. doi:10.1128/iai.64.4.1426-1431.1996

Niyonsaba F. Protective roles of the skin against infection: Implication of naturally occurring human antimicrobial agents β-defensins, cathelicidin LL-37 and lysozyme. J Dermatol Sci. 2005;40(3):157-168.

Jensen, J.M., Forl, M., Winoto-Morbach, S., Seite, S. S, M., Proksch, E. and Schutze S. Acid and neutral sphingomyelinase, ceramide synthase, and acid ceramidase activities in cutaneous aging. Exp Dermatol. 2005;14(609-618).

Jensen, J.M., Folster-Holst, R., Baranowsky, A., Schunck M, Winoto-Morbach, S., Neumann, C., Schutze S and, Proksch E. Impaired sphingomyelinase activity and epidermal differentiation in atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol. 2004;122:1423-1431.

Jung GW, Tse JE, Guiha I, Rao J. Prospective, randomized, open-label trial comparing the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of an acne treatment regimen with and without a probiotic supplement and minocycline in subjects with mild to moderate acne. J Cutan Med Surg. 2013;17(2):114-122. doi:10.2310/7750.2012.12026

Reid G, Abrahamsson T, Bailey M, et al. How do probiotics and prebiotics function at distant sites? Benef Microbes. 2017;8(4):521-533. doi:10.3920/BM2016.0222

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Forty-five-year evolution of probiotic therapy. Microb Cell. 2019;6(4):184-196. doi:10.15698/mic2019.04.673

Nisha K. Kurzekar DW. “Probiotics” In Skin Care Product - A Review. Published online 2018.

Lim K, Koh J. Chapter 5 - Fermented foods and probiotic beverages in Korea. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:61-80. doi:

Sugahara H, Hirota T. Chapter 3 - Probiotic beverages in Japan (some history and current developments). In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:35-48. doi:

Chen W. Chapter 4 - Probiotic beverages in China. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:49-60. doi:

Trevanich S. Chapter 6 - Probiotic beverages in Thailand: Health attributes and future trends. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:81-97. doi:

Paramithiotis S, Syrokou MK, Drosinos EH. Chapter 21 - Thoughts on the future of probiotic beverages. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:441-466. doi:

Cosmetics Overview. In: Us Food and Drug Administration. ; 2021.

Gao Z, Tseng CH, Strober BE, Pei Z, Blaser MJ. Substantial alterations of the cutaneous bacterial biota in psoriatic lesions. PLoS One. 2008;3(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002719

Dunn AB, Hanson L, Vandevusse L, Leslie S. Through the Microbial Looking Glass: Premature Labor, Preeclampsia, and Gestational Diabetes: A Scoping Review. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2019;33(1):35-51. doi:10.1097/JPN.0000000000000375

Lew LC, Liong MT. Bioactives from probiotics for dermal health: Functions and benefits. J Appl Microbiol. 2013;114(5):1241-1253. doi:10.1111/jam.12137

Dréno B, Araviiskaia E, Berardesca E, et al. Microbiome in healthy skin, update for dermatologists. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016;30(12):2038-2047. doi:10.1111/jdv.13965

Byrd AL, Belkaid Y, Segre JA. The human skin microbiome. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2018;16(3):143-155. doi:10.1038/nrmicro.2017.157

Schommer NN GR. Structure and function of the human skin microbiome. Trends Microbiol. 2013;21(21):660-668. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2013.10.001

Fitz-Gibbon S, Tomida S, Chiu BH, et al. Propionibacterium acnes strain populations in the human skin microbiome associated with acne. J Invest Dermatol. 2013;133(9):2152-2160. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.21

Oh J, Conlan S, Polley EC, Segre JA, Kong HH. Shifts in human skin and nares microbiota of healthy children and adults. Genome Med. 2012;4(10):77. doi:10.1186/gm378

Cho I, Blaser MJ. The human microbiome: At the interface of health and disease. Nat Rev Genet. 2012;13(4):260-270. doi:10.1038/nrg3182

Kong H. Eczema, Immunity and the Skin Microbiome. Published online 2013:1-38.

Prescott SL, Larcombe DL, Logan AC, et al. The skin microbiome: Impact of modern environments on skin ecology, barrier integrity, and systemic immune programming. World Allergy Organ J. 2017;10(1):1-16. doi:10.1186/s40413-017-0160-5

Findley K, Oh J, Yang J, et al. Topographic diversity of fungal and bacterial communities in human skin. Nature. 2013;498(7454):367-370. doi:10.1038/nature12171

Gioti, A., Nystedt, B., Li, W., Xu, J., Andersson, A., Averette AF. Genomic Insights into the Atopic Eczema-Associated Skin Commensal Yeast Malassezia sympodialis. MBio. 2013;11(3). doi:10.1128/mBio.00572-12

Lopes EG, Moreira DA, Gullón P, Gullón B, Cardelle-Cobas A, Tavaria FK. Topical application of probiotics in skin: adhesion, antimicrobial and antibiofilm in vitro assays. J Appl Microbiol. 2017;122(2):450-461. doi:10.1111/jam.13349

Krutmann J. Pre- and Probiotics for Human Skin. Clin Plast Surg. 2012;39(1):59-64. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2011.09.009

Foligné B, Daniel C, Pot B. Probiotics from research to market: the possibilities, risks and challenges. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2013;16(3):284-292. doi:

Lew LC, Gan CY, Liong MT. Dermal bioactives from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Ann Microbiol. 2013;63(3):1047-1055. doi:10.1007/s13213-012-0561-1

Babilas P, Knie U, Abels C. Kosmetische und dermatologische Anwendung von Alpha-Hydroxysäuren. JDDG - J Ger Soc Dermatology. 2012;10(7):488-491. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2012.07939.x

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Probiotics in cosmetic and personal care products: Trends and challenges. Molecules. 2021;26(5):1-11. doi:10.3390/molecules26051249

Shi LH, Balakrishnan K, Thiagarajah K, Mohd Ismail NI, Yin OS. Beneficial properties of probiotics. Trop Life Sci Res. 2016;27(2):73-90. doi:10.21315/tlsr2016.27.2.6

Cortesia C, Vilchèze C, Bernut A, et al. Acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, is an effective tuberculocidal disinfectant. MBio. 2014;5(2). doi:10.1128/mBio.00013-14

Nagoba BS, Selkar SP, Wadher BJ, Gandhi RC. Acetic acid treatment of pseudomonal wound infections - A review. J Infect Public Health. 2013;6(6):410-415. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2013.05.005

