Vol 3, Issue 1, 2021 (26-37)
*Corresponding author,
e-mail: y.herdiana@unpad.ac.id (Y. Herdiana)
© 2021 Y. Herdiana et al
Veterinary Drug Development from Indonesian Herbal Origin: Challenges and Opportunities
Yedi Herdiana
, Nasrul Wathoni
, Sriwidodo
, I Ketut Mudite Adnyane
Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas
Padjadjaran, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia.
Departement of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor
Agricultural University (IPB University), Indonesia.
Received: 3 March 2021, Revised: 22 March 2021, Accepted: 27 March 2021, Published: 1 April
Herbal medicine is increasingly being used in human and veterinary medicine to reduce
and prevent minor ailments and support conventional treatment using allopathic
medicine. The medicinal properties of the plants used in phytotherapy are due to the large
number of active compounds found in the plant kingdom. The active compounds
extracted from the plant is often equivalent to a synthetic drug according to its therapeutic
efficacy; thus, they are used in veterinary medicine, primarily as antibacterial,
antimycotic, antiparasitic, disinfect, and immunostimulant.pharmaceutical quality,
ensuring safety, specific standards of purity, and consistency. These standards apply
throughout the production and formulation process. This review describes the
development of herbs that can be used as veterinary drugs with the possibility of dosage
form technology. Veterinary dosage forms show great promise for the future of the herbal
veterinary delivery system.
Keyword: Veterinary drug, herbal medicine, dosage form, drug delivery.
1. Introduction
Veterinary medicine is the branch of science
that applies medical, surgical, public health,
dental, diagnostic, and therapeutic principles to
nonhuman animals. Animals provide us with
companionship (e.g., Dog and cat), recreation
(e., g. Horse), food (e.g., Cattle and pig), and
manual labor (whether an elephant carrying
logs in Thailand or a hunting dog retrieving a
downed pheasant in South Dakota). Just like
humans, these animals have received medicines
to keep them healthy, and the reasons for
producing single-dose veterinary dosage forms
are the same as those in humans; to permit
delivery of action in a form that is effective,
safe, and able to be handled and administered
by the end-user 13.
Animal care and animal welfare in rural
populations is based on ethnomedical
veterinary practice, especially when access to
western veterinary products is difficult or too
expensive. The cost of using veterinary drugs
accounts for more than 50% of all medical
expenses. Synthetic veterinary drugs have
adverse side effects, such as drug resistance and
increased toxicity in animals due to excessive
doses 4. Side effects of synthetic drugs, such as
Y. Herdiana et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2021) 26-37
antibiotic residues, cause antibiotic resistance
in humans; toxic metabolites remain in the meat
5. Synthetic drug side products are a concern in
the long-term use of these drugs. Problems like
this have prompted the search for alternatives
such as herbal medicines, as they are cheap and
safe compared to modern animal health care
systems 6.
Medicinal herbs contain various
pharmacologically active ingredients, and each
herb has unique combinations and properties 6.
Veterinary herbal medicine can be applied for
therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic in
animal health care. The use of herbal medicines
is considered to have no side effects or minimal
side effects, non-narcotic product, available
quickly and at an affordable price. Traditional
veterinary knowledge consists of a collection of
beliefs and practices about animal welfare that
involve the use of natural resources [4]. The
demand for plant-based drugs is increasing in
both human and veterinary medicine [7-9].
Alternative medicine is becoming popular all
over the world, and herbal medicine has
become one of the most common forms of
alternative therapy and complementary therapy
and supplements to allopathic medicine [8].
Indonesia is a country that has a wealth of
herbs. In ethnopharmacology, many plants are
commonly used as medicine in animals 7.
There are great opportunities for herbal
development for veterinary, as regulated by
Kepmentan No 453/2000 concerning Natural
Medicines for Animals. Animal treatment
using herbal medicines, according to the
government, must be standardized through
research. After passing scientific research and
testing, herbal medicines must obtain approval
from the Ministry of Agriculture or be
registered 8. Livestock disease is one of the
biggest obstacles in improving the quality of
livestock production. Farmers need the best
medicine to treat diseases that attack livestock
Like human medicine, pharmacists are
expected to design, manufacture and control
veterinary drug delivery systems. On the other
hand, some drugs or drug formulations may not
be suitable for animals. The design and
preparation of veterinary drug delivery systems
requires consideration and challenges
compared to preparations for humans. 3,9,10.
This review provides an overview of the use of
herbal medicine in veterinary studies from
various studies. Special considerations and
developments are needed to change the
empirically used preparations into drug
delivery systems that are easier to use, stable,
and have more benefits. This review provides
an overview of the great potential of Indonesian
herbs and how to empower them to be more
scientific and effective as a herbal medicine
2. Plant Used in Herbal Veterinary
Herbal drugs usually used in human practice
are often utilized in pets, particularly by owners
who used such remedies for themselves (6).
