Vol 3, Issue 1, 2021 (9-19)
*Corresponding author,
e-mail: luthfia16003@mail.unpad.ac.id (L. Azzahra)
© 2021 L. Azzahra et al
Pharmaceutical Industrial Waste Regulation in Five Countries in Asia
Luthfia Azzahra
, Nyi Mekar Saptarini
Apothecary Programme, Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang, Indonesia
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Padjadjaran University, Sumedang, Indonesia
Received: 14 Jan 2021, Revised: 16 Feb 2021, Accepted: 28 Feb 2021, Published: 1 March 2021
The pharmaceutical industry produces a various toxic wastes. Generated waste increases
the risk of environmental and ecosystem pollution. It is necessary to have proper waste
management to prevent waste pollution to the environment. In 1999, WHO published
“Guidelines for the Safe Disposal of Unwanted Pharmaceuticals in and after
Emergencies”, that contain treatments and safe disposal method, which is appropriate for
any country. Many countries had developed and published regulations and guidelines on
waste management. This article aimed to review the handling of pharmaceutical industrial
waste in five countries in Asia. This review included studies from ProQuest, Crossref,
and Google Scholar. The pharmaceutical industries in Indonesia, India, Japan, Thailand,
and China has their own state regulations in order to protect the environment. They also
had implemented pharmaceutical industrial waste management following their regulation
and guidelines. The method used to treat the waste is similar with WHO guideline. Some
factors affecting the country regulations are the insufficient of land and waste
management facilities, lack of awareness, low penalties, limited infrastructures, lack of
waste testing facilities. The challenge in the future to handle pharmaceutical waste are
increasing waste volume, decreasing land for waste management, sewer methods may
contaminate water, possible air pollution due to incineration, so it is necessary to have
more advanced methods in waste management that are safe for the environment and
Keyword: Industry, Pharmaceutical, Waste Regulation, Asia
1. Introduction
The pharmaceutical industries produce
hazardous and toxic waste, which contains
organic and inorganic compounds derived from
the formulation process of pharmaceutical
products, the washing process of production
equipment, laboratory activities, and product
residues which out of specifications (1).
Pharmaceutical industrial waste produced is
various, it can be in the form of acid, alkaline,
salt, and potentially toxic residues or solvents,
furthermore, pharmaceutical industrial
products, such as antibiotics can cause bacterial
resistance (2).
Industrial waste has the risk of damaging the
environment and the ecosystem. Therefore, it is
necessary to have proper waste management to
prevent harmful impacts on the product,
L. Azzahra et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2021) 9-19
human, environment, and ecosystem. There are
mainly four types of industrial waste, i.e. solid
waste, liquid waste, air pollution, and sound
pollution. WHO published “Guidelines for the
Safe Disposal of Unwanted Pharmaceuticals in
and after Emergencies” in 1999. This guideline
consists of particular attention to how
pharmaceutical wastes are disposed, including
incineration, landfill, encapsulation, sewer, and
chemical decomposition. The guidelines
outline a variety of strategies for disposing of
pharmaceuticals safely. There are approaches
that carry the smallest risks to public health and
the environment, including those that are
appropriate for countries with limited resources
and equipment. The WHO guidelines
recommend a range of slightly less-safe
treatments and disposal methods, when
weighed against the risks of excessive or non-
disposal, are appropriate to relative risk (3).
Some countries with limited resource and/or
equipment still has some problem, for example
in Indonesia, there are still unsupervised open
burning site that pollutes air (4). In India where
there are still illegal waste management
practices that pollute the air and water due to
lack of supervision and the lack of land
provision (5, 6, 7). In Thailand, poor waste
material handling, the lack of land provision led
to environment pollution such as leachate and
hazardous waste (8, 9, 10, 11). This affects each
country regulation and additional requirements
of waste management. Due to the problems
mentioned above, it is important to adopt
alternative strategies, to ensure that
municipalities play their role correctly, to
ensure that government fulfil their roles and
responsibilities on waste management, and to
give penalties to those who violate the
regulations. (4, 12).
Pharmaceutical industrial waste is one of the
alarming issues. Many countries had developed
and published guideline on how to handle
pharmaceutical waste. This article reviews the
handling of pharmaceutical industrial waste in
five countries in Asia namely Indonesia, India,
Japan, Thailand, and China. These five
countries were chosen to see differences in the
management of pharmaceutical waste in
countries with different industrial
2. Method of Article Searching
This review included regulations, guidelines
and articles from ProQuest, Crossref, and
Google Scholar. Keywords were used to find
articles was “pharmaceutical industrial waste”
OR “pharmaceutical waste”, AND “asia” OR
“asean”. Inclusion criteria were used as
mentioned on flowchart. Systematic reviews
and unrelated studies such as incomplete
sources and non-pharmaceutical waste studies
were all excluded from the study.