Bjarnsholt T, Alhede M, Jensen PØ, et al. Antibiofilm Properties of Acetic Acid. Adv Wound Care. 2015;4(7):363-372. doi:10.1089/wound.2014.0554

Zandi M, Mohebbi M, Varidi M, Ramezanian N. Evaluation of diacetyl encapsulated alginate-whey protein microspheres release kinetics and mechanism at simulated mouth conditions. Food Res Int. 2014;56:211-217. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2013.11.035

Lew LC, Choi SB, Khoo BY, Liong MT. Mn2+ and Mg2+ improved sphingomyelinase production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus FTDC 8313 and binding affinity to sphingomyelin for generation of ceramides. Process Biochem. 2013;48(12):1815-1821. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2013.09.023

Neuman MG, Nanau RM, Oruña-Sanchez L, Coto G. Hyaluronic acid and wound healing. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2015;18(1):53-60. doi:10.18433/j3k89d

Narurkar VA, Fabi SG, Bucay VW, Tedaldi R, Downie JB, Zeichner JA, Butterwick K, Taub A, Kadoya K, Makino ET, Mehta RC VV. Rejuvenating Hydrator: Restoring Epidermal Hyaluronic Acid Homeostasis With Instant Benefits. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;1(2):24-37.

Alsaheb RAA, Aladdin A, Othman NZ, et al. Lactic acid applications in pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. J Chem Pharm Res. 2015;7(10):729-735.

Matthew G. Percy and Angelika Gründling. Lipoteichoic Acid Synthesis and Function in Gram-Positive Bacteria. Annu Rev Microbiol. 2014;68:81-100.

Sugiyama A, Arakaki R, Ohnishi T, Arakaki N, Daikuhara Y, Takada H. Lipoteichoic acid and interleukin 1 stimulate synergistically production of hepatocyte growth factor (scatter factor) in human gingival fibroblasts in culture. Infect Immun. 1996;64(4):1426-1431. doi:10.1128/iai.64.4.1426-1431.1996

Niyonsaba F. Protective roles of the skin against infection: Implication of naturally occurring human antimicrobial agents β-defensins, cathelicidin LL-37 and lysozyme. J Dermatol Sci. 2005;40(3):157-168.

Jensen, J.M., Forl, M., Winoto-Morbach, S., Seite, S. S, M., Proksch, E. and Schutze S. Acid and neutral sphingomyelinase, ceramide synthase, and acid ceramidase activities in cutaneous aging. Exp Dermatol. 2005;14(609-618).

Jensen, J.M., Folster-Holst, R., Baranowsky, A., Schunck M, Winoto-Morbach, S., Neumann, C., Schutze S and, Proksch E. Impaired sphingomyelinase activity and epidermal differentiation in atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol. 2004;122:1423-1431.

Jung GW, Tse JE, Guiha I, Rao J. Prospective, randomized, open-label trial comparing the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of an acne treatment regimen with and without a probiotic supplement and minocycline in subjects with mild to moderate acne. J Cutan Med Surg. 2013;17(2):114-122. doi:10.2310/7750.2012.12026

Reid G, Abrahamsson T, Bailey M, et al. How do probiotics and prebiotics function at distant sites? Benef Microbes. 2017;8(4):521-533. doi:10.3920/BM2016.0222

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Forty-five-year evolution of probiotic therapy. Microb Cell. 2019;6(4):184-196. doi:10.15698/mic2019.04.673

Nisha K. Kurzekar DW. “Probiotics” In Skin Care Product - A Review. Published online 2018.

Lim K, Koh J. Chapter 5 - Fermented foods and probiotic beverages in Korea. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:61-80. doi:

Sugahara H, Hirota T. Chapter 3 - Probiotic beverages in Japan (some history and current developments). In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:35-48. doi:

Chen W. Chapter 4 - Probiotic beverages in China. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:49-60. doi:

Trevanich S. Chapter 6 - Probiotic beverages in Thailand: Health attributes and future trends. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:81-97. doi:

Paramithiotis S, Syrokou MK, Drosinos EH. Chapter 21 - Thoughts on the future of probiotic beverages. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:441-466. doi:

Cosmetics Overview. In: Us Food and Drug Administration. ; 2021.

Gao Z, Tseng CH, Strober BE, Pei Z, Blaser MJ. Substantial alterations of the cutaneous bacterial biota in psoriatic lesions. PLoS One. 2008;3(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002719

Dunn AB, Hanson L, Vandevusse L, Leslie S. Through the Microbial Looking Glass: Premature Labor, Preeclampsia, and Gestational Diabetes: A Scoping Review. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2019;33(1):35-51. doi:10.1097/JPN.0000000000000375

Lew LC, Liong MT. Bioactives from probiotics for dermal health: Functions and benefits. J Appl Microbiol. 2013;114(5):1241-1253. doi:10.1111/jam.12137

Dréno B, Araviiskaia E, Berardesca E, et al. Microbiome in healthy skin, update for dermatologists. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016;30(12):2038-2047. doi:10.1111/jdv.13965

Byrd AL, Belkaid Y, Segre JA. The human skin microbiome. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2018;16(3):143-155. doi:10.1038/nrmicro.2017.157

Schommer NN GR. Structure and function of the human skin microbiome. Trends Microbiol. 2013;21(21):660-668. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2013.10.001

Fitz-Gibbon S, Tomida S, Chiu BH, et al. Propionibacterium acnes strain populations in the human skin microbiome associated with acne. J Invest Dermatol. 2013;133(9):2152-2160. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.21

Oh J, Conlan S, Polley EC, Segre JA, Kong HH. Shifts in human skin and nares microbiota of healthy children and adults. Genome Med. 2012;4(10):77. doi:10.1186/gm378

Cho I, Blaser MJ. The human microbiome: At the interface of health and disease. Nat Rev Genet. 2012;13(4):260-270. doi:10.1038/nrg3182

Kong H. Eczema, Immunity and the Skin Microbiome. Published online 2013:1-38.

