*Corresponding author,
e-mail : kri.alatas@lecture.unjani.ac.id (F. Alatas)
© 2020 Alatas et al
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2020 (1-6)
Solubility Enhancement of Clozapine through Co-crystal Formation with
Fikri Alatas
, Hestiary Ratih
, Hesti Kurnia
, Sundani N. Soewandhi
1. Pharmaceutics group, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal
Sudirman, Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia, 40521
2. Pharmaceutics group, School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung,
West Java, Indonesia.
Received: 17 Oct 2019/ Revised: 17 Nov 2019/ Accepted: 26 Nov 2019/ Published: 6 Jan 2020
Clozapine (CLO) is an eective atypical antipsychotic to control the symptoms of psychosis and
schizophrenia. Clozapine has low solubility and high permeability, so it is classied as a class II in
the biopharmaceutical classication system. The aim of this study was to improve the solubility and
dissolution rate of clozapine by clozapine-isonicotinamide (CLO-INA) co-crystal formation. CLO-
INA co-crystal was prepared by solvent-drop grinding (SDG) method using water as a solvent.
Characterization of SDG result was conducted by powder X-ray diraction (PXRD) and Fourier
transform infrared (FTIR). Solubility test was performed in water at room temperature. The dissolution
test was performed in 900 mL of pH 6.8 phosphate buer solution, 50 rotation per minute of paddle
rotation, and at 37±0.5 °C. The PXRD pattern of SDG result of CLO-INA has many dierent peaks
from its parent components, and this may indicate the co-crystal formation. The solubility of the co-
crystal clozapine was fteen folds higher than pure clozapine. The dissolution rate of CLO-INA co-
crystal increased in the rst 10 minutes compared to pure clozapine. Percentage of clozapine dissolved
after 10 minutes from CLO-INA co-crystal and pure CLO were 10.2 and 2.4%, respectively. CLO
and INA can form co-crystal by SDG method that can improve the solubility and dissolution rate of
Keywords: Clozapine, Isonicotinamide, Co-crystal, Solubility, Dissolution
1. Introduction
Clozapine (CLO) is a potent antipsychotic
widely used to suppress both positive and negative
symptoms of schizophrenia and some neuroleptic
responses [1]. CLO is classied as a class II drug
according to biopharmaceutics classication
systems (BCS), due to its high permeability and low
solubility [2]. The bioavailability of CLO is 27 to
50% [3].
Solubility is one of the critical physicochemical
properties in predicting the degree of active
pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) absorption in
the gastrointestinal tract. The very low solubility
of API in water often indicates low bioavailability,
consequently, the dissolution rate becomes the rate-
limiting step in the drug absorption process [4].
The co-crystal formation is one of the alternative
methods that can be used to increase solubility and
dissolution rate in many APIs [5]. Co-crystal can
be explained as complex of two or more neutral
molecules bonded together in a crystal lattice via a
non-covalent interaction, in particular, a hydrogen
bond [6]. The formation of co-crystals involves
combining drugs with pharmaceutically acceptable
additives in the crystal lattice. The resulting
multicomponent crystal form will have dierent
physicochemical properties and can potentially
improve solubility [7, 8], dissolution rate [9, 10],
compressibility [11], chemical and physical stability
The co-crystal formation depends on the
functional group between the API and the co-crystal
former (CCF) to allow the occurrence of hydrogen
bonding. The presence of the -NH group on the
diazepine ring in the CLO chemical structure (Fig.
1a) allows the co-crystals formation with carboxylic
acid and amide groups. Isonicotinamide (INA) with
the chemical structure shown in Fig. 1b is one of
F. Alatas et al / Indo J Pharm 1 (2020) 1-6
the useful amide group compounds used in the
formation of co-crystals and is known as the GRAS
(Generally Recognized as Safe) compound. INA
has a donor and some acceptor hydrogen bond
that makes this CCF easy to form co-crystals with
some APIs [13–17]. This purpose of this study
was to know the inuence of CLO-INA co-crystal
formation on the solubility and dissolution rate of
a b
Figure 1. Chemical structures of (a) clozapine dan (b)
2. Method
2.1 Materials
The materials used in the present study were
clozapine (Taizhou Xingming Pharmaceutical,
China), isonicotinamide (Sigma-Aldrich), methanol
(Merck), water, potassium dihydrogen phosphate
(Merck), sodium hydroxide (Merck). While the
tools used were powder X-ray diractometer
(Philips PW1710), Shimadzu FTIR Anity-1
spectrophotometer (DRS-8000), orbital shaker (IKA
KS-260), ultraviolet spectrophotometer (Shimadzu
1800PC), and TDTF ZRS-6G Dissolution tester.