3. Results and Discussion
Table 1. Articles Searching Results
Number of
Articles used
for review (n)
From the article searching results, it was found
that five countries in Asia had sufficient
information. The information includes the
regulation and handling of their pharmaceutical
industry waste, passed the screening, and fit
into the inclusion criteria. The process of waste
management based on the WHO’s guideline on
handling waste which is used as a reference by
countries (3):
1) Chemical disinfection
Liquid wastes are best treated with chemical
disinfection. Chemical disinfection may also be
used to destroy or inactivate bacteria in waste,
microbiological cultures, mutilated sharps, or
shredded solids by adding powerful oxidants,
such as chlorine compounds, ammonium salts,
aldehydes, or phenol compounds. The type and
L. Azzahra et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2021) 9-19
amount of chemical used, as well as the degree
and length of contact between the disinfectant
and the waste, all affect disinfection
performance (3, 13)
Figure 1. Flowchart of Methodology
2) Secure land filling
Secure land filling is the process of disposing
of solid wastes in a landfill that is specifically
built and managed to handle hazardous wastes.
In most countries, burying waste in a landfill is
still the standard method of waste disposal. In
abandoned or unused quarries, mining voids,
and borrow pits, landfills were frequently
created. A well-designed and well-managed
landfill can be a sanitary and relatively
inexpensive way to dispose of waste. A modern
landfill's design features include methods for
containing leachate, such as clay or plastic
lining content. Waste is compacted and coated
to maximize its density and stability and to
deter vermin (mice or rats) from attracting it
3) Inertization
Inertization is a form of encapsulation that
involves removing the packaging materials
from the pharmaceuticals, such as paper,
cardboard, and plastic. The blister packs of pills
must be withdrawn. After that, the wastes are
ground and mixed with water, cement, and lime
to make a homogeneous paste. The paste is then
transported to a landfill in a liquid condition by
a concrete mixer truck and decanted into
regular municipal waste. The paste then
solidifies into a solid mass that is spread
throughout municipal solid waste. The
procedure is relatively low-cost and can be
completed with basic equipment (3, 13)
4) Sewer
Any liquid pharmaceuticals, such as syrups and
intravenous fluids, may be diluted with water
and flushed into sewers in limited amounts over
time without causing damage to public health
or the environment. Tiny amounts of well-
diluted liquid pharmaceuticals or antiseptics
may also be flushed by fast-flowing
watercourses (3).
5) Incineration
Incineration is a waste disposal process that
involves combusting solid organic wastes to
produce residue and gaseous materials. This
method can be used to dispose of solid waste
management residue as well as solid waste
management residue from waste water
management. It can be carried out on a small
and large scale. It is accepted as a viable
method of disposing of such hazardous wastes.
Due to concerns such as the release of gaseous
emissions, incineration is a contentious waste
disposal process. Ash from these incinerators
must be disposed of in a secure landfill (3, 13)
Sources identified from Google Scholar,
Proquest, Crossref (n =1480 )
Keywords: Pharmaceutical Industrial Waste,
Pharmaceutical Waste, Asia, Regulation
State Regulations
Non-Review Journals
Official Gov. Website
Review Articles
Non-pharmaceutical waste studies
Incomplete sources
Countries Included:5
References included: 31
References excluded: 1449
S. R. Mita et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2020) 89-100
Table 2. Summary of Waste Management Methods
Chemical disinfection
Efficient and drastic reduction in
waste volume
Liquid and
solid waste
(3, 13)
Secure land filling
Relatively simple
Solid waste
(3, 13)
Relatively inexpensive
Waste with
high metal
(3, 13)
Practical and easy
Liquid waste
(3, 13)
Drastic reduction in waste
volume, efficient
Solid waste
(3, 13)
relatively cheap, simple, and safe
Solid waste
(3, 13)
Deep burial
Low cost and safe (in restricted
Solid waste
(3, 13)
Low cost and efficient
Solid waste
(3, 13)
Good disinfection efficiency
liquid waste
(3, 13)
6) Encapsulation
The wastes are immobilized in a solid block
inside a plastic or steel drum during
encapsulation. They are filled to 75% capacity
with solid and semi-solid waste, with the
remaining space filled with cement,
cement/lime mixture, plastic foam, or
bituminous sand. After the drums have been
filled to 75% capacity, a 15:15:5 (by weight)
mixture of lime, cement, and water is applied
and the drum is filled to capacity (3, 13).