Prescott SL, Larcombe DL, Logan AC, et al. The skin microbiome: Impact of modern environments on skin ecology, barrier integrity, and systemic immune programming. World Allergy Organ J. 2017;10(1):1-16. doi:10.1186/s40413-017-0160-5

Findley K, Oh J, Yang J, et al. Topographic diversity of fungal and bacterial communities in human skin. Nature. 2013;498(7454):367-370. doi:10.1038/nature12171

Gioti, A., Nystedt, B., Li, W., Xu, J., Andersson, A., Averette AF. Genomic Insights into the Atopic Eczema-Associated Skin Commensal Yeast Malassezia sympodialis. MBio. 2013;11(3). doi:10.1128/mBio.00572-12

Lopes EG, Moreira DA, Gullón P, Gullón B, Cardelle-Cobas A, Tavaria FK. Topical application of probiotics in skin: adhesion, antimicrobial and antibiofilm in vitro assays. J Appl Microbiol. 2017;122(2):450-461. doi:10.1111/jam.13349

Krutmann J. Pre- and Probiotics for Human Skin. Clin Plast Surg. 2012;39(1):59-64. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2011.09.009

Foligné B, Daniel C, Pot B. Probiotics from research to market: the possibilities, risks and challenges. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2013;16(3):284-292. doi:

Lew LC, Gan CY, Liong MT. Dermal bioactives from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Ann Microbiol. 2013;63(3):1047-1055. doi:10.1007/s13213-012-0561-1

Babilas P, Knie U, Abels C. Kosmetische und dermatologische Anwendung von Alpha-Hydroxysäuren. JDDG - J Ger Soc Dermatology. 2012;10(7):488-491. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2012.07939.x

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Probiotics in cosmetic and personal care products: Trends and challenges. Molecules. 2021;26(5):1-11. doi:10.3390/molecules26051249

Shi LH, Balakrishnan K, Thiagarajah K, Mohd Ismail NI, Yin OS. Beneficial properties of probiotics. Trop Life Sci Res. 2016;27(2):73-90. doi:10.21315/tlsr2016.27.2.6

Cortesia C, Vilchèze C, Bernut A, et al. Acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, is an effective tuberculocidal disinfectant. MBio. 2014;5(2). doi:10.1128/mBio.00013-14

Nagoba BS, Selkar SP, Wadher BJ, Gandhi RC. Acetic acid treatment of pseudomonal wound infections - A review. J Infect Public Health. 2013;6(6):410-415. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2013.05.005

Bjarnsholt T, Alhede M, Jensen PØ, et al. Antibiofilm Properties of Acetic Acid. Adv Wound Care. 2015;4(7):363-372. doi:10.1089/wound.2014.0554

Zandi M, Mohebbi M, Varidi M, Ramezanian N. Evaluation of diacetyl encapsulated alginate-whey protein microspheres release kinetics and mechanism at simulated mouth conditions. Food Res Int. 2014;56:211-217. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2013.11.035

Lew LC, Choi SB, Khoo BY, Liong MT. Mn2+ and Mg2+ improved sphingomyelinase production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus FTDC 8313 and binding affinity to sphingomyelin for generation of ceramides. Process Biochem. 2013;48(12):1815-1821. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2013.09.023

Neuman MG, Nanau RM, Oruña-Sanchez L, Coto G. Hyaluronic acid and wound healing. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2015;18(1):53-60. doi:10.18433/j3k89d

Narurkar VA, Fabi SG, Bucay VW, Tedaldi R, Downie JB, Zeichner JA, Butterwick K, Taub A, Kadoya K, Makino ET, Mehta RC VV. Rejuvenating Hydrator: Restoring Epidermal Hyaluronic Acid Homeostasis With Instant Benefits. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;1(2):24-37.

Alsaheb RAA, Aladdin A, Othman NZ, et al. Lactic acid applications in pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. J Chem Pharm Res. 2015;7(10):729-735.

Matthew G. Percy and Angelika Gründling. Lipoteichoic Acid Synthesis and Function in Gram-Positive Bacteria. Annu Rev Microbiol. 2014;68:81-100.

Sugiyama A, Arakaki R, Ohnishi T, Arakaki N, Daikuhara Y, Takada H. Lipoteichoic acid and interleukin 1 stimulate synergistically production of hepatocyte growth factor (scatter factor) in human gingival fibroblasts in culture. Infect Immun. 1996;64(4):1426-1431. doi:10.1128/iai.64.4.1426-1431.1996

Niyonsaba F. Protective roles of the skin against infection: Implication of naturally occurring human antimicrobial agents β-defensins, cathelicidin LL-37 and lysozyme. J Dermatol Sci. 2005;40(3):157-168.

Jensen, J.M., Forl, M., Winoto-Morbach, S., Seite, S. S, M., Proksch, E. and Schutze S. Acid and neutral sphingomyelinase, ceramide synthase, and acid ceramidase activities in cutaneous aging. Exp Dermatol. 2005;14(609-618).

Jensen, J.M., Folster-Holst, R., Baranowsky, A., Schunck M, Winoto-Morbach, S., Neumann, C., Schutze S and, Proksch E. Impaired sphingomyelinase activity and epidermal differentiation in atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol. 2004;122:1423-1431.

Jung GW, Tse JE, Guiha I, Rao J. Prospective, randomized, open-label trial comparing the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of an acne treatment regimen with and without a probiotic supplement and minocycline in subjects with mild to moderate acne. J Cutan Med Surg. 2013;17(2):114-122. doi:10.2310/7750.2012.12026

Reid G, Abrahamsson T, Bailey M, et al. How do probiotics and prebiotics function at distant sites? Benef Microbes. 2017;8(4):521-533. doi:10.3920/BM2016.0222

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Forty-five-year evolution of probiotic therapy. Microb Cell. 2019;6(4):184-196. doi:10.15698/mic2019.04.673

Nisha K. Kurzekar DW. “Probiotics” In Skin Care Product - A Review. Published online 2018.

Lim K, Koh J. Chapter 5 - Fermented foods and probiotic beverages in Korea. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:61-80. doi:

Sugahara H, Hirota T. Chapter 3 - Probiotic beverages in Japan (some history and current developments). In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:35-48. doi:

Chen W. Chapter 4 - Probiotic beverages in China. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:49-60. doi:

Trevanich S. Chapter 6 - Probiotic beverages in Thailand: Health attributes and future trends. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:81-97. doi:

Paramithiotis S, Syrokou MK, Drosinos EH. Chapter 21 - Thoughts on the future of probiotic beverages. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:441-466. doi:

Cosmetics Overview. In: Us Food and Drug Administration. ; 2021.

