Vol 2, Issue 3, 2020 (112-123)
*Corresponding author,
e-mail : soraya@unpad.ac.id (S. R. Mita)
© 2020 L. Azzahra et al
Formulation, Characterization, and Herbal Drug Delivery Applications of Ethosome,
Transfersome, and Transethosome
Luthfia Azzahra
, Soraya R. Mita
, Sriwidodo
Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang, Indonesia
Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran
University, Sumedang, Indonesia
Received : 06 Sept 2020, Revised : 09 Sept 2020, Accepted : 20 Sept 2020, Published : 29 Des 2020
Herbal compounds have different physicochemical properties. Its use on the oral route
often has low biological availability. Therefore, alternative transdermal routes are used
through the skin. The stratum corneum skin layer is the most difficult layer to penetrate.
Therefore it is necessary to use a drug delivery system such as ethosome, transfersome or
transethosome to increase transdermal drug delivery. This review article aims to look at
the potential of ethosome, transfersome, and transethosome in increasing their ability to
deliver herbal drugs in terms of their formulation and characterization. Literature
searches were performed using online search engines namely NCBI and Google Scholar
with the keywords ‘Transdermal Drug Delivery System’, 'Ethosome', 'Transfersome', and
'Transethosome'. The result showed compositions of ethosomes are phospholipids, water,
and ethanol. The composition of transfersome is phospholipid, water, and edge activator.
Transethosomes are a combination of phospholipids, water, ethanol, and edge activators.
The role of ethanol and edge activator is thought to increase skin permeation.
Transdermal drug delivery systems can be used on herbal drugs to increase transdermal
drug delivery.
Keywords: Transdermal, Ethosome, Transfersome, Transethosome, Herbal.
1. Introduction
Currently, the use of herbal compounds
as active substances in medicine is increasing
rapidly. There are many active substances
derived from plants. These active substances
have different physicochemical properties.
Catechin by oral route has low bioavailability
due to poor membrane permeability and low
absorption on the gastrointestinal tract (1,2).
Curcumin by oral route has a high rate of
metabolism and poor absorption which limits
the bioavailability, and it has a poor solubility
on water (3). Resveratrol, a phenolic
compound, by oral route has low
bioavailability due to low intestinal absorption
and catabolism (4). Fisetin by oral route has
low bioavailability (44.1%) (5), it is lipophilic
and goes through enzymatic degradation also
first-pass metabolism (6,7). Capsaicin or CAP
is lipophilic which affects its oral
bioavailability and its intravenous half-life is
very short (7.06 minutes) (8). Apigenin has
low bioavailability due to its poor water
solubility (9). This limits the potential
pharmacological activity of the active
substances. Many phyto-compounds are
dealing with the same problems mentioned
In order to improve its bioavailability, to
avoid the first-pass metabolism and enzymatic
L. Azzahra et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 112-123
degradation, a transdermal route through the
skin is used. In the transdermal system, drugs
penetrate from the outermost layer to the
blood vessels through the layers of the skin
(10). Transdermal drug delivery systems have
many advantages, for example, avoidance of
first-pass metabolism by the liver (first-pass
effect/pre-metabolism), controlled delivery of
medications, and improved patient
compliance, as they are noninvasive and can
easily be self-administered, with transdermal
drug delivery system, the drug can avoid
degradation in the gastrointestinal tract (11).
Several things need to be underlined is as
drug's bioactivity, skin characteristic,
formulation utilized, the adhesive that will be
used, and the physicochemical factors
affecting penetration process through the skin
Stratum corneum as the main challenge
is hydrophobic. Drug delivery tools such as
ethosome, transfersome, and transethosome
can be utilized on the transdermal route (11).
This development occurs to increase drug
permeation, optimize the work of the existing
drug, improve patient compliance, therapeutic
index, and bioavailability of drugs (13). The
present review will focus on formulation
including preparation and characterization
results of ethosome, transfersome, and
transethosome as transdermal herbal drug
delivery system.