They are given to companion animals to treat
respiratory, skin, urinary, digestive, and
cardiovascular affections and to reduce stress;
moreover, they are also used to treat some
chronic diseases instead of conventional drugs
to avoid adverse effects that sometimes could
occur as a consequence of a prolonged
administration of synthetic drugs. Finally,
phytotherapy could represent valuable support
to conventional therapies in the case of severe
illness. While few studies have been carried out
to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of herbal
remedies in companion animals, many studies
have been found in the literature relating to the
use of plants and plant materials in farm
animals (2).
Y. Herdiana et al / Indo J Pharm 3 (2021) 26-37
3. Dosage forms of veterinary herbal
medicines herbal medicinal products
Development of the principle of veterinary
The general property of a veterinary drug is that
it is not easy to predict the emergence of a
beneficial response when the body interacts
with veterinary drugs. The continued impact of
this trait will ultimately have implications such
as (i) generating favorable responses such as
Table. 1 Plant Used in Herbal Veterinary
Used parts
Wound healing
Antibacterial, Imonomodulator
Weight gain
Chiken Poultry
Anthelmintic, Weight gain
Weight gain
Weight gain
Fruit seeds
Wound healing
expectations, (ii) the emergence of new
diseases in infected animals due to veterinary
drug administration. Other impacts are (iii)
causing residual hazards in processed products
of animal origin, (iv) causing contamination of
the habitat of infected animals. If the effect is
in the form of a beneficial response according
to the plan, it will not be a problem. However,
if the response is in the form of a new disease
caused by drugs, and/or it causes residues of
veterinary drugs and contaminants of animal
habitat. The problem will not benefit human
life. As a way out of the issues mentioned
above, it is time to change the orientation of the
management strategy towards a logical and
responsible direction [38].
The development of the cito principle has the
meaning as soon as possible to bring the drug
closer to the target pathological part of the
body. However, when the pathological part of
the body has recovered, then as soon as
possible, the drugs or medical equipment used
must be eliminated. The development of the
tuto principle has four meanings, namely (i)
safe when used as a means of treatment, (ii)
safe from the impact of contamination residues
on processed animal products, (iii) safe from
causing damage to animal habitat, (iv) safe
from abuse of animal drugs and veterinary drug
abuse. The development of the curare principle
has requirements, namely the selection based
on the patient's treatment strategy by designing
the dose, selecting the type of active ingredient,
adjusting the time and method of
administration, and determining the dosage
form. The development of the jucunde principle
has the meaning of having to accommodate
animal welfare criteria, including veterinary
drug preparations that must not cause
pain/hunger, (ii) fear, (iii) unpleasant taste for
animals. Another aspect of the jucunde
principle is that the activity of administering
veterinary drugs must create a sense of security
from possible attacks by animal sufferers to
make the drug giver comfortable 38
3.2 Dosage forms of veterinary herbal
medicines herbal medicinal products
Veterinary drug delivery is still rare in research.
From a total of more than 8000 research papers
focusing on delivering medical, veterinary, and
agricultural active ingredients published
between 1990 and 2020, only 3% are focused
on veterinary applications, 4% on agricultural
applications, and the rest of 93% on medical
applications [39].
Considerations in making dosage forms in
animals, have some of the same pharmaceutical
principles. Pharmaceutics is an
interdisciplinary science that involves the
integration of physical pharmacy,
pharmaceutical formulation, manufacturing
technology, dispensing pharmacy, and the laws
of pharmaceutics [40]. The same factors
influence the process of dosage form
development and quality control considerations
[4143]. These factors include:
1. The physical and chemical characteristics
of the active pharmaceutical ingredient
(API) such as:
a. intrinsic solubility (aqueous solubility
of the unionized form of the drug);
b. pKa;
c. ability to traverse the biological
d. stability:
e. in the presence of excipients
f. during manufacture
g. shelf life
h. crystal characteristics (e.g., crystalline
habit, particle size, particle shape).
2. The intended use of the dosage form:
a. targeted duration of drug release;
b. stability in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
(orally administered products);
c. ease of administration;
d. limitations on dosage form:
e. size of tablets or capsules or volume of
an oral liquid
f. injection volume
g. location of administration (e.g., skin,
ophthalmic, ear).
3. Formulation that includes excipients to
insure that the product delivers the drug in
a manner defined by the
pharmacologist/clinical expert.
4. Method of manufacture (based upon drug
and intended dosage form characteristics).