There are other methods apart from the WHO
guideline that is used by five countries which
reviewed in this article (14, 15, 16):
7) Deep burial
The deep burial site should be prepared by
digging a 2-meter deep pit or trench in a
location that is not vulnerable to flooding or
erosion, where the soil is relatively
impermeable. There are no nearby residents or
shallow wells, and the possibility of surface
water pollution is minimal (3, 13).
8) Autoclaving
Autoclaves are used to sterilize products, due to
saturated steam in direct contact with the
product in a pressure vessel for long enough
periods of time and at high enough
temperatures to destroy pathogens. Before
autoclaving, it is required shredding the waste
to an acceptable size which is an operation that
would involve frequent breakdown for waste
handling purposes. Autoclaving generates a
waste stream that can be used to fill landfills
with municipal waste. Autoclave operation
requires qualified technicians, and medium
investment and operating cost (3, 13).
9) Microwaving
Microwaves use an electric field to induce
liquid in the waste to oscillate and heat up,
killing infectious components by conduction.
The waste material has to be exposed to
ultraviolet radiation for this technology to be
useful in order to destroy pathogens (17). The
waste must be shred to an appropriate size and
humidified before being microwaved.
Microwaving generates waste that can be used
to fill landfills (3,13).
The waste management and procedure in each
country are similar to WHO. As for the
regulation for each country are slightly
different as discussed below.
Waste handling is a critical matter in the
pharmaceutical industry which must be
considered, managed properly, and reported to
the competent authority, i.e. the Ministry of
Environment and the Environmental Service.
Waste which managed properly can protect the
environment, personnel, and the quality of
products produced by the pharmaceutical
industry. Therefore, the pharmaceutical
industry is obliged to handle and inspect waste
so that the waste produced by the
pharmaceutical industry meets the
environmental quality standards set by the
Ministry of Environment. There are several
regulations governing industrial waste handling
in Indonesia, especially pharmaceutical
industrial waste (Table 3). The techniques used
in order to handle the waste are similar to the
WHO guideline. In Indonesia, pharmaceutical
industry waste management is generally carried
out by autoclaving, incinerators, microwave
irradiation, chemical disinfection, sewer,
encapsulation, inertization and safe
burial/landfilling. For liquid waste, many
pharmaceutical industries use wastewater
treatment plant. The WHO guideline is quite
relevant and all methods are suitable to be
applied in Indonesia but still need improvement
on discipline and supervising, it also need to
develop new methods (18).
In the regulations, there are requirements that
must be met before the processed waste can be
disposed to the environment. Pharmaceutical
industries in Indonesia are required to report
the results of waste management inspections
to the authorities regularly.
In the Regulation of the State Minister for the
Environment of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 16 of 2012 Article 2 paragraph (2) it is
stated that the AMDAL, UKL-UPL and SPPL
are "Environmental Documents." Analisis
Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) or
Environmental Impact Analysis is a study of
the significant impacts of a business and / or
activity on the environment which is required
for the decision-making process regarding the
operation of a business and/or activity. Upaya
Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dan Upaya
Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup (UKL-UPL) or
Environmental Management Efforts and
Environmental Monitoring Efforts are
management and monitoring of businesses and
/ or activities that do not have a significant
impact on the environment required for the
decision-making process regarding the
operation of a business and/or activity. Surat
Pernyataan Pengelolaan Lingkungan (SPPL) or
Environmental Management Statement Letter,
is a form of commitment of business and/or
activity organizers to monitor and manage the
environment on the environmental impacts of
their business and/or activities outside of
businesses and/or activities that are mandatory
for AMDAL or UKL-PKL. Industries with
large and Significant Impacts must prepare
AMDAL, industries with Environmental
Impacts must prepare UKL-UPL (20, 21).
India is recognised as one of the most fast-
growing pharmaceutical industry globally.
India contributes 2.4% in terms of value and
10% in terms of quantity internationally. India
accounts for 20% of global exports in generics.
In 2016, the Indian pharmaceutical industry
exported USD 16.89 billion and is expected to
touch USD 40 billion by 2020 (22). Along with
the increased pharmaceutical industry in India,
so the amount of waste generated is bound to
increase. In India, the handling of
pharmaceutical waste generated has been
regulated since 1995 by Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of India
framed rules for managing Biomedical wastes.
The Biomedical Waste (Handling and
Management) Rules were published by India's
Ministry of Environment and Forests in 1998
(14, 15).