2. Method
This review compiled studies published
in various databases which are PubMed
(NCBI) and Google Scholar. Studies obtained
using the keywords Ethosome”,
Transfersome”, Transethosome”, Skin”,
and Herbal”. Articles published before 2010,
reviews, non-English studies, and unrelated
studies, such as routes other than the
transdermal route and not including
characterization results, were excluded. From
284 studies obtained in April-May 2020, we
included 21 studies in this review.
Figure 1. Flowchart of Methodology
3. Result
The results of the formulation can be seen in
Table 1
Table 1. Formulation Result
Consists of
and ethanol.
The characterization
can be done by
running several tests
such as particle size,
polydispersity index,
zeta potential,
entrapment efficiency
and vesicle structures.
Many researches
used ethosome as
herbal drug
delivery system,
12 journals were
obtained. The
research showed
great results and
Keywords: Transdermal,
Ethosome, Transfersome,
(n= 284)
Review articles
Non-English articles
Article not using phyto-compunds
Article using routes other than
Articles obtained:
(n= 21)
L. Azzahra et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 112-123
The characterization
results from ethosome
as drug delivery
system showed good
improves the drug
Consists of
and edge
The characterization
can be done by
running several tests
such as particle size,
polydispersity index,
zeta potential,
entrapment efficiency
and vesicle structures.
The characterization
results from
transfersome as drug
delivery system
showed good results.
Many researches
used transfersome
as herbal drug
delivery system, 7
journals were
obtained. The
research showed
great results and
improves the drug
Consists of
ethanol, and
The characterization
can be done by
running several tests
such as particle size,
polydispersity index,
zeta potential,
entrapment efficiency
and vesicle structures.
The characterization
results from
transethosome as drug
delivery system
showed good results.
There are only a
few research used
transethosome as
drug delivery
system, 2 journals
were obtained. The
research showed
great results and
improves the drug
4. Discussion
The transdermal drug delivery system;
ethosome, transfersome, and transethosome
has basic composition which is phospholipid
and water. Ethanol is used in ethosome and
transethosome, edge activator is used in
transfersome and transethosome. The
phosphatidylcholine head is water-soluble and
the tail part is lipid-soluble (14).
Transfersome contains water,
phospholipid (lipid bilayer), and edge
activator. Ethosome contains water,
phospholipid (lipid bilayer), and ethanol.
Transethosome fuses ethanol and edge
activator as a penetration enhancer, and water
and phospholipid as vesicle former.
Mechanism of penetration
Ethosome has a penetrating mechanism
into the skin. Ethanol in the ethosome
penetrates intracellular lipids and escalates the
fluidity of cell membrane lipids, besides
decreasing the level of lipid density of the
membrane cell layer, so that the active
substance in the ethosome can penetrate
through the stratum corneum, the outer layer
of skin which is lipophilic (16).
Also, the
ethanol and phospholipid content in ethosomes
increases the elasticity of the ethosomal
vesicles so that they can penetrate deeper (15).
The penetration mechanism of transfersome is
the vesicles maintain their structure or it fuses
with the lipid layers of skin (17).
Transfersome can easily change their shape to
L. Azzahra et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 112-123
cross the skin layer due to the edge activator
action responding to mechanical stress,
directing inside the vesicle to a region with a
smaller curve, reducing the membrane elastic
energy to a minimum level (18). Transfersome
can slide through small channels, crossing the
stratum corneum (19).
Table 2. Application of Ethosome
EGCG (Camellia sinensis
L. Kuntze)
Ethanol 95% (5%)
Curcumin (Rhizoma
Curcumae Longae)
Charantin (Momordica
charantiaI Linn.)
Ethanol 96% (30%)
Ethanol (75%)
Eugenol (Sygizium
Ethanol (30%)
Apigenin (Petroselinum
Ethanol:PEG (20-
Sesamum indicum L. Seed
Ethanol (10-40%)
Seabuckthorn leaf extract
Ethanol (40%)
Sophocarpine (Sophora
Ethanol (10%)
Cryptotanshinone (Salvia
Ethanol (30-40%)
Phenylethyl Resorcinol
Ethanol (30%)
Mangiferin (Mangifera
Ethanol (20%)
1. EGCG (Camellia sinensis L. Kuntze)
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has
low penetration, ethosome is used with
mechanical dispersion and thin layer hydration
(TLH) method. Ethanol 95% on 5%
concentration was used. Characterization
results showed ethosome had a spherical
shape, polydispersity index 0.05 which was
qualified, zeta potential range was -60.00mV/-
67.00 mV, which proven its stability (20).