Gao Z, Tseng CH, Strober BE, Pei Z, Blaser MJ. Substantial alterations of the cutaneous bacterial biota in psoriatic lesions. PLoS One. 2008;3(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002719

Dunn AB, Hanson L, Vandevusse L, Leslie S. Through the Microbial Looking Glass: Premature Labor, Preeclampsia, and Gestational Diabetes: A Scoping Review. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2019;33(1):35-51. doi:10.1097/JPN.0000000000000375

Lew LC, Liong MT. Bioactives from probiotics for dermal health: Functions and benefits. J Appl Microbiol. 2013;114(5):1241-1253. doi:10.1111/jam.12137

Dréno B, Araviiskaia E, Berardesca E, et al. Microbiome in healthy skin, update for dermatologists. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016;30(12):2038-2047. doi:10.1111/jdv.13965

Byrd AL, Belkaid Y, Segre JA. The human skin microbiome. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2018;16(3):143-155. doi:10.1038/nrmicro.2017.157

Schommer NN GR. Structure and function of the human skin microbiome. Trends Microbiol. 2013;21(21):660-668. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2013.10.001

Fitz-Gibbon S, Tomida S, Chiu BH, et al. Propionibacterium acnes strain populations in the human skin microbiome associated with acne. J Invest Dermatol. 2013;133(9):2152-2160. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.21

Oh J, Conlan S, Polley EC, Segre JA, Kong HH. Shifts in human skin and nares microbiota of healthy children and adults. Genome Med. 2012;4(10):77. doi:10.1186/gm378

Cho I, Blaser MJ. The human microbiome: At the interface of health and disease. Nat Rev Genet. 2012;13(4):260-270. doi:10.1038/nrg3182

Kong H. Eczema, Immunity and the Skin Microbiome. Published online 2013:1-38.

Prescott SL, Larcombe DL, Logan AC, et al. The skin microbiome: Impact of modern environments on skin ecology, barrier integrity, and systemic immune programming. World Allergy Organ J. 2017;10(1):1-16. doi:10.1186/s40413-017-0160-5

Findley K, Oh J, Yang J, et al. Topographic diversity of fungal and bacterial communities in human skin. Nature. 2013;498(7454):367-370. doi:10.1038/nature12171

Gioti, A., Nystedt, B., Li, W., Xu, J., Andersson, A., Averette AF. Genomic Insights into the Atopic Eczema-Associated Skin Commensal Yeast Malassezia sympodialis. MBio. 2013;11(3). doi:10.1128/mBio.00572-12

Lopes EG, Moreira DA, Gullón P, Gullón B, Cardelle-Cobas A, Tavaria FK. Topical application of probiotics in skin: adhesion, antimicrobial and antibiofilm in vitro assays. J Appl Microbiol. 2017;122(2):450-461. doi:10.1111/jam.13349

Krutmann J. Pre- and Probiotics for Human Skin. Clin Plast Surg. 2012;39(1):59-64. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2011.09.009

Foligné B, Daniel C, Pot B. Probiotics from research to market: the possibilities, risks and challenges. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2013;16(3):284-292. doi:

Lew LC, Gan CY, Liong MT. Dermal bioactives from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Ann Microbiol. 2013;63(3):1047-1055. doi:10.1007/s13213-012-0561-1

Babilas P, Knie U, Abels C. Kosmetische und dermatologische Anwendung von Alpha-Hydroxysäuren. JDDG - J Ger Soc Dermatology. 2012;10(7):488-491. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2012.07939.x

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Probiotics in cosmetic and personal care products: Trends and challenges. Molecules. 2021;26(5):1-11. doi:10.3390/molecules26051249

Shi LH, Balakrishnan K, Thiagarajah K, Mohd Ismail NI, Yin OS. Beneficial properties of probiotics. Trop Life Sci Res. 2016;27(2):73-90. doi:10.21315/tlsr2016.27.2.6

Cortesia C, Vilchèze C, Bernut A, et al. Acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, is an effective tuberculocidal disinfectant. MBio. 2014;5(2). doi:10.1128/mBio.00013-14

Nagoba BS, Selkar SP, Wadher BJ, Gandhi RC. Acetic acid treatment of pseudomonal wound infections - A review. J Infect Public Health. 2013;6(6):410-415. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2013.05.005

Bjarnsholt T, Alhede M, Jensen PØ, et al. Antibiofilm Properties of Acetic Acid. Adv Wound Care. 2015;4(7):363-372. doi:10.1089/wound.2014.0554

Zandi M, Mohebbi M, Varidi M, Ramezanian N. Evaluation of diacetyl encapsulated alginate-whey protein microspheres release kinetics and mechanism at simulated mouth conditions. Food Res Int. 2014;56:211-217. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2013.11.035

Lew LC, Choi SB, Khoo BY, Liong MT. Mn2+ and Mg2+ improved sphingomyelinase production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus FTDC 8313 and binding affinity to sphingomyelin for generation of ceramides. Process Biochem. 2013;48(12):1815-1821. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2013.09.023

Neuman MG, Nanau RM, Oruña-Sanchez L, Coto G. Hyaluronic acid and wound healing. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2015;18(1):53-60. doi:10.18433/j3k89d

Narurkar VA, Fabi SG, Bucay VW, Tedaldi R, Downie JB, Zeichner JA, Butterwick K, Taub A, Kadoya K, Makino ET, Mehta RC VV. Rejuvenating Hydrator: Restoring Epidermal Hyaluronic Acid Homeostasis With Instant Benefits. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;1(2):24-37.

Alsaheb RAA, Aladdin A, Othman NZ, et al. Lactic acid applications in pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. J Chem Pharm Res. 2015;7(10):729-735.

Matthew G. Percy and Angelika Gründling. Lipoteichoic Acid Synthesis and Function in Gram-Positive Bacteria. Annu Rev Microbiol. 2014;68:81-100.

Sugiyama A, Arakaki R, Ohnishi T, Arakaki N, Daikuhara Y, Takada H. Lipoteichoic acid and interleukin 1 stimulate synergistically production of hepatocyte growth factor (scatter factor) in human gingival fibroblasts in culture. Infect Immun. 1996;64(4):1426-1431. doi:10.1128/iai.64.4.1426-1431.1996

Niyonsaba F. Protective roles of the skin against infection: Implication of naturally occurring human antimicrobial agents β-defensins, cathelicidin LL-37 and lysozyme. J Dermatol Sci. 2005;40(3):157-168.

Jensen, J.M., Forl, M., Winoto-Morbach, S., Seite, S. S, M., Proksch, E. and Schutze S. Acid and neutral sphingomyelinase, ceramide synthase, and acid ceramidase activities in cutaneous aging. Exp Dermatol. 2005;14(609-618).

