Vol 4, Issue 3, 2023 (286-306)
*Corresponding author,
e-mail : yanni.dhiani@bku.ac.id (Y. D. Mardhiani)
© 2023 Y. D. Mardhiani et al
Formulation and Evaluation of Sunscreen Gel Combination of Bisoctrizole and Gotu
Kola Extract (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban)
Yanni D. Mardhiani*, Dadih Supriadi, Putri Hafisa Nur Islamiyah
Research Group of Pharmaceutics, Bhakti Kencana University, Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.754,
Bandung city, West Java, Indonesia.
Submitted : 21/01/2023, Revised : 03/04/ 2023, Accepted : 06/06/ 2023, Published : 16/08/2023
Gotu kola extract has antioxidant activity and contains flavonoids that can absorb
maximum wavelengths of UV radiation. Bisoctrizole is a photoprotective agent to
minimize sun damage. The Sun Protection Factor value of sunscreen can be
increased by combining Bisoctrizole and Gotu kola extract as sunscreen in the form
of a gel. This study aims to develop a sunscreen gel from a combination of
Bisoctrizole UV filter material and Gotu kola extract which has good physical
properties and sun protection efficacy. Gel evaluation was carried out on
organoleptic, homogeneity, adhesion, dispersion, viscosity, syneresis, pH, irritation
test, stability test, and in vitro test of SPF value (UV-Visible Spectrophotometry).
The results showed that the combination sunscreen gel (F5-F7) had excellent
physical appearance and homogeneity, no syneresis, pH 4.96±0.01 - 5.30±0.01,
viscosity 5960±106 - 9240±173 cps, spreadability 5.75±0.05 - 6.38±0.03 cm,
adhesion 1.24±0.20 - 2.89±0.12 seconds, and is non-irritating. The results of the
measurement of sunscreen activity showed that the SPF value of the Bisoctrizole
5% gel added with Gotu kola extract 5% (F5); 7.5% (F6); and 10% (F7),
respectively, were 27.73±0.04; 34.56±0.23; and 37.31±0.36. There was a
significant difference (p<0.05) in the room temperature gel stability test and the
cycling test on pH, viscosity, and spreadability.. The highest SPF value was found
in the gel combination of Bisoctrizole 5% with Gotu kola extract 10% (F7) with an
increase of 55.58%. Gotu kola extract can be formulated with Bisoctrizole into a
sunscreen gel with ultra photoprotective activity (SPF>15).
Keywords: Bisoctrizole, sunscreen, gel, gotu kola extract.
1. Introduction
UV radiation is responsible for the
main cause of skin damage. UVB and UVA
penetrate deep into the earth and have the
ability to damage the skin, causing sunburn,
solar keratosis, premature aging, and even
skin cancer. This is the background that
sunscreen product formulations need to be
developed as additional protection for the
skin from the adverse effects of UV
radiation (Bhattacharya & Sherje, 2020).
Theoretically, sunscreens reduce UV
radiation damage by forming a film or layer
on the surface of the stratum corneum that
absorbs and/or scatters UV radiation
(Sampattavanich et al., 2021). Sun
protection factor (SPF) was used to
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
describe sunscreen efficacy (Dutra et al.,
2004; Maske et al., 2020). Bisoctrizole
(INCI: methylene bis-benzotriazolyl
tetramethylbutylphenol) is a sunscreen
ingredient that provides extreme broad-
spectrum UV protection against UVA and
UVB. This material combines the benefits
of organic and inorganic filters so that its
mechanism as a sunscreen not only absorbs
UV, but can also spread and reflect it
(Benson et al., 2019; Tuchinda et al., 2006).
Research related to the use of sunscreen
active ingredients from natural ingredients
continues to increase, one of which is gotu
kola extract (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban).
Gotu kola contains triterpenoid compounds
such as asiaticoside, madecoside, asiatic
acid, madasiatic acid, and brahmic acid
(Sulastri et al., 2017). A study showed the
total flavonoids from the ethanol extract of
gotu kola leaves was 102.10 ± 0.08 mg/g
QE (Widiyana, 2021). The chromophore
group in phenolic compounds, especially
the flavonoid group, is able to absorb UVA
and UVB radiation so that it has the
potential as a sunscreen to reduce the
intensity of skin damage due to UV
radiation (Salwa et al., 2020).
