Vol 2, Issue 3, 2020 (124-131)
*Corresponding author,
e-mail : patihul.husni@unpad.ac.id (P. Husni)
© 2020 P. Husni et al
Potential of Stimuli-Responsive Star Polymer for Cancer Targeting
Patihul Husni
*, M Alvien Ghifari
, Norisca Aliza Putriana
Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas
Padjadjaran, Jatinangor 45363, Indonesia
Department of Global Innovative Drug, College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University, 221
Heukseok dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 06974, Korea
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan,
35365, Indonesia
Received : 27 Okt 2020, Revised : 30 Nov 2020, Accepted : 3 Des 2020, Published : 10 Dec 2020
Application of stimuli-responsive star polymers in cancer targeting and drug delivery has
been extensively researched because of their several advantages in comparison with their
linear counterparts. Functionalization and recombination of various arm architectures of
the star polymer are very possible to be conducted to match with numerous needs. The
star polymers could not only load more therapeutic drug due to more arms than linear
polymers but also be functionalized with targeted moieties for more targeted delivery.
Furthermore, the chains in star polymers could be regulated to produce stimuli-responsive
star polymer for cancer targeting. This review article aimed to describe the benefits of
star polymers and the types of stimuli-responsive delivery system for cancer targeting.
Over the last decade, stimuli-responsive star polymers for cancer targeting using either
internal stimuli (e.g., pH, redox, enzyme, hypoxia) or external stimuli (e.g., thermal,
ultrasound, light, magnetic) has garnered immense interest for researchers. Possibility to
mimic a complex natural phenomenon could be achieved by incorporating various
stimuli-responsive functionalities in the star polymer.
Keywords: stimuli responsive; star polymer; cancer, drug delivery
1. Introduction
To date, cancer is still top trigger of the
global death. In 2018, cancer is responsible for
an estimated 9.6 million deaths (1). It is
predicted that > 20 million new cancer case
annually expected by 2025 (2). World Health
Organization (WHO) estimates the continue
rising of deaths to 11.5 million by 2030
worldwide (3). Cancer can spread into or
invade tissue. Cancer cell can spread or
invaded tissue by breaking off the cell and
travelling to other places through blood or
lymph system. As the result new tumors are
formed (4). Currently, researchers around the
world have put their effort to obtain newer and
more potent drug delivery systems (DDSs) to
treat cancer. The DDSs may overcome the
problem such as unfavorable biodistribution
and rapid clearance from the body (5). The
DDS should be designed to deliver cancer
drug to cancerous cells only and not to
surrounding healthy tissue. The concentration
of cancer drug must increase specifically at the
tumor site resulting in high treatment efficacy
with low side effects (5, 6).
Many DDSs have been developed to
target cancerous cells over the years. In
addition, many different strategies have been
evaluated such as passive targeting, active
targeting to cancer cells or endothelial cells
and triggered drug delivery (5). Effective
carriers are crucial to develop, to realize
successful therapies in cancer treatment. The
effectiveness of the carriers can be defined by
P. Husni et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 124-131
their nontoxicity, ability to carry anticancer
molecule, which targeted specific cells, and
combination therapy property (7). Using site-
specific DDSs, drug can achieve tumor in
therapeutic concentration for a continual
period of time with low systemic toxicity (8).
The targeted drug delivery is mainly used to
control the distribution of active molecule and
control delivery system based on polymer (7).
The use of DDSs based on polymer has been
widely investigated and many studies reported
the tailoring polymer architecture or
composition and evaluation the
physicochemical, in vitro and in vivo
properties of the polymers (9-13). In recent
years, polymeric materials have gained a lot of
attraction in DDSs due to its effectiveness in
cancer therapy (14-16). Advancement in
polymer engineering have led to the
fabrication of complex star polymer
architectures with unique properties and
applications that can be synthesized easily
Star polymers can be grouped into a
class of branched macromolecules with
adjustable several linear chains radiating from
a core (Figure 1). Many studies report
advantages of star polymers compared to
linear polymers (18-23).
Interestingly, the role of star polymers
in drug delivery and cancer targeting are that
(a) star polymers possess an ability to self-
assembled into a massive structure which can
be designed using their functionalizable arms.
This unique property cannot be met by the
simple linear polymer. In addition, (b) as their
designable architecture, modifying the arm to
control biodegradation rate is very possible.
Moreover, (c) star polymer can be
incorporated with stimuli responsive moiety
for DDSs and synthesized with certain
biomarkers to target cancer cells. The star
polymers mainly useful to deliver hydrophobic
molecules in aqueous environment (17). The
star polymers with more arms can not only
load more drug molecules than their linear
counterparts but also be functionalized with
targeted molecules for more targeted delivery
(18-21, 24, 25). In star polymers, the linear
branching chains can be chemically modulated
to fabricate stimuli-responsive materials (17).