2. Curcumin (Rhizoma Curcumae Longae)
Due to curcumin’s low water solubility
(lipophilic), several transdermal drug delivery
systems were prepared (Propylene glycol
liposomes (PGL), Liposomes, and Ethosome).
Ethanol injection method was used. Ethosome
used ethanol:water 3:7, PGL used propylene
glycol as a penetration enhancer. Results
showed ethosome particle size was 289 ±
132,1 nm) and entrapment efficiency was
57,9 ± 4.72% PGL had the smallest particle
size (182.4 ± 89.2 nm), spherical, good
particle distribution, and showed no
aggregation. Ethosome had small aggregation
using the method earlier. The entrapment
efficiency of PGL showed the highest rate
of>90%. PGL has the highest potential as a
transdermal drug delivery system (21).
3. Charantin (Momordica charantiaI Linn.)
Charantin have low penetration through
the skin; to overcome this, ethosome was used
L. Azzahra et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 112-123
as a transdermal delivery system. The method
used was TLH. Ethanol 96% equal 30% on the
formulation was used. Characterization results
showed ethosome had a spherical shape,
particle size 1083.33 ± 15.27 nm,
polydispersity index (0.42 ± 0.02), stable (zeta
potential -54.33±0.75 mV), and entrapment
efficiency 91.50 ± 0.40%. Ethosome is highly
potential as a transdermal drug delivery
system for charantin (22).
4. Capsaicin
Capsaicin loaded ethosome were
prepared using four different methods, which
are the hot method, cold method, classic
method, and injection method.
Characterization results showed the hot
method to be the most effective with high
stability, spherical shape (50-300 nm), EE
81.40%, zeta potential 4.28+4.07 mV mV,
homogenous, and uniform distribution using
75% ethanol on the formulation
(polydispersity index 0.162) (23).
5. Eugenol (Sygizium aromaticum)
Eugenol loaded ethosome was prepared
using the hot method. Ethanol used in the
formulation equal to 30% The result showed
that eugenol concentration influenced particle
size and entrapment efficiency. Particle size
44.21 nm, zeta potential −40.3 ± 1.7 mV,
polydipersity index 0.189±0.051, and EE 82%.
Ethosome is highly potential for the
transdermal delivery system (24).
6. Apigenin (Petroselinum crispum)
Apigenin loaded ethosome was prepared
using the classic injection method.
Ethanol:Propylene glycol was used as
penetration enhancer with various
concentration (20-50%). The result showed
encapsulation efficiency increase with
phospholipid concentration. Particle size
ranged from 36.61 ± 1.78 to 698.33 ± 124.30
nm, zeta potential 10.14 ± 2.04 and 27.67 ±
3.23 mv, EE ranged from 61.69-85.21%.
Phospholipid and ethanol concentration
improved skin deposition. Optimized
ethosome showed better activity rather than
basic liposomes. It is highly potential (25).
7. Sesamum indicum L. Seed extract
Ethosome were used as a transdermal
delivery system to reduce the pre-metabolism
effect on Sesamum indicum. The method used
was solvent dispersion or cold method.
Ethanol used in the formulation ranged from
10-40%. Characterization result showed a
good polydispersity index (0.114 to 0.348),
and ZP were between −17.0 mV/47.7 mV,
stable according to zeta potential result, the
shape was spherical (139.7 ± 10.55231.8 ±
12.43 nm) (26).
8. Seabuckthorn leaf extract
Seabuckthorn leaf, contain phenolic
active substances. Ethosome were used as a
transdermal delivery system. The cold method
with modification was used. Ethanol used in
the formulation ranged from 10-40%. The
result showed ethosome had a smooth surface,
vesicle size 96.98-395 nm, polydispersity
index 0.041-0.392, formulation of 40%
ethanol, 3% phospholipid, and 75% ethanolic
extract showed good entrapment efficiency,
91.09±0.64% (27).