Gotu kola (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) can be
included in the formulation of cosmetic
preparations for skin care because it has
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-
cellulite, antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-
aging activities (Ratz-Lyko et al., 2016;
Sulastri et al. , 2017). Based on the
research, the IC50 value of gotu kola ethanol
extract was 78.26 ppm This value proves
that the antioxidant activity of the ethanol
extract of gotu kola belongs to the category
of strong antioxidants (Yahya &
Nurrosyidah, 2020). The antioxidant
activity of gotu kola is comparable to that
of rosemary and sage which has been
identified as having high potential to be
explored as a source of natural antioxidants
(Jaswir et al., 2004). Another study stated
that the antioxidant activity in gotu kola
(84%) was almost equivalent to that of
grape seed extract (83%) and vitamin C
(88%) (Chandrika & Kumarab, 2015;
Hashim et al., 2011). Research on the UV
protective effect of gotu kola extract
showed that at a concentration of 10%, the
absorbance of gotu kola extract was
comparable to that of control Octyl
methoxy cinnamate (OMC) and bearberry
extract in protection against UVB.
Research says that the gotu kola extract
contains quercetin and beta-carotene
(Bajpai et al., 2005). The SPF value of an
emulsion containing 10% quercetin is
equivalent to homosalat, and has an SPF
value of 30 when combined with titanium
dioxide (Choquenet et al., 2008).
Meanwhile, the combination of 0.1% olive
oil cream and 20% gotu kola extract
showed an SPF value of 37 (Zainuddin et
al., 2019).
The selection of gel preparations in this
study was based on its properties that felt
lighter on the skin than lotions or creams,
thus providing a comfortable and easy
feeling when applied, did not clog pores,
and did not interfere with skin respiration
(Mukhlishah & Ningrum, 2020).
A good sunscreen is expected to block UV
penetration, prevent skin damage, and is
safe to use. This can be achieved by adding
natural ingredients that have antioxidant
activity. Based on research, antioxidants
added in sunscreen formulations are proven
to increase their effectiveness, namely by
increasing the SPF value (Bhattacharya &
Sherje, 2020; Lim et al., 2019).
The antioxidant ability of natural
ingredients to ward off free radicals shows
a correlation between antioxidants and the
photoprotective activity of sunscreens. The
existence of this relationship can be used as
the basis for the use of antioxidants in
pharmaceutical preparations as sunscreens
(Gunarti & Fikayuniar, 2019). This is in
line with the current trend of developing
multifunctional cosmetics. So this study
formulated a sunscreen gel combination of
Bisoctrizole as a photoprotective agent with
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
gotu kola extract as a natural ingredient into
a preparation that meets the evaluation
criteria, has good efficacy and stability, and
is safer for the skin.
2. Method
The ingredients to be used in the
preparation of the gel include gotu kola
extract (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) (PT.
Lansida Herbal, Yogyakarta, Indonesia),
Bisoctrizole (BASF, Germany),
Aristoflex® AVC (Clariant, Switzerland)
Bisoctrizole and gotu kola extract (Centella
asiatica (L) Urban) were formulated into
gel preparations as sunscreens with varying
concentrations and combinations, gel
without active ingredients (F0),
Bisoctrizole 5% single gel (F1), single gotu
kola extract gel 5% ( F2), gotu kola extract
gel 7.5% single (F3), gotu kola extract gel
10% single (F4), Bisoctrizole combination
gel 5% and gotu kola extract 5% (F5),
Bisoctrizole combination gel 5% and gotu
kola extract 7.5 % (F6), a combination of
5% Bisoctrizole gel and 10% gotu kola
extract (F7). Evaluation of the gel
preparation was carried out by physical
evaluation (organoleptic, homogeneity,
adhesion, spreadability, viscosity, and
syneresis), chemical characteristics (pH),
irritation test stability test (cycling test),
and determination of the SPF value of
sunscreen gel preparations in vitro. (UV-
Vis Spectrophotometry).
The research data obtained from 3
replications were collected by direct
measurement and recording methods and
then presented in the form of tables and
graphs. The research data were compared
with the standards set in the literature. The
data obtained from the evaluation results
were analyzed using SPSS ver.26 software
to determine the significant differences in
the characteristics during the storage period
at room temperature, extreme temperatures
(cycling test), and SPF values of
formulation variations.