Jensen, J.M., Folster-Holst, R., Baranowsky, A., Schunck M, Winoto-Morbach, S., Neumann, C., Schutze S and, Proksch E. Impaired sphingomyelinase activity and epidermal differentiation in atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol. 2004;122:1423-1431.

Jung GW, Tse JE, Guiha I, Rao J. Prospective, randomized, open-label trial comparing the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of an acne treatment regimen with and without a probiotic supplement and minocycline in subjects with mild to moderate acne. J Cutan Med Surg. 2013;17(2):114-122. doi:10.2310/7750.2012.12026

Reid G, Abrahamsson T, Bailey M, et al. How do probiotics and prebiotics function at distant sites? Benef Microbes. 2017;8(4):521-533. doi:10.3920/BM2016.0222

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Forty-five-year evolution of probiotic therapy. Microb Cell. 2019;6(4):184-196. doi:10.15698/mic2019.04.673

Nisha K. Kurzekar DW. “Probiotics” In Skin Care Product - A Review. Published online 2018.

Lim K, Koh J. Chapter 5 - Fermented foods and probiotic beverages in Korea. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:61-80. doi:

Sugahara H, Hirota T. Chapter 3 - Probiotic beverages in Japan (some history and current developments). In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:35-48. doi:

Chen W. Chapter 4 - Probiotic beverages in China. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:49-60. doi:

Trevanich S. Chapter 6 - Probiotic beverages in Thailand: Health attributes and future trends. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:81-97. doi:

Paramithiotis S, Syrokou MK, Drosinos EH. Chapter 21 - Thoughts on the future of probiotic beverages. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:441-466. doi:

Cosmetics Overview. In: Us Food and Drug Administration. ; 2021.

Gao Z, Tseng CH, Strober BE, Pei Z, Blaser MJ. Substantial alterations of the cutaneous bacterial biota in psoriatic lesions. PLoS One. 2008;3(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002719

Dunn AB, Hanson L, Vandevusse L, Leslie S. Through the Microbial Looking Glass: Premature Labor, Preeclampsia, and Gestational Diabetes: A Scoping Review. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2019;33(1):35-51. doi:10.1097/JPN.0000000000000375

Lew LC, Liong MT. Bioactives from probiotics for dermal health: Functions and benefits. J Appl Microbiol. 2013;114(5):1241-1253. doi:10.1111/jam.12137

Dréno B, Araviiskaia E, Berardesca E, et al. Microbiome in healthy skin, update for dermatologists. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016;30(12):2038-2047. doi:10.1111/jdv.13965

Byrd AL, Belkaid Y, Segre JA. The human skin microbiome. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2018;16(3):143-155. doi:10.1038/nrmicro.2017.157

Schommer NN GR. Structure and function of the human skin microbiome. Trends Microbiol. 2013;21(21):660-668. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2013.10.001

Fitz-Gibbon S, Tomida S, Chiu BH, et al. Propionibacterium acnes strain populations in the human skin microbiome associated with acne. J Invest Dermatol. 2013;133(9):2152-2160. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.21

Oh J, Conlan S, Polley EC, Segre JA, Kong HH. Shifts in human skin and nares microbiota of healthy children and adults. Genome Med. 2012;4(10):77. doi:10.1186/gm378

Cho I, Blaser MJ. The human microbiome: At the interface of health and disease. Nat Rev Genet. 2012;13(4):260-270. doi:10.1038/nrg3182

Kong H. Eczema, Immunity and the Skin Microbiome. Published online 2013:1-38.

Prescott SL, Larcombe DL, Logan AC, et al. The skin microbiome: Impact of modern environments on skin ecology, barrier integrity, and systemic immune programming. World Allergy Organ J. 2017;10(1):1-16. doi:10.1186/s40413-017-0160-5

Findley K, Oh J, Yang J, et al. Topographic diversity of fungal and bacterial communities in human skin. Nature. 2013;498(7454):367-370. doi:10.1038/nature12171

Gioti, A., Nystedt, B., Li, W., Xu, J., Andersson, A., Averette AF. Genomic Insights into the Atopic Eczema-Associated Skin Commensal Yeast Malassezia sympodialis. MBio. 2013;11(3). doi:10.1128/mBio.00572-12

Lopes EG, Moreira DA, Gullón P, Gullón B, Cardelle-Cobas A, Tavaria FK. Topical application of probiotics in skin: adhesion, antimicrobial and antibiofilm in vitro assays. J Appl Microbiol. 2017;122(2):450-461. doi:10.1111/jam.13349

Krutmann J. Pre- and Probiotics for Human Skin. Clin Plast Surg. 2012;39(1):59-64. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2011.09.009

Foligné B, Daniel C, Pot B. Probiotics from research to market: the possibilities, risks and challenges. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2013;16(3):284-292. doi:

Lew LC, Gan CY, Liong MT. Dermal bioactives from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Ann Microbiol. 2013;63(3):1047-1055. doi:10.1007/s13213-012-0561-1

Babilas P, Knie U, Abels C. Kosmetische und dermatologische Anwendung von Alpha-Hydroxysäuren. JDDG - J Ger Soc Dermatology. 2012;10(7):488-491. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2012.07939.x

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Probiotics in cosmetic and personal care products: Trends and challenges. Molecules. 2021;26(5):1-11. doi:10.3390/molecules26051249

Shi LH, Balakrishnan K, Thiagarajah K, Mohd Ismail NI, Yin OS. Beneficial properties of probiotics. Trop Life Sci Res. 2016;27(2):73-90. doi:10.21315/tlsr2016.27.2.6

Cortesia C, Vilchèze C, Bernut A, et al. Acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, is an effective tuberculocidal disinfectant. MBio. 2014;5(2). doi:10.1128/mBio.00013-14

Nagoba BS, Selkar SP, Wadher BJ, Gandhi RC. Acetic acid treatment of pseudomonal wound infections - A review. J Infect Public Health. 2013;6(6):410-415. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2013.05.005

Bjarnsholt T, Alhede M, Jensen PØ, et al. Antibiofilm Properties of Acetic Acid. Adv Wound Care. 2015;4(7):363-372. doi:10.1089/wound.2014.0554

Zandi M, Mohebbi M, Varidi M, Ramezanian N. Evaluation of diacetyl encapsulated alginate-whey protein microspheres release kinetics and mechanism at simulated mouth conditions. Food Res Int. 2014;56:211-217. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2013.11.035

Lew LC, Choi SB, Khoo BY, Liong MT. Mn2+ and Mg2+ improved sphingomyelinase production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus FTDC 8313 and binding affinity to sphingomyelin for generation of ceramides. Process Biochem. 2013;48(12):1815-1821. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2013.09.023

Neuman MG, Nanau RM, Oruña-Sanchez L, Coto G. Hyaluronic acid and wound healing. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2015;18(1):53-60. doi:10.18433/j3k89d

Narurkar VA, Fabi SG, Bucay VW, Tedaldi R, Downie JB, Zeichner JA, Butterwick K, Taub A, Kadoya K, Makino ET, Mehta RC VV. Rejuvenating Hydrator: Restoring Epidermal Hyaluronic Acid Homeostasis With Instant Benefits. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;1(2):24-37.