India’s Ministry of Environment and Forests
issued the Biomedical Waste (Handling and
Management) Rules in 1998 which has been
amended twice in 2000. The rules divide
biomedical waste into ten groups, each with its
own care and control requirements.
Table 3. Indonesia’s Regulation on waste handling (19)
Published Year
Minister of Environment Decree No. 50/MENLH/1995 regarding Odor Level
Quality Standards. Jakarta: Ministry of Environment.
Ministry of Environment. 1995. Decree of the State Minister for the
Environment No. 13 of 1995 concerning: Emission Quality Standards for
Immovable Sources. Jakarta: Ministry of Environment.
Decree of the State Minister for the Environment Number: Kep-
48/Menlh/11/1996 concerning Noise Level Standards. Jakarta: Ministry of
Ministry of Environment. 2012. Regulation of the State Minister for the
Environment of the Republic of Indonesia No. 05 of 2012 concerning Types
of Business Plans and / or Activities that Require an Environmental Impact
Analysis. Jakarta: Ministry of Environment.
Ministry of Environment 2014. Regulation of the Minister of Environment of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 concerning Wastewater Quality
Standards. Jakarta: Ministry of Environment.
It is stated that the operators must send an
annual report to the appropriate authority
detailing the amount of waste generated and the
methods used to handle it. Each operator is
required to keep records on the waste disposal
of the wastes, which can be inspected and
checked at any time by the authorized
Table 4. India waste regulation (23)
Year Published
Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Handling) notified by Ministry of
Environment & Forests (amended on 2000)
Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement)
(amended on twice on 2009 and twice on 2010)
Hazardous and other waste (Management and Transboundary Movement)
(amended on 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019)
Bio-medical waste management rules (amended on 2018 and twice on 2019)
Any misfortune related to waste management
must be recorded by each operator. According
to the India’s pharmaceutical waste rule, the
handling of pharmaceutical industrial waste
implemented in India are incineration,
autoclaving, microwaving, chemical
disinfection, deep burial, secure land filling,
encapsulation, inertization, and sewer (14, 15).
The WHO guideline is quite relevant and has
been applied in India but it still weak of
supervision and lack of awareness from the
government and the people to treat waste
properly (4).
Japan started implementing waste management
since 1970s. Japan’s regulations on handling
waste are stated in Table 5.
Since the 1970s, Nippon Keidanren has
continuously promoted CSR as an essential
component of Japanese corporate management.
Keidanren created a Corporate Behavior
Charter in 1991 and recently issued CSR
guidance. CSR requires all businesses to adhere
to its standards and file an annual report on
Resource Conservation and Waste
Management. The Federation of
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations of
Japan (FPMAJ) is a trade association that
represents pharmaceutical manufacturers in
Japan. They investigate waste management
practices in Japanese pharmaceutical firms.
Table 5. Japan’s Early Regulation on Waste Handling (24, 25, 26)
Year Published
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate Behavior Charter
The Waste Disposal Law (amended in 2003)
Subcommittee on Socially Responsible Management
infectious waste management (revised regulation including new criteria)
published by Ministry of Environment
The Situation of Illegal Dumping of Industrial Waste by Ministry of
The Emissions and Treatment of Industrial Waste by Waste Management and
Recycling Department, Ministry of Environment
Report on Survey of Discharge and Disposal of Industrial Waste by Waste
Management and Recycling Department, Ministry of Environment
Concerns about packaging waste prompted the
FPMAJ to form an investigational committee in
July 2006 to address issues such as amending
the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law,
managing healthcare waste such as aerosol cans
and self-injecting syringes, and revising the
recycling symbol and push-out symbol on PTP
(Press Through Pack) packaging for tablets and
capsules. In February 2005, FPMAJ initiated
the Healthcare Related General Waste Control
Project. The FPMAJ and other interested
parties collaborated to develop a method for
properly disposing of expired injection needles,
discarded medication, and aerosol medications.
An annual follow-up session to the Nippon
Keidanren's Environment Voluntary Action
Plan is also held. The sessions held under this
initiative are open to Japan Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers Association (JPMA) member
companies and institutions that are members of
FPMAJ. Pharmaceutical firms conduct a
follow-up audit, compile and analyse data, and
report the findings to FPMAJ (24). Up to now,
Japan applies the WHO method and continues
to develop rapidly by implementing other new
methods, Japan’s efforts to improve its
management of industrial waste have been
recognized internationally, and useful lessons
can be drawn from them, namely 3R (reduce
reuse recycle), updating regulations to hold
waste generators responsible, voluntary
measures for industries, market-based
instruments to subsidize city-level action, and
awareness-raising programmes were all part of
the mix that helped change attitudes and
practices in industrial waste management. The
results were soon apparent: between 1990 and
2010, landfill of industrial waste decreased by
84 per cent, while the resource productivity rate
between 2000 and 2010 increased by 51 per
cent. Japan’s efforts to improve its management
of industrial waste have been recognized
internationally, and useful lessons can be drawn
from them. All methods incineration,
autoclaving, microwaving, chemical
disinfection, deep burial, secure land filling,
encapsulation, inertization, and sewer are
applied in Japan (27).