Pharmaceutic principles are discussed from the
perspective of the design of drug delivery
systems (dosage forms), the formulation and
manufacturing variables influencing in vivo
and in vitro product performance, and the
product understanding necessary to assure that
the dosage form is effective, safe, and stable
From an evolutionary perspective, it seems
likely that the use of many médicinal plants
may hâve derived from the ingestion of rarely
eaten or fall-back foods (consumed in periods
of major food shortage) with supportive
médicinal properties [44]. In many cases
below, herbal medicines for veterinary use can
be given or prepared in whole herb or herb
extracts, as shown in Fig.1
Fig 1. The Use of herbal medicine in veterinary
Although most veterinary dosage forms contain
the same drug as human dosage forms, some
veterinary preparation includes drugs that are
not widely used in humans. 3. These reasons do
not impact the science used to develop such
dosage forms, but they heavily impact the
outcomes such as the size, shape, volume
administered, etc., of the dosage form.
Veterinary pharmaceuticals play an important
role in human and animal health [45,46].
Dosage forms are how drug molecules or plant
parts are delivered to sites of action within the
body [47]. The routes for which herbal dosage
forms may be administered include oral, rectal,
topical, parenteral, respiratory, nasal,
ophthalmic, and otic, as shown in Fig 2.
Categorizing finished herbal products into
dosage forms will help define specific
protocols for quality control and stability
testing. Herbal medicinal products may be
designated as finished, labeled medicinal
products containing active ingredients aerial or
underground parts of plants, or other plant
material, or combinations thereof, whether in
the crude state or as plant preparations. Herbal
medicines may contain excipients in addition to
active ingredients. Medicines containing plant
materials combined with chemically defined
active substances, including chemically
defined, isolated plants, are not considered
herbal medicines. Finished herbal products or
herbal drug preparations are varied, and various
solvents may be used for their extraction,
distillation, expression, fractionation,
purification, concentration, or fermentation.
These include comminuted or powdered herbal
drugs, tinctures, extracts, essential oils,
expressed juices, and processed exudates.
Factor Involved in Deciding route of
administration: Concentration of drug needed,
the site where drug required, time of action,
duration of action, circumstances of action site,
safety, and cost [48].
Pharmaceutical quality is an essential
ingredient of product safety and requires the
product to be manufactured according to
specific standards of purity and consistency.
These standards apply throughout the
production and formulation process. Stability
studies ensure that the product retains its
potency, efficacy, and safety for the full
duration of the shelf-life 2. However,
veterinarians and pharmacists must be aware of
potential incompatibilities and practices that
may interfere with the drug’s stability, purity,
and potency 3.
3.3 Unique aspects Veterinary Dosage Form
Animal drug dosage forms have their
requirements & characteristics based on the
unique aspects of mammal & avian physiology.
Many drugs used in veterinary medicine are not
used in human medicine, and therefore,
pharmacists may not know their attributes. The
pharmacist who desires to practice in this area
should undertake self-study to learn the
chemical, biochemical (metabolism),
pharmacological (mechanisms), therapeutic
(clinical outcomes), and pharmaceutical
(dosage forms) and pharmacokinetic
characteristics of these compounds. Some
dosage forms are specially designed for
animals (e.g., Ear tags, collars, and darts). Most
drug delivery systems (including nano-carriers
Fig 2 Dosage forms of herbal medicinal products
and controlled drug delivery systems) are
common among animals and humans 9.
Flavors that animals prefer to include Dog
prefers Beef, Chicken, Cheddar Cheese,
Molasses, Peanut Butter, Liver, Raspberry,
Strawberry. Cat prefers Tuna, Chicken, Beef,
Cheddar Cheese, Peanut Butter, Liver,
Butterscotch. Bird prefers Grape, Mandarin
Orange, Tutti-Frutti, Molasses, Pina Colada.
Horse prefers Apple, Creamy Caramel,
Molasses, Licorice, Cherry. Rabbit prefers
Banana Ferret prefers Bubble Gum, Molasses.
Gerbils prefers Mandarin Orange, Tutti-frutti 9.
In general there are similarities between human
and animal preparations, but there are some that
are specific to animals 3.
medicated powders for administration in
drinking water (herd health);
drenches (a large volume of aqueous
suspension or solution containing the API that
is pumped into the animal’s rumen);
medicated articles (a formulation intended for
administration in feed)
rumen bolus (a large tablet designed for
administration in ruminants and which can
provide either immediate drug release or
remain in the rumen for a prolonged duration of
time to provide extended drug release).
4. Herbal drugs used in veterinary
For veterinary use, quality specifications for
veterinary herbal medicines need to be
developed. There is a need for validation of
traditional claims systems (detailed
pharmacognostic, phytochemical, and
pharmacological studies, etc.) and evaluation
of the safety of plant models for their
development and use as veterinary drugs 49.