2.2 Solubility phase curve construction of CLO in
various concentration of INA solutions
A total of 50 mg CLO was inserted into ve
vials containing ve mL of an INA solution with
a concentration range of 0.4 to1.4 M in an aqueous
solvent and shaken with an orbital shaker at room
temperature. After 24 hours, the samples were
ltered. The ltrate was diluted and analyzed by
Shimadzu 1800PC ultraviolet spectrophotometer at
293 nm. The test was carried out in triplicate. The
phase solubility curve was constructed by plotting
the level of dissolved CLO to the concentration of
INA solution.
2.3 Preparation of CLO-INA co-crystal by solvent-
drop grinding (SDG) method
An equimolar mixture of CLO (326 mg) and
INA (122 mg) was milled simultaneously for ve
minutes in a mortar with the addition of two drops
of water. The grinding result allowed to dry at room
2.4 Characterization of CLO-INA SDG result by
powder X-ray Diraction method
The SDG or wet grinding result of CLO-INA
was characterized by Philips PW1710 powder
X-ray diraction system and compared with pure
CLO and INA powder X-ray diraction patterns.
The powder X-ray diraction data collection was
performed by scanning 100-200 mg of sample
powder placed on a glass container and attened at
an angle range of = 5-45°, scan rate 2°/min, with
a voltage of 40 kV, and a current of 30 mA.
2.5 Characterization of CLO-INA SDG result by
Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR)
The FTIR spectral data collection of CLO-
INA wet grinding result was performed using the
Shimadzu FTIR Anity-1 spectrophotometer
(DRS-8000) and compared with CLO and INA pure
spectra. The samples were homogeneously mixed
with potassium bromide at a weight ratio of 1:5 and
scanned in the 4000-400 cm-1 wavenumbers range.
KBr powder was used as a blank for background
2.6 Solubility test
As much as 50 mg of CLO-INA wet grinding
result and pure CLO were placed into vials that
containing each of ve mL of water and shaken
on an orbital shaker (IKA KS-260) at room
temperature. After 24 hours, the samples were
ltered, and the ltrate was analyzed by ultraviolet
F. Alatas et al / Indo J Pharm 1 (2020) 1-6
spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 293 nm.
2.7 Dissolution test
The dissolution test was carried out on SDG
product of CLO-INA and pure CLO in a 900 mL
pH 6.8 of phosphate buer solution at 37 ± 0.5°C
using a type I apparatus with a rotation speed of
50 rotations per minute (rpm) for 60 minutes. The
dissolved clozapine in each sample was diluted and
analyzed by ultraviolet spectrophotometer at a 293
nm. The test was performed in six replicate.
3. Result and Discussion
3.1 Solubility phase curve of CLO-INA
The drug solubility study in a CCF solution
can be used to predict the formation of co-crystals
by making a phase solubility curve. The phase
solubility curve is the solubility curve that describes
the concentration of a solute in the concentration
variation of another substance solution. According
to Higuchi and Connors, there are several types
of phase solubility curves, namely AL, AP, AN,
BS, dan BI types [18]. The phase solubility test is
useful to know the type of solubility curve of CLO
in the variation of INA concentration, and this
can be an indication of the occurrence of the co-
crystal formation. Determination of dissolved CLO
was carried out by ultraviolet spectrophotometry
method. The CLO has three maximum absorption
wavelengths, namely 230, 260, and 293 nm. INA
still has absorption at wavelengths of 230 and 260
nm, but has no absorption at 293 nm wavelength,
so a wavelength of 293 nm is used to analyze CLO
concentration without interference by INA. Fig.
2 showed the CLO phase solubility curve in the
concentration variation of the INA solution in water
follows the BS type. The CLO solubility increase
sharply at INA concentrations of 0.4 to 1 M caused
by the co-crystal began to form with high solubility
in water. At INA concentration of 1-1.4 M, CLO
solubility decreased due to the achievement of
CLO-INA co-crystal solubility product constant
(Ksp) in water, accordingly, CLO-INA co-crystal
solid was formed. The higher concentration of
INA, the more co-crystal solid was formed. This is
in accordance with the explanation of Mantri et al.,
2009 [19].
Figure 2. Phase solubility curve of clozapine (CLO) in
the various concentration of isonicotinamide
(INA) solution in water. (n=3)
3.2 Preparation of CLO-INA co-crystal by solvent-
drop grinding (SDG) method
Physical interaction can occur when two
substances are milled simultaneously. The
interaction may be a mixture of eutectic or the
formation of new molecular compound or co-
crystal. In this experiment, an equimolar mixture
of CLO and INA was milled with the addition of
two drops of water, and this method known as wet
grinding or solvent-drop grinding (SDG) [20].
The purpose of solvent addition is to accelerate
the achievement of the amorphous state of the two
components causing each component to be more
reactive and faster co-crystallization [21]. At least,
the solvent can dissolve well one of the components.
Water is used as a solvent because it can dissolve
well INA and slightly CLO.