The Royal Thai Government, which is divided
into central, provincial, and local governments,
is in charge of municipal solid waste (MSW)
and industrial waste management in Thailand.
Local governments are in charge of waste
disposal in their jurisdiction.
Table 6. Waste Management Acts (29)
Year Published
Public Health Act. B.E.2535
Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality
Industry Act
Factory Act
Municipality Act. B.E.2496
Sub-District Council & Local Administrative Organizations Act. B.E.2537
Provincial Administrative Organization Act. B.E.2542, Decentralization to
LAO Act. B.E.2542
Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Act B.E 2554
Enhancement and conservation of national environmental quality act
amendment 2
edition BE 2561
Local governments employ private companies
that have been given permission by Thailand's
Pollution Control Department (PCD) to dispose
of waste such as Better World Green Public
Company Limited (BGW), Bangpoo Industrial
Waste Management Center, Waste
Management Siam LTD (WMS), General
Environmental Conservation Public Company
Limited (GENCO), and SGS (formerly Société
Générale de Surveillance) Thailand. Local
governments are in charge of waste
management (28). PCD (Pollution Control
Department), under The Ministry of Natural
Resource and Environment (MONRE) is
managing waste management in Thailand.
Some of the Waste Management Acts that have
been enforced by local governments are listed
in Table 6. The WHO guideline is quite
relevant and all methods are suitable to be
applied, but still need improvement on
developing and implementing new methods
(4). All methods incineration, autoclaving,
microwaving, chemical disinfection, deep
burial, secure land filling, encapsulation,
inertization, and sewer are applied in Thailand.
In China, the Health Bureau, the Urban
Management Bureau, and the Environmental
Protection Agency are in charge of waste
management The Health of Bureau is primarily
responsible for managing disease prevention in
the entire phase of medical waste, as well as the
preparation of a Medical Waste Management
contingency plan; The Environmental
Protection Bureau is primarily responsible for
managing pollution prevention and control; the
Urban Management Bureau is responsible for
managing medical waste safely. Medical waste
disposal centre (such as Yuri International
Environmental Science and Technology
Company in Xinxiang) are in charge of the
timely processing, storage, and safe disposal of
medical wastes, as well as the planning of
medical waste disposal in accordance with
emergency response plans. Special
administration divisions, such as the Medical
Policy Department (in the Health Bureau) and
Solid Waste Management, have been
developed to increase the efficiency of waste
management. Quantitative and assessment
rules, a macro-control framework, a
management database interface, and a
recycling network in remote areas are among
the initiatives that have been implemented (30).
Indonesia, India, Japan, Thailand, and China
have implemented pharmaceutical industrial
waste management that follows the regulation
of their respective countries. The techniques
used in handling waste is similar to the WHO
guideline. It is obliged to report the results of
processing and inspection of waste produced
from the pharmaceutical industry.
Table 7. China Waste Regulation (31)
Year Published
Amended 2017
Waste Disposal Act (Environmental Protection Adm.)
Amended 2013
Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations
Amended 2020
Standards for Defining Hazardous Industrial Waste
Amended 2021
Methods and Facilities Standards for the Storage, Clearance and Disposal of
Industrial Waste
China is a country that has implemented the
WHO method and developed the method with
renewable technology (14).
4. Conclusion
Pharmaceutical waste management in five
countries has been implemented following the
regulations of their own country. Each country
has its own additional requirements on how the
waste management. There is minor differential
regulation in each country such as waste
classification and waste treatment facilities
(public and/or private). Some factors affecting
the country regulations are the insufficient of
land and waste management facilities, lack of
awareness, low penalties, limited
infrastructures, lack of waste testing facilities.
The challenge in the future to handle
pharmaceutical waste are increasing waste
volume, decreasing land for waste
management, sewer methods may contaminate
water, possible air pollution due to incineration,
so it is necessary to have more advanced
methods in waste management that are safe for
the environment and humans.
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Database of The Republic of China.
[Accessed on May 7, 2021] Available at:
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