9. Sophocarpine (Sophora alopecuroides)
Sophora alopecuroides loaded ethosome
were prepared used the transmembrane pH-
Gradient method with 10% ethanol. Particle
size 142±15.5 nm and EE more than 90%. The
result showed good entrapment efficiency; the
method successfully enhanced the stability and
drug delivery (28).
10. Cryptotanshinone (Salvia miltiorrhiza)
Ethosome loaded cryptotanshinone
(CPT) was prepared using the classic method.
Ethanol as penetration enhancer was used (30-
40%). The characterization result showed
vesicle had good vesicle size (69.1±1.9 nm),
polydispersity index 0.185±0.017, and EE was
40.31±0.67%. Ethosome formulation is an
L. Azzahra et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 112-123
effective dermal delivery system and highly
promising for the future (29).
11. Phenylethyl Resorcinol
Phenylethyl Resorcinol (PR) had poor
water solubility and low stability. Ethosome is
used as a transdermal delivery system to
protect active substances using 30% absolute
ethanol. TLH is used to prepare the vesicle.
The particle size range was 214-890 nm; the
phospholipid concentration increased the
vesicle size, contrary to ethanol. The zeta
potential range was -33 mV to -35.6 mV. EE
was higher than 50% (30).
12. Mangiferin (Mangifera indica)
Ethosome is used to increase the
bioavailability of Mangifera indica extract.
The hot method was used to prepare ethosome
using 20% ethanol. The EE range was 65.31-
89.38%. The zeta potential score was 8.8 mV.
The average size was 926 nm (31).
Table 3. Application of Transfersome
Edge activator
Tween 80, Tween 20
EGCG (Camellia sinensis L.
Span 80
Parkia speciosa Hassk. Extract
Tween 80
Sodium cholate
Berberine, Berbamine (Berberis
Span 80 : PC (15:85)
Tween 80
Quercetin flavonoids (Malus
domestica Mill)
Span 80
1. Resveratrol
Resveratrol, polyphenol active
substances used transfersome as a transdermal
delivery system. A non-ionic edge activator is
used such as Tween 80 and Tween 20. Particle
size 40.13±0.51 nm, spherical shaped.
Polydispersity index was 0.266 ± 0.009, zeta
potential was −23.93 ± 0.31mV, and EE was
59.01 ± 1.02%. The stability and solubility
were improved (32). Another research
conducted by (35) using an edge activator,
sodium cholate. Characterization result
showed particle size 105.4±7.9, poldispersity
index 0.1, zeta potential -22.4±0.2 mV (35).
2. EGCG (Camellia sinensis L. Kuntze)
Green tea contains epigallocatechin
gallate (EGCG). EGCG loaded transfersome
were prepared using a TLH method. Span 80
was used as edge activator. The result showed
ethosome had a spherical shape (107.82±0.44
nm), good polydispersity index (0.07±0.01),
stable (zeta potential -40.3±1 mV) and EE was
63.16±0.65%. EGCG loaded ethosome
showed better in vitro penetration rather than
the non-transfersome one (38)(39).
3. Parkia speciosa Hassk. Extract
Parkia speciosa has flavonoids and
phenolics active substances which are difficult
to penetrate through the skin, to overcome
this, transfersome were used as a transdermal
delivery system. Tween 80 was used as an
edge activator. The method used for
transfersome preparation was TLH. The result
showed spherical shape, particle size 495.6
nm, polydispersity index 0,484. Zeta potential
-21.4 mV. EE was 91.6884 ± 0.0261%.
Overall the Parkia speciosa extract loaded
ethosome showed better stability and more
soluble than the pure extract (34).
L. Azzahra et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 112-123
4. Berberine, Berbamine (Berberis
Berberis aristata has antipsoriatic
activity. To develop it, transfersome were used
as a transdermal delivery system. The method
used is lipid film hydration, using different
edge activator (Tween 80, Span 80, and
sodium deoxycholate). Characterization
showed 330±19 nm particle size and the
polydispersity index was 0.29±0.007, and zeta
potential range was −35.2 mV. EE was
78.0±1.12%. It is highly potential compared to
conventional drugs (36).