3.3 Characterization of CLO-INA SDG result by
powder X-ray Diraction method
The initial characterization of interaction in
the wet milling process is by using powder X-ray
diraction (PXRD). The dierent of PXRD
pattern of SDG result from PXRD patterns of their
respective constituent components may indicate the
co-crystal formation. The PXRD pattern of CLO-
F. Alatas et al / Indo J Pharm 1 (2020) 1-6
INA compared to its parent components (pure CLO
and INA) is shown in Fig. 3. The PXRD pattern
of CLO shows the main peaks at the angle of =
10.6; 17.5; 19.4; 21.2; and 29.9º. These results are
consistent with those reported by the previous study
[22]. The INA raw material has the main peaks at an
angle of 2θ = 17.9; 20.9; 23.4; 26.0; and 31.1º, and
this corresponds to INA form I with reference code
EHOWIH01 [23]. The powder X-ray diraction
pattern of CLO-INA wet grinding result shows
the formation of new peaks that are dierent from
the main peaks of CLO and INA. The dierences
of PXRD pattern between CLO-INA SDG result
and its pure components indicate the formation of
CLO-INA co-crystal. The main peaks of CLO-INA
co-crystal are located at an angle of = 11.1; 13.6;
17.9; 24.3; and 29.3º.
Figure 3. Powder X-ray diraction patterns of CLO,
3.4 Characterization of CLO-INA SDG result by
Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR)
One spectroscopic technique that can be used
to show the formation of co-crystal is FTIR. The
presence of shifts in the number of spectral waves
in certain groups, such as carboxylates (-COOH),
carbonyl (C=O), amines (-NH
), imines (-C=NH)
can indicate the presence of hydrogen bonds
between two interacting components [24]. Fig.
4 showed the FTIR spectrum of the CLO-INA
SDG result compared with their pure constituent
components. The CLO has two sharp peaks at 3294
and 1594 cm
caused by stretching vibration of
-NH and amidine (C=N) group, respectively. The
INA has two peaks at 3368 and 3186 cm
group stretching vibration) and a peak at 1668 cm-1
(carbonyl group vibration). The FTIR spectrum of
the CLO-INA wet grinding result indicated the
peaks of -NH group and amidine group of CLO
shifted to 3298 and 1597 cm
, respectively, as well
as the carbonyl group vibration of INA shifted to
1678 cm
. This shifting was thought caused by the
hydrogen bond between the -NH group of CLO and
the C=O group of INA that indicated the CLO-INA
co-crystal formation.
Figure 4. FTIR spectrum of CLO-INA co-crystal
compared to its pure components.
3.5 Solubility of CLO-INA Co-crystal
Solubility is an important physicochemical factor
which may indicate a dierence in the crystalline
structure of a compound, such as a polymorph,
salt, hydrate, solvate, and co-crystalline [25]. The
solubility test was performed to determine the
change of clozapine solubility in consequence of
CLO-INA co-crystal formation. The result of the
water solubility test at room temperature showed
CLO-INA co-crystal has a solubility of 378±12
μg/mL, which is 15-folds higher than pure CLO
solubility (24±1 μg/mL). This solubility increasing
was due to the creation of hydrogen bonds between
CLO and INA that changes in the crystal structure.
F. Alatas et al / Indo J Pharm 1 (2020) 1-6
In the dissolution process of a solid in a solvent,
intermolecular bond termination between the solute
and the solvent requires energy [26]. The energy
required to break the bonds between dissolved solid
depends on the structure of the solid compound and
the intermolecular attraction between the dissolved
solid compounds, therefore the existence of
hydrogen bonds in CLO-INA co-crystal can reduce
the energy required to break the bonds between
CLO-INA co-crystal and water so that the CLO-
INA co-crystal has a higher solubility than pure
3.6 Dissolution prole of CLO-INA Co-crystal
The dissolution rate is also a physicochemical
property which can show the dierence in the
crystalline solids structure. An increasing in
dissolution rate follows the increasing of solubility.
The BCS class II drug will be absorbed well in the
gastrointestinal tract when the dissolution rate of
the drug is high. CLO has a low solubility at neutral
pH, and its solubility increases with decreasing
pH due to the ionization. In this study dissolution
test carried out at pH 6.8 which represents the
pH conditions of the intestinal tract. The result
of the particulate dissolution test in phosphate
buer media pH 6.8 (Fig. 5) shows the dissolved
percentage of clozapine after 10 min (DP10) from
the CLO-INA and CLO pure are 10.24 and 2.4%,
respectively, and this shows that the CLO-INA co-
crystal has a faster dissolution rate than pure CLO.
Figure 5. Prole dissolution of CLO-INA co-crystal in
pH 6.8 of phosphate buer solution compared
to pure CLO. (n=6)
4. Conclusion
Clozapine and isonicotinamide may form co-
crystal by a solvent-drop grinding method with the
addition of water solvent based on characterization
results by powder X-ray diraction, Fourier
transforms infrared, and solubility phase curve
methods. The formation of CLO-INA co-crystal
can enhance the solubility and dissolution rate of
5. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the Research and
Community Services (LPPM) of Universitas
Jenderal Achmad Yani for the support of research
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