3. Result
Optimization Results
The composition of Aristoflex® AVC as a
gelling agent is varied, other ingredients are
added including glycerin, propylene glycol,
DMDM hydantoin, and distilled water.
Optimization is done by trial and error
method to determine the gel base formula
that meets the requirements of the
Table 1.Gel Base Optimization Formula
After knowing the concentration of the best
gelling agent to make a gel base, a gel with
a combination of Bisoctrizole and gotu kola
extract was formulated with eight different
formulations, a gel without active
ingredients (F0), a single 5% Bisoctrizole
gel (F1), a single 5% gotu kola extract gel
(F2). ), gotu kola extract gel 7.5% single
(F3), gotu kola extract gel 10% single (F4),
Bisoctrizole 5% combination gel and gotu
Aristoflex ® AVC
Propilen glikol
DMDM Hydantoin
Sampai 100
Sampai 100
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
kola extract 5% (F5), Bisoctrizole
combination gel 5% and gotu kola extract
7.5% (F6), a combination of 5%
Bisoctrizole gel and 10% gotu kola extract
Table 2. Formula for Bisoctrizole sunscreen gel and gotu kola extract
F0: gel without active ingredients
F1: Bisoctrizole 5% single gel
F2: gotu kola extract gel 5% single
F3: single 7.5% gotu kola extract gel
F4: single 10% gotu kola extract gel
F5: Bisoctrizole 5% combination gel and gotu kola extract 5%
F6: Bisoctrizole 5% combination gel and gotu kola extract 7.5%
F7: Bisoctrizole 5% combination gel and 10% gotu kola extract
Sunscreen Gel Formulation
Aristoflex® AVC was added to distilled
water (75% of total used, temperature 30
40oC), expanded in a mortar until hydrated
and swelled. Glycerin, propylene glycol,
and DMDM hydantoin were added one by
one, stirring until a smooth gel was
obtained. Allantoin was dissolved in hot
distilled water and put into a gel base. The
gotu kola extract in various concentrations
(Table IV.2) was moistened with residual
propylene glycol and dissolved with
distilled water, put into a gel base.
Bisoctrizole was put into the mixture and
homogenized. The remaining aquadest is
added up to 100%. Stirring is then carried
out with a homogenizer (temperature
25±2°C, RPM 1000) until homogeneous.
The preparation is then put into a container,
and prepared for further evaluation.
Organoleptic Test
Organoleptic test was carried out visually
by observing the color, shape and smell of
the preparation.
ad 100
ad 100
ad 100
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
Figure 1. Organoleptic Test
Table 2. Results of homogeneity testing for 28 days at room temperature
pH measurement
pH measurement for 28 days can provide a
stability profile with changes in the pH of
the gel at room temperature storage. The gel
pH decreased every week, but was still in
the skin pH range (4.56.5) and met the
requirements based on the Indonesian
National Standard (SNI) No. 16-4399-
1996, namely the range of 4.5-8.0, so it is
still safe to use. The pH value of the
combination bisoctrizole sunscreen gel and
gotu kola extract F5 was 5.02 ± 0.01-5.30 ±
0.01; the pH value of F6 is 4.98 ± 0.02-5.24
± 0.02; and the pH value of F7 was in the
range of 4.96 ± 0.01-5.15 ± 0.01 during the
28 day storage period at room temperature.
Figure 2. Graph of measuring pH values for 28 days at room temperature
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
n = 3 times replication
F0 = gel without active ingredients
F1 = single 5% Bisoctrizole gel
F2 = single 5% gotu kola extract gel
F3 = single 7.5% gotu kola extract gel
F4 = single 10% gotu kola extract gel
F5 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 5% gotu kola extract
6 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 7.5% gotu kola extract
F7 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 10% gotu kola extract
Viscosity Test
Viscosity measurements were carried out
using a Brookfield DV-11 viscometer with
spindle number 7 and a speed of 50 rpm.
The test was carried out 3 repetitions with
the aim of ensuring accuracy in
measurement. The viscosity of the
preparations was observed based on the
results of measuring the viscosity values for
28 days at room temperature (±25°C), with
measurements every week. Viscosity value
of bisoctrizole and gotu kola extract was in
the range of 9240 ± 173-8267 ± 122 cps; F6
is in the range of 7600±80-8347±257 cps;
and F7 were in the range of 5993±103-
6507±395 cps during the storage period.