Alsaheb RAA, Aladdin A, Othman NZ, et al. Lactic acid applications in pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. J Chem Pharm Res. 2015;7(10):729-735.

Matthew G. Percy and Angelika Gründling. Lipoteichoic Acid Synthesis and Function in Gram-Positive Bacteria. Annu Rev Microbiol. 2014;68:81-100.

Sugiyama A, Arakaki R, Ohnishi T, Arakaki N, Daikuhara Y, Takada H. Lipoteichoic acid and interleukin 1 stimulate synergistically production of hepatocyte growth factor (scatter factor) in human gingival fibroblasts in culture. Infect Immun. 1996;64(4):1426-1431. doi:10.1128/iai.64.4.1426-1431.1996

Niyonsaba F. Protective roles of the skin against infection: Implication of naturally occurring human antimicrobial agents β-defensins, cathelicidin LL-37 and lysozyme. J Dermatol Sci. 2005;40(3):157-168.

Jensen, J.M., Forl, M., Winoto-Morbach, S., Seite, S. S, M., Proksch, E. and Schutze S. Acid and neutral sphingomyelinase, ceramide synthase, and acid ceramidase activities in cutaneous aging. Exp Dermatol. 2005;14(609-618).

Jensen, J.M., Folster-Holst, R., Baranowsky, A., Schunck M, Winoto-Morbach, S., Neumann, C., Schutze S and, Proksch E. Impaired sphingomyelinase activity and epidermal differentiation in atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol. 2004;122:1423-1431.

Jung GW, Tse JE, Guiha I, Rao J. Prospective, randomized, open-label trial comparing the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of an acne treatment regimen with and without a probiotic supplement and minocycline in subjects with mild to moderate acne. J Cutan Med Surg. 2013;17(2):114-122. doi:10.2310/7750.2012.12026

Reid G, Abrahamsson T, Bailey M, et al. How do probiotics and prebiotics function at distant sites? Benef Microbes. 2017;8(4):521-533. doi:10.3920/BM2016.0222

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Forty-five-year evolution of probiotic therapy. Microb Cell. 2019;6(4):184-196. doi:10.15698/mic2019.04.673

Nisha K. Kurzekar DW. “Probiotics” In Skin Care Product - A Review. Published online 2018.

Lim K, Koh J. Chapter 5 - Fermented foods and probiotic beverages in Korea. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:61-80. doi:

Sugahara H, Hirota T. Chapter 3 - Probiotic beverages in Japan (some history and current developments). In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:35-48. doi:

Chen W. Chapter 4 - Probiotic beverages in China. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:49-60. doi:

Trevanich S. Chapter 6 - Probiotic beverages in Thailand: Health attributes and future trends. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:81-97. doi:

Paramithiotis S, Syrokou MK, Drosinos EH. Chapter 21 - Thoughts on the future of probiotic beverages. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:441-466. doi:

Cosmetics Overview. In: Us Food and Drug Administration. ; 2021.

Gao Z, Tseng CH, Strober BE, Pei Z, Blaser MJ. Substantial alterations of the cutaneous bacterial biota in psoriatic lesions. PLoS One. 2008;3(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002719

Dunn AB, Hanson L, Vandevusse L, Leslie S. Through the Microbial Looking Glass: Premature Labor, Preeclampsia, and Gestational Diabetes: A Scoping Review. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2019;33(1):35-51. doi:10.1097/JPN.0000000000000375

Lew LC, Liong MT. Bioactives from probiotics for dermal health: Functions and benefits. J Appl Microbiol. 2013;114(5):1241-1253. doi:10.1111/jam.12137

Dréno B, Araviiskaia E, Berardesca E, et al. Microbiome in healthy skin, update for dermatologists. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016;30(12):2038-2047. doi:10.1111/jdv.13965

Byrd AL, Belkaid Y, Segre JA. The human skin microbiome. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2018;16(3):143-155. doi:10.1038/nrmicro.2017.157

Schommer NN GR. Structure and function of the human skin microbiome. Trends Microbiol. 2013;21(21):660-668. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2013.10.001

Fitz-Gibbon S, Tomida S, Chiu BH, et al. Propionibacterium acnes strain populations in the human skin microbiome associated with acne. J Invest Dermatol. 2013;133(9):2152-2160. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.21

Oh J, Conlan S, Polley EC, Segre JA, Kong HH. Shifts in human skin and nares microbiota of healthy children and adults. Genome Med. 2012;4(10):77. doi:10.1186/gm378

Cho I, Blaser MJ. The human microbiome: At the interface of health and disease. Nat Rev Genet. 2012;13(4):260-270. doi:10.1038/nrg3182

Kong H. Eczema, Immunity and the Skin Microbiome. Published online 2013:1-38.

Prescott SL, Larcombe DL, Logan AC, et al. The skin microbiome: Impact of modern environments on skin ecology, barrier integrity, and systemic immune programming. World Allergy Organ J. 2017;10(1):1-16. doi:10.1186/s40413-017-0160-5

Findley K, Oh J, Yang J, et al. Topographic diversity of fungal and bacterial communities in human skin. Nature. 2013;498(7454):367-370. doi:10.1038/nature12171

Gioti, A., Nystedt, B., Li, W., Xu, J., Andersson, A., Averette AF. Genomic Insights into the Atopic Eczema-Associated Skin Commensal Yeast Malassezia sympodialis. MBio. 2013;11(3). doi:10.1128/mBio.00572-12

Lopes EG, Moreira DA, Gullón P, Gullón B, Cardelle-Cobas A, Tavaria FK. Topical application of probiotics in skin: adhesion, antimicrobial and antibiofilm in vitro assays. J Appl Microbiol. 2017;122(2):450-461. doi:10.1111/jam.13349

Krutmann J. Pre- and Probiotics for Human Skin. Clin Plast Surg. 2012;39(1):59-64. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2011.09.009