Stimuli-responsive materials are ideal for
applications in drug DDSs to target cancer
cells because they are capable of automatically
undergoing conformational or chemical
changes upon receiving stimulus from the
environment (17). Some typical signals
include changes in pH, temperature, redox
trigger substance, enzyme, oxygen level
causing hypoxia, irradiation with light,
exposure to ultrasound or magnetic field (26).
The responses resulted by these stimuli are a
change in structural or shape, chain
conformation, solubility, surface activity,
color or transparency, increased permeability
to water, sol-gel transition and so forth (7, 26-
28). The stimuli-responsive functions facilitate
drug release to increase drug delivery
specificity, efficacy and biological activities
Application of stimuli-responsive star
polymers in cancer targeting and drug delivery
has been extensively studied by researcher.
For example, Li et al. prepared 4-armed star
copolymer of tetra-(methoxy-poly(ethylene
pentaerythritol as a pH-responsive nanocarrier
to deliver anticancer drugs for cancer targeting
Figure 1. Description of (a) star-shaped polymer, (b) star-shaped block copolymer, and (c) miktoarm
star polymer
P. Husni et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 124-131
In addition, redox-sensitive star polymer
consisted of poly(ε-caprolactone)-
poly(ethylene glycol) for targeted anticancer
drug delivery was synthesized by Shi et al
(30). Other researchers developed multi-
stimuli-responsive star polymer with more
than one responsive moiety for cancer
targeting using thermal and pH sensitive
material (31), light, pH and redox material
(32) or other combination of responsive
materials. In this review, we focus on the
benefits of star polymers and the types of
stimuli-responsive delivery system for cancer
2. Benefits of Star Polymers
Linear polymers are non branched or
intramolecular bridges of polymer chain but
the structural unit is in a single line (33). In
contrast, star polymers are composed of
several linear chains which is linked to central
point or core (34) (Figure 1). In comparison to
linear chain polymer, the star structure offers
more advantages, such as those in Table 1.
Table 1. Benefits of star polymers.
(18, 19)
(22, 23)
A CMC value is defined as parameter
related to micellization ability and stability of
micelle. The smaller CMC value, the stronger
the micelle-forming ability and micelle
stability. Original morphology of the micelle
can be retained by a lower CMC value of the
polymer until the micelles reach the target site.
Extreme dilution of the micelles can occur
when intravenous injection is given to human.
While the micelles circulate in the blood
stream below or above its CMC value, the
stable micelles have slower dissociation so it
can retain their integrity and drug content (35).
A low CMC value of star polymers can be
attributed to the hydrophobic interaction of the
polymer and the length of the hydrophobic
segments (36). The specific benefit of the low
CMC value of the star polymer on the delivery
system for cancer targeting is that a low CMC
value of the polymer may achieve greater
accumulation in the cancer cells because a
lower CMC value indicates improved structure
stability during systemic circulation until the
carrier reach the cancer cells (37).
Stability of star polymer-based
unimolecular micelles is higher than micelles
from amphiphilic molecules due to covalently
fixed branching points of unimolecular
micelles (the lipophilic components are
covalently bound together) (35, 38). In
addition, the main reason probably is that the
star polymers have intrinsic core-shell
structures and the hyperbranched core
structures plays a role to reduce the risk of
micellar disassembly effectively (18).
Polymer architecture greatly influences
drug encapsulation. This drug encapsulation is
affected by solvent type, concentration and
duration when loading drugs process. The
drug encapsulation mainly depends on the
affinity of intrinsic interaction between drug
and certain groups of hydrophobic segment
(35). Higher drug loading of poorly water
soluble or hydrophobic drug is caused by the
increased or higher hydrophobicity of polymer
block (39, 40). The star polymers provide
large cavities to load more hydrophobic drug
(18). Moreover, increasing the length of
polymer chain and subsequently the molar
mass of star polymers have substantial effect
on material’s loading capabilities (20). Star
polymers have more arms which able to carry
more drug molecules than linear polymers
The micelle size is also critical factor for
drug delivery. Delivery systems that are
smaller than 200 nm provide long circulation
time of micelles in the blood, reduce uptake by
the reticuloendothelial system (RES), and
facilitate the extravasation at leaky site of
capillaries. Renal elimination can be prevented
if the micelles have high molecular weight (>
g/mol). Meanwhile, supramolecular
structures often accumulate in the spleen and
P. Husni et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 124-131
liver because of their large size or protein
adsorption which trigger rapid uptake by RES
(35). Star polymers have smaller micelle size
than for linear copolymer due to the more
compact nature of star polymers (41).
The constrained geometry architecture
and the molecular interactions among the star
polymers lead to a smaller hydrodynamic
volume. The smaller hydrodynamic size will
have higher cellular uptake efficiency (21).