5. Quercetin
Quercetin loaded transfersome were
prepared using the injection method. Edge
activators used were Tween-80, sodium
cholate, sodium decanoate, and sodium
oleate). Transfersomes with Tween-80 led to
high zeta potential [(-38.0±1.5) mV],
cumulative permeation were (9.37±2.59) and
remarkably enhances the cumulative
permeation and retention (37).
6. Quercetin flavonoids (Malus domestica
Transfersome as a transdermal delivery
system were used. The preparation used a
TLH, using Span 80 as an edge activator. The
result showed a good polydispersity index
(0.078-0.273), particle size 106.44±2.70 nm,
and zeta potential of 49.96±2.05 mV, EE was
78.78±0.46%. proofing the stability of the
vesicle (33).
Table 4. Application of Transethosome
Ethanol and Edge activator
Fisetin (Cucumis sativus)
Ethanol and Sodium
EGCG (Camellia sinensis L.
Ethanol and Span 80
1. Fisetin
Fisetin used transethosome as a
transdermal delivery system. Ethanol and edge
activator (Sodium cholate) was used as a
penetration enhancer. The thin lipid film
method was used in the preparation. Results
showed good characterization, vesicle size of
74.21 ± 2.65 nm, zeta potential of 11.0 mV,
entrapment efficiency of 68.31 ± 1.48%.
Transethosomes vesicles formulation was
found to be a potentially useful drug carrier
for fisetin dermal delivery (38).
2. Green tea (EGCG)
Transethosome was used as a transdermal
delivery system using a TLH method. Span 80
and ethanol were used as a penetration
enhancer. Transethosome with green tea
extract equivalent to 3% EGCG, 4% Lipoid
P30, 0.75% Span 80, and 30% ethanol had the
best characteristic including spherical shape,
smallest particle size (35.35 nm), 0.319 PDI,
and zeta potential of -29.97±3.05 mV. EE was
45.26%±8.15%. Transethosome can increase
the skin penetration of green tea leaf extract
The formulation of ethosome,
transfersome, and transethosome varies. The
ethanol in ethosome cause the ethosome to
become elastic, encourages the vesicles shape
and increase the stability, with the increasing
concentration of ethanol, the vesicle size
would decrease (14), but increasing ethanol
concentration above the optimum level would
increase the vesicle size, also decreasing the
entrapment efficacy and it would cause a leak,
moreover it could solubilize the vesicle
L. Azzahra et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 112-123
The phospholipid is a vesicle forming
component. There is synthetic and natural
phospholipid. It is important to choose the
right type of phospholipid because it can affect
the size, zeta potential, stability, entrapment
efficacy, and the penetration of vesicles.
Generally, the phospholipids concentration
range is 0.5%-5% (30). The higher the
concentration, the vesicle size will moderately
get bigger. The entrapment efficiency will
increase significantly in a certain
concentration (40).
Edge activators are surfactants. It has a
high span of curvature. It can destabilize the
lipid bilayers and builds the deformability of
the bilayers of the vesicles. Many research
concluded edge activators improve skin
penetration, and it affects the charge and
particle size of vesicles. Another edge
activator is dimethyl sulfoxide; it enhances the
penetration in a topical formulation. Tween 80
at 10%-50% concentration was reported to
reduce the size of the vesicle and increase the
vesicle stability and skin permeation
properties, it mainly solubilizes the system and
prevents vesicle fusion.
Other edge activators
such as oleic acid affect the vesicular size, zeta
potential, elasticity, and permeation on the
skin by increasing the fluidity of the stratum
corneum (21,30,41,42).
Thin layer hydration
The phospholipid and other lipophilic
substances dissolved in ethanol, the aqueous
phase was sonicated at 60
C for 30 minutes.
The lipid phase poured to a round-bottomed
flask and then it was evaporated to remove the
ethanol. The lipid film was hydrated with
aqueous phase in a closed container, and then
it was sonicated at 60
C for 30 minutes (30).
Hot method
Lipids are dispersed into the water at
40°C to form a colloidal phase. In different
containers, edge activator/ethanol and glycol
are mixed. The active substance is mixed into
an appropriate solubility solvent. The organic
phase is poured into the aqueous phase, then
stirs the mixture until it’s evenly mixed (43).