Foligné B, Daniel C, Pot B. Probiotics from research to market: the possibilities, risks and challenges. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2013;16(3):284-292. doi:

Lew LC, Gan CY, Liong MT. Dermal bioactives from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Ann Microbiol. 2013;63(3):1047-1055. doi:10.1007/s13213-012-0561-1

Babilas P, Knie U, Abels C. Kosmetische und dermatologische Anwendung von Alpha-Hydroxysäuren. JDDG - J Ger Soc Dermatology. 2012;10(7):488-491. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2012.07939.x

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Probiotics in cosmetic and personal care products: Trends and challenges. Molecules. 2021;26(5):1-11. doi:10.3390/molecules26051249

Shi LH, Balakrishnan K, Thiagarajah K, Mohd Ismail NI, Yin OS. Beneficial properties of probiotics. Trop Life Sci Res. 2016;27(2):73-90. doi:10.21315/tlsr2016.27.2.6

Cortesia C, Vilchèze C, Bernut A, et al. Acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, is an effective tuberculocidal disinfectant. MBio. 2014;5(2). doi:10.1128/mBio.00013-14

Nagoba BS, Selkar SP, Wadher BJ, Gandhi RC. Acetic acid treatment of pseudomonal wound infections - A review. J Infect Public Health. 2013;6(6):410-415. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2013.05.005

Bjarnsholt T, Alhede M, Jensen PØ, et al. Antibiofilm Properties of Acetic Acid. Adv Wound Care. 2015;4(7):363-372. doi:10.1089/wound.2014.0554

Zandi M, Mohebbi M, Varidi M, Ramezanian N. Evaluation of diacetyl encapsulated alginate-whey protein microspheres release kinetics and mechanism at simulated mouth conditions. Food Res Int. 2014;56:211-217. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2013.11.035

Lew LC, Choi SB, Khoo BY, Liong MT. Mn2+ and Mg2+ improved sphingomyelinase production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus FTDC 8313 and binding affinity to sphingomyelin for generation of ceramides. Process Biochem. 2013;48(12):1815-1821. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2013.09.023

Neuman MG, Nanau RM, Oruña-Sanchez L, Coto G. Hyaluronic acid and wound healing. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2015;18(1):53-60. doi:10.18433/j3k89d

Narurkar VA, Fabi SG, Bucay VW, Tedaldi R, Downie JB, Zeichner JA, Butterwick K, Taub A, Kadoya K, Makino ET, Mehta RC VV. Rejuvenating Hydrator: Restoring Epidermal Hyaluronic Acid Homeostasis With Instant Benefits. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;1(2):24-37.

Alsaheb RAA, Aladdin A, Othman NZ, et al. Lactic acid applications in pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. J Chem Pharm Res. 2015;7(10):729-735.

Matthew G. Percy and Angelika Gründling. Lipoteichoic Acid Synthesis and Function in Gram-Positive Bacteria. Annu Rev Microbiol. 2014;68:81-100.

Sugiyama A, Arakaki R, Ohnishi T, Arakaki N, Daikuhara Y, Takada H. Lipoteichoic acid and interleukin 1 stimulate synergistically production of hepatocyte growth factor (scatter factor) in human gingival fibroblasts in culture. Infect Immun. 1996;64(4):1426-1431. doi:10.1128/iai.64.4.1426-1431.1996

Niyonsaba F. Protective roles of the skin against infection: Implication of naturally occurring human antimicrobial agents β-defensins, cathelicidin LL-37 and lysozyme. J Dermatol Sci. 2005;40(3):157-168.

Jensen, J.M., Forl, M., Winoto-Morbach, S., Seite, S. S, M., Proksch, E. and Schutze S. Acid and neutral sphingomyelinase, ceramide synthase, and acid ceramidase activities in cutaneous aging. Exp Dermatol. 2005;14(609-618).

Jensen, J.M., Folster-Holst, R., Baranowsky, A., Schunck M, Winoto-Morbach, S., Neumann, C., Schutze S and, Proksch E. Impaired sphingomyelinase activity and epidermal differentiation in atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol. 2004;122:1423-1431.

Jung GW, Tse JE, Guiha I, Rao J. Prospective, randomized, open-label trial comparing the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of an acne treatment regimen with and without a probiotic supplement and minocycline in subjects with mild to moderate acne. J Cutan Med Surg. 2013;17(2):114-122. doi:10.2310/7750.2012.12026

Reid G, Abrahamsson T, Bailey M, et al. How do probiotics and prebiotics function at distant sites? Benef Microbes. 2017;8(4):521-533. doi:10.3920/BM2016.0222

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Forty-five-year evolution of probiotic therapy. Microb Cell. 2019;6(4):184-196. doi:10.15698/mic2019.04.673

Nisha K. Kurzekar DW. “Probiotics” In Skin Care Product - A Review. Published online 2018.

Lim K, Koh J. Chapter 5 - Fermented foods and probiotic beverages in Korea. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:61-80. doi:

Sugahara H, Hirota T. Chapter 3 - Probiotic beverages in Japan (some history and current developments). In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:35-48. doi:

Chen W. Chapter 4 - Probiotic beverages in China. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:49-60. doi:

Trevanich S. Chapter 6 - Probiotic beverages in Thailand: Health attributes and future trends. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:81-97. doi:

Paramithiotis S, Syrokou MK, Drosinos EH. Chapter 21 - Thoughts on the future of probiotic beverages. In: Panda SK, Kellershohn J, Russell IBT-PB, eds. Academic Press; 2021:441-466. doi:

Cosmetics Overview. In: Us Food and Drug Administration. ; 2021.