3. Types of Stimuli Responsive Delivery
System for Cancer Targeting
The role of stimuli-based delivery
system is a critical point in DDSs because of
the environmental variation in cancer cells.
Interestingly, responsive materials are able to
mimic some biological processes and
recognize at the molecular level to manipulate
development of custom-designed molecules to
increase the specificity of cancer drug delivery
and for targeting cancer cells (26, 42). The
responsive materials respond to different
stimuli or changes in the environment (7).
Stimuli-responsive DDSs for cancer targeting
divide into external stimuli and internal
stimuli (Figure 2). In case of internal stimuli,
the internal triggers are intrinsically existed in
tumor microenvironment or inside cancer
cells. In contrast to internal stimuli, externally
triggers are applied outer of tumor or cancer
cells when the external stimuli method is used
Internal stimuli can be categorized as
pH, redox, enzyme, and hypoxia. pH-
responsive polymers contain weakly acidic or
basic ionizable groups (pKa values 3 - 10)
which either donate or accept protons in
response to changes in environmental pH. A
change in ionization state as function of pH
resulted alteration in structural and other
properties (chain conformation, solubility,
surface activity, etc.) is demonstrated by the
acidic or basic groups of polyelectrolytes
(carboxylate, sulfonate, and amino groups).
The pH-responsive polymers have different
characteristic under a neutral and acidic or
basic condition. Electrostatic repulsion occurs
between charged groups as a result an increase
in degree of ionization (7). In case of redox-
responsive delivery system, the glutathione
(GSH) level inside cancer cells (2-10 mM) is
remarkable higher than that in normal regions
(2-10 µM) (26). Hence, the GSH presence in
higher concentration within tumor or the
microenvironment of the cancer cells. The
GSH acts as a trigger for the reduction of the
disulfide bond (SS) linkage. The redox-
responsive function could trigger the
dissociation and degradation carriers inside
cancer cells (30). Enzyme-
Figure 2. Description of types of stimuli-responsive DDSs used for cancer targeting
P. Husni et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 124-131
responsive delivery systems are based on the
response to several upregulated enzymes in
tumor microenvironment and cancer cells
(26). There is a changed articulation of
catalyst induced by enzyme observed in
cancer cells (42). Over-expression of enzymes
by tumor cells is resulted for tumor growth,
angiogenesis, invasion and metastasis (43). In
relation to hypoxia-responsive delivery
system, hypoxia could trigger cargo release
from the hypoxia-sensitive carriers due to the
cleavage of hypoxia-sensitive cross-linkers.
Tumor hypoxia (low oxygen level) is likely
caused by poorly vascularization inside solid
tumors (26). An over consumption of oxygen
by rapidly proliferating cells of tumor results
in tumor hypoxia and also due to inconsistent
flux of erythrocyte in the abnormal tumor
vasculature (43).
External stimuli can be triggered by
thermal, ultrasound, light and magnetic.
Thermal-triggered delivery systems are
generally designed to change significantly in
their properties by responding to the narrow
temperature shift. The thermal-responsive
carriers are stable in temperature up to 37
and sensitive to higher temperature (> 40
for achieving thermal-triggered drug release
and therapy (26). To utilize the ultrasound, a
high frequency sound waves are needed. The
sound wave above 20 kHz are applied either to
disrupt carrier to release the cargo or enhance
the cell membrane’s permeability. Other than
that, the light irradiation (UV-Vis and near-
infrared light) generally could remotely affect
the light-responsive carriers in cancer cells
(26). The optical signal induces the
photochromic molecule (chromophores) in the
photoreceptor to convert the light-irradiation
into a chemical signal by photoreaction
process. For magnetic-responsive delivery
system, generally, strategy used in developing
magnetic-responsive delivery system is either
incorporating magnetic materials into carriers
for achieving magnetic-sensitivity or locating
a permanent magnetic field in malignant tissue
after administration.
Majority of the delivery system based
on stimuli-responsive deals with response to a
single stimulus. However, biological
performance of macromolecules shows
changes in response to a combination of
stimuli. In order to mimic biological
processes, different stimuli-responsive
functionalities can be incorporated in a single
polymer to create multi-stimuli-responsive
materials to provide more than one mechanism
responsiveness for targeting cancer cells (26,
42). Star polymer for drug delivery to cancer
targeting seems to be important candidate
because of their unique properties.
4. Conclusion
Stimuli-responsive materials have
received increasing interest in recent years,
due to its unique properties. The star polymers
can load more drug molecules and be
functionalized with targeted molecules for
more targeted delivery. The responsive
materials respond to different stimuli or
changes in the cancer environment. Until now,
numerous internal and external stimuli-
responsive star polymers have been developed
to mimic some biological processes, recognize
at molecular level and facilitate drug release to
increase drug delivery specificity, efficacy and
biological activities for cancer targeting.
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