Standardization of veterinary herbal medicines
is needed to determine their quality,
consistency, and reproducibility. This stage is
to ensure that one or more of the main
phytochemical ingredients of veterinary herbal
medicines or other ingredients are present in the
specified amount. Quality control is applied for
batch-wise consistency, dose uniformity,
stability, and to detect
contamination/counterfeiting. Identifying the
biologically active compounds in herbs is very
important for quality control and for
determining the dosage of plant-based drugs.
When used in small amounts, certain plants are
useful as veterinary drugs, while in large
quantities they are toxic 49,50.
Standardization of herbal medicines is a
complicated process because these medicines
contain complex mixtures of different
compounds. Thus, the herbs responsible for the
medicinal effect are often unknown.
Knowledge of the physicochemical properties
of herbal medicines, along with other
preformulation data, is necessary for the
standardization and validation of active
constituents. Various chemical, spectroscopic,
and biological methods are also employed for
the standardization. Some examples include
infrared spectroscopy, liquid chromatography,
high-performance thin-layer chromatography
(HPTLC), nuclear magnetic resonance, mass
spectroscopy, etc 5153.
Good manufacturing practices (GMP) is a
system that ensures that the products
manufactured are consistently produced are
controlled according to quality standards and
that they minimize those risks involved in the
production that cannot be eliminated through
testing of the final product. GMP covers all
aspects of production from the starting
materials, premises, and equipment to the
staff's training, safety measures, and personal
hygiene. It also ensures that proper standard
operating procedures are followed; the work
environment is controlled; quality assurance,
packaging, and labeling are done according to
the requirements 48,51.
Currently used for veterinary medicine, many
use drugs commonly used in humans. Drug
administration is done by adjusting the dose.
The proper translation of drug doses from one
animal species to another and the translation of
animal doses to human doses are both critical
to the safety and efficacy of drugs. The
equivalence to human doses was calculated
using the formula shown in Table 2 54,55.
Table 2 Conversion of human equivalent dose
to animal dose 55
Guinea Pig
5. Perspective
Traditional veterinary knowledge is passed
down from generation to generation. The
disconnect between traditional veterinary
knowledge in the current generation has led to
its extinction. To overcome the extinction of
local wisdom in veterinary medicine, there
must be studies that are continuously seeking
from various sources. 56,57.
Future developments will apply technology
that is currently developing and helps in the
world of health by implementing an intelligent
drug delivery system. One practical function of
nanotechnology in medicine, which is currently
being developed, involves using nanoparticles
to administer drugs or other constituents to
specific cell types 58. Nanoparticles were
developed to deliver hormones, antibiotics,
genes, anticancer drugs, anti-inflammatory
drugs, antigens, and growth factors. The system
can be used for target delivery of different
cargo molecules to increase drug
bioavailability, maintain drug effect on specific
target tissues/organs, solubilize drug, and
improve drug stability against degradation 39.
The others is developing a drug into a long-
acting delivery system include reducing dose
frequency to improve patient compliance or
enhancing the efficiency of therapy and thereby
improving the health of the patient. In contrast,
in the veterinary field, the major reasons for
developing a drug into a long-acting drug
delivery system is to minimize animal handling
to reduce the stress to animals from repeated
administration and to reduce the cost of
treatment in terms of money and time spent by
the end-user on drug administration. The
veterinary area offers opportunities to develop
novel controlled-release drug delivery
technologies adapted to livestock or companion
animal health needs 39.
The administration of drugs through the skin is
a non-invasive, convenient, and comfortable
way to administer drugs without trauma or risk
of infection This procedure avoids gastric
metabolism and the first-pass effect through the
liver found in the oral treatment. It also reduces
side effects and increases the interval between
administrations, thereby facilitating treatment
compliance from pet owners (Prausnitz 59)
6. Conclusion
The development of veterinary herbal medicine
will be a new solution to overcome the
challenge of antibiotic resistance to increase
animal production. In some cases, it also
improves profitability in meat production or
meets the safety criteria related to drug
residues. Veterinary medicice play a role in
restoring animal health, which will have an
impact on human welfare. To develop
traditional preparations, the latest
pharmaceutical knowledge is needed, to make
effective and efficient preparations. This
development requires special consideration in
making veterinary preparations. As in
traditional medicine for humans, to be able to
progress, it needs special attention for its
development from the government,
researchers, business. There must be
development of veterinary herbal medicines
that can be sold at relatively low prices
compared to modern medicines. If herbal
veterinary medicines lose their advantage over
allopathic medicines
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