Gao Z, Tseng CH, Strober BE, Pei Z, Blaser MJ. Substantial alterations of the cutaneous bacterial biota in psoriatic lesions. PLoS One. 2008;3(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002719

Dunn AB, Hanson L, Vandevusse L, Leslie S. Through the Microbial Looking Glass: Premature Labor, Preeclampsia, and Gestational Diabetes: A Scoping Review. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2019;33(1):35-51. doi:10.1097/JPN.0000000000000375

Lew LC, Liong MT. Bioactives from probiotics for dermal health: Functions and benefits. J Appl Microbiol. 2013;114(5):1241-1253. doi:10.1111/jam.12137

Dréno B, Araviiskaia E, Berardesca E, et al. Microbiome in healthy skin, update for dermatologists. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016;30(12):2038-2047. doi:10.1111/jdv.13965

Byrd AL, Belkaid Y, Segre JA. The human skin microbiome. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2018;16(3):143-155. doi:10.1038/nrmicro.2017.157

Schommer NN GR. Structure and function of the human skin microbiome. Trends Microbiol. 2013;21(21):660-668. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2013.10.001

Fitz-Gibbon S, Tomida S, Chiu BH, et al. Propionibacterium acnes strain populations in the human skin microbiome associated with acne. J Invest Dermatol. 2013;133(9):2152-2160. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.21

Oh J, Conlan S, Polley EC, Segre JA, Kong HH. Shifts in human skin and nares microbiota of healthy children and adults. Genome Med. 2012;4(10):77. doi:10.1186/gm378

Cho I, Blaser MJ. The human microbiome: At the interface of health and disease. Nat Rev Genet. 2012;13(4):260-270. doi:10.1038/nrg3182

Kong H. Eczema, Immunity and the Skin Microbiome. Published online 2013:1-38.

Prescott SL, Larcombe DL, Logan AC, et al. The skin microbiome: Impact of modern environments on skin ecology, barrier integrity, and systemic immune programming. World Allergy Organ J. 2017;10(1):1-16. doi:10.1186/s40413-017-0160-5

Findley K, Oh J, Yang J, et al. Topographic diversity of fungal and bacterial communities in human skin. Nature. 2013;498(7454):367-370. doi:10.1038/nature12171

Gioti, A., Nystedt, B., Li, W., Xu, J., Andersson, A., Averette AF. Genomic Insights into the Atopic Eczema-Associated Skin Commensal Yeast Malassezia sympodialis. MBio. 2013;11(3). doi:10.1128/mBio.00572-12

Lopes EG, Moreira DA, Gullón P, Gullón B, Cardelle-Cobas A, Tavaria FK. Topical application of probiotics in skin: adhesion, antimicrobial and antibiofilm in vitro assays. J Appl Microbiol. 2017;122(2):450-461. doi:10.1111/jam.13349

Krutmann J. Pre- and Probiotics for Human Skin. Clin Plast Surg. 2012;39(1):59-64. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2011.09.009

Foligné B, Daniel C, Pot B. Probiotics from research to market: the possibilities, risks and challenges. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2013;16(3):284-292. doi:

Lew LC, Gan CY, Liong MT. Dermal bioactives from lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Ann Microbiol. 2013;63(3):1047-1055. doi:10.1007/s13213-012-0561-1

Babilas P, Knie U, Abels C. Kosmetische und dermatologische Anwendung von Alpha-Hydroxysäuren. JDDG - J Ger Soc Dermatology. 2012;10(7):488-491. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2012.07939.x

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Probiotics in cosmetic and personal care products: Trends and challenges. Molecules. 2021;26(5):1-11. doi:10.3390/molecules26051249

Shi LH, Balakrishnan K, Thiagarajah K, Mohd Ismail NI, Yin OS. Beneficial properties of probiotics. Trop Life Sci Res. 2016;27(2):73-90. doi:10.21315/tlsr2016.27.2.6

Cortesia C, Vilchèze C, Bernut A, et al. Acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, is an effective tuberculocidal disinfectant. MBio. 2014;5(2). doi:10.1128/mBio.00013-14

Nagoba BS, Selkar SP, Wadher BJ, Gandhi RC. Acetic acid treatment of pseudomonal wound infections - A review. J Infect Public Health. 2013;6(6):410-415. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2013.05.005

Bjarnsholt T, Alhede M, Jensen PØ, et al. Antibiofilm Properties of Acetic Acid. Adv Wound Care. 2015;4(7):363-372. doi:10.1089/wound.2014.0554

Zandi M, Mohebbi M, Varidi M, Ramezanian N. Evaluation of diacetyl encapsulated alginate-whey protein microspheres release kinetics and mechanism at simulated mouth conditions. Food Res Int. 2014;56:211-217. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2013.11.035

Lew LC, Choi SB, Khoo BY, Liong MT. Mn2+ and Mg2+ improved sphingomyelinase production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus FTDC 8313 and binding affinity to sphingomyelin for generation of ceramides. Process Biochem. 2013;48(12):1815-1821. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2013.09.023

Neuman MG, Nanau RM, Oruña-Sanchez L, Coto G. Hyaluronic acid and wound healing. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2015;18(1):53-60. doi:10.18433/j3k89d

Narurkar VA, Fabi SG, Bucay VW, Tedaldi R, Downie JB, Zeichner JA, Butterwick K, Taub A, Kadoya K, Makino ET, Mehta RC VV. Rejuvenating Hydrator: Restoring Epidermal Hyaluronic Acid Homeostasis With Instant Benefits. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;1(2):24-37.

Alsaheb RAA, Aladdin A, Othman NZ, et al. Lactic acid applications in pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. J Chem Pharm Res. 2015;7(10):729-735.

Matthew G. Percy and Angelika Gründling. Lipoteichoic Acid Synthesis and Function in Gram-Positive Bacteria. Annu Rev Microbiol. 2014;68:81-100.

Jensen, J.M., Forl, M., Winoto-Morbach, S., Seite, S. S, M., Proksch, E. and Schutze S. Acid and neutral sphingomyelinase, ceramide synthase, and acid ceramidase activities in cutaneous aging. Exp Dermatol. 2005;14(609-618).

Jensen, J.M., Folster-Holst, R., Baranowsky, A., Schunck M, Winoto-Morbach, S., Neumann, C., Schutze S and, Proksch E. Impaired sphingomyelinase activity and epidermal differentiation in atopic dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol. 2004;122:1423- 1431.

Jung GW, Tse JE, Guiha I, Rao J. Prospective, randomized, open-label trial comparing the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of an acne treatment regimen with and without a probiotic supplement and minocycline in subjects with mild to moderate acne. J Cutan Med Surg. 2013;17(2):114-122. doi:10.2310/7750.2012.12026

Reid G, Abrahamsson T, Bailey M, et al. How do probiotics and prebiotics function at distant sites? Benef Microbes. 2017;8(4):521-533. doi:10.3920/BM2016.0222

Puebla-Barragan S, Reid G. Forty-five-year evolution of probiotic therapy. Microb Cell. 2019;6(4):184-196. doi:10.15698/mic2019.04.673

Al-Saedi F, Dakhil IA, Hummod A, Nather Q. Formulation and evaluation of acetic acid lotion for the treatment of wound infection. Indian J Public Heal Res Dev. 2019;10(11):4827-4832. doi:10.5958/0976-5506.2019.03914.7

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