Cold method
The active substance, phospholipid, edge
activator/ethanol, and glycol are mixed and
stirred vigorously with a mixer until dissolved
then heated to a temperature of 30°C. In
different containers, the water is heated to a
temperature of 30°C. Then mix the water into
the ethanol mixture, stir vigorously (43).
Classic method
Phospholipids and plant extracts are
dissolved into edge activator/ethanol, and then
heated 30°C. Add redistilled water, stir at a
speed of 700 rpm. Vesicles are homogeneous
by passing them on a polycarbonate
membrane (43).
Mechanical dispersion method
Phospholipids and plant extracts are
dissolved in chloroform: ethanol 3: 1 and/or
edge activator. The organic solvent is
evaporated with a vacuum evaporator, then
vacuum for 1 night after that, it was hydrated
to obtain ethosomes (43). The size of the
ethosome can be adjusted by sonication or
extrusion. (44).
The use of sonication with high intensity
can induce chemically and physically. The
physical effect of sonication is emulsification,
usually used for dispersion of fillers in basic
polymers and emulsification of inorganic
particles in polymers. The chemical effect of
sonication is to cause molecules to interact,
which then causes chemical changes. The
interaction is based on ultrasonic wavelengths
that are higher than the wavelengths of
molecules. In sonication, a sonicator probe or
ultrasonic bath can be used. In this method, a
uniform ethosome suspension is produced.
According to research conducted by (45) that
the size of the vesicles produced by sonication
is smaller than the extrusion method.
However, the efficiency of vesicle sorption
carried out by the extrusion method is higher
than sonication (45).
In extrusion, it is normally done by
consecutively extruding the ethosome vesicle
L. Azzahra et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 112-123
system under moderately low pressure for
quite a while or a cycle going through a
polycarbonate membrane with a pore size of
50-400 nm. Nonetheless, in this method there
are two ways, extrusion should be possible by
extruding several times through one
membrane with one pore size or can be done
in stages with a membrane that is stacked with
different sizes of pores. By shrinking the pore
size of the membrane, the size of the ethosome
produced will shrink as well. The outcome of
the process is a more uniform size of the
colloid ethosome with a low polydispersity
index value (40).
The efficiency of drug sorption can be
measured by ultracentrifugation techniques,
small centrifugation columns, and also the
fluorescence spectrophotometer. The stability
is evaluated based on sorption efficiency and
particle size, this depends on the composition
of the phospholipids in the vesicle (46). The
table below shows the minimum and
maximum number for each characterization of
the vesicular system (20,47):
Characterization needs to be done to
confirm that the vesicle qualified and stable.
Table 5. Characterization
Particle size
< 300 nm
Polydispersity index
0 0,5
Zeta potential
> +30 mV or < -30 mV
Particle Size Analyzer
Particle Size Analyzer is a common
method that is widely used for image analysis.
PSA usually uses a wet method which is
considered more accurate when compared to
the dry method or the sieve method and image
analysis. Nanoparticle samples tend to have
high agglomeration (easy to clot) so that it is
more suitable to use the wet method. The wet
method will provide measurable results in the
form of distribution, where the measurement
results are assumed to describe all sample
conditions (48).
Zeta Potential
Zeta potential is a measure of the
magnitude of the electrostatic charge of
particles in dispersion, following the study of
the stability of nanoparticle suspension. Zeta
potential above the absolute value of 30 mV is
called obligatory to assure fine colloidal
stability (49). Zeta potential has a role in
physical stability; zeta nanoparticle potential
also influences the effectiveness of vesicles as
a drug conductor (50).
Transmission Electron Microscopy
In the standard TEM operation mode,
which is generally alluded to as amplitude or
contrast-diffraction imaging, only a tiny bit of
electrons that have gone through the sample is
utilized to shape the final image that is greatly
enlarged (51).
5. Conclusion
The transdermal drug delivery system
above proved their potential to deliver many
phyto compound derived from plants with
different physicochemical properties. The
formulation, which is penetration enhancer
such as ethanol and edge activator improves
the characterization result.
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