The viscosity value meets the viscosity
requirements for good gel and sunscreen
formulations, based on the Indonesian
National Standard (SNI) No. 16-4399-1996
namely 2000-50,000 cps (Yulyuswarni,
2021). The results of measuring the
viscosity value for 28 days at room
temperature are presented in the following
Figure 3.3 Graph of Viscosity Measurements for 28 Days at Room Temperature
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
Information :
n = 3 times replication
F0 = gel without active ingredients
F1= Bisoctrizole 5% single gel
F2 = single 5% gotu kola extract gel
F3 = single 7.5% gotu kola extract gel
F4 = single 10% gotu kola extract gel
F5 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 5% gotu kola extract
F6 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 7.5% gotu kola extract
F7 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 10% gotu kola extract
Spread Power Measurement
Measuring the spreading power of the
sunscreen gel preparation was carried out
by measuring the diameter of the spread of
the preparation with the addition of 0; 50;
100; 150; and 200 g. Spread power
measurement data is represented in Figure
VI.5. and is attached in Appendix 12. Based
on the observations, the spreadability of F5
was in the range of 5.75 ± 0.05-6.13 ± 0.06
cm; F6 is in the range of 6.05 ± 0.09-6.18 ±
0.03 cm; and F7 is in the range of 6.22 ±
0.08-6.38 ± 0.03 cm. This value meets the
spreadability requirements, where the
required spreadability of the gel is 5-7 cm
in diameter (Hanip et al., 2021).
Spreadability describes the ability of the gel
to spread on the skin surface. When the
preparation is easily applied, the contact
area of the active substance with the skin
will be greater along with the ease with
which the preparation can be applied, so
that its efficacy is more optimal.
Spreadability is affected by viscosity, in
which the ability to spread increases if there
is a decrease in viscosity. This is due to the
breakdown of the polymer bonds in the
preparation which ultimately results in an
increasingly dilute preparation (Febriani et
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
Figure 3.4. Graph of Spreadability Measurements for 28 Days at Room Temperature
n = 3 times replication
F0 = gel without active ingredients
F1= Bisoctrizole 5% single gel
F2 = single 5% gotu kola extract gel
F3 = single 7.5% gotu kola extract gel
F4 = single 10% gotu kola extract gel
F5 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 5% gotu kola extract
F6 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 7.5% gotu kola extract
F7 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 10% gotu kola extract
Syneresis Test
Based on observations of gel syneresis for
72 hours of storage at 10 ± 2°C, it showed
that syneresis did not occur in all sunscreen
gel formulas. This is evidenced by the
absence of water from the gel preparation.
The loss of water is considered as a loss of
gel mass, which will be compared with the
initial mass of the gel. The sunscreen gel in
this study has gel stability based on
syneresis testing. This is due to the use of a
gelling agent (Aristoflex® AVC) with a
concentration of 2% which can bind water
more optimally. Based on research (Thahir
& Wahyuni, 2021) syneresis can occur if
the concentration of the gelling agent used
is too small so that it is unable to optimally
bind water and cause water release. The
longer storage time can increase the
potential for syneresis because during that
time the aggregation between the polymer
chains of the gel-forming material
continues to occur. This aggregation is due
to the movement of the polymer chains in
the gel system.
Table 3.3. Syneresis Test Results
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
F0: gel without active ingredients
F1: Bisoctrizole 5% single gel
F2: single 5% gotu kola extract gel
F3: single 7.5% gotu kola extract gel
F4: single 10% gotu kola extract gel
F5: combination gel Bisoctrizole 5% and gotu kola extract 5%
F6: combination gel Bisoctrizole 5% and gotu kola extract 7.5%
F7: combination gel Bisoctrizole 5% and gotu kola extract 10%
Determination of SPF Value
The determination of the SPF value was
carried out using the UV-Vis
spectrophotometric method in vitro, with
96% pro-analyzed ethanol as a blank. The
absorbance value of the preparation was
measured, then substituted into the Mansur
Table 3.4. Result of Determination of SPF (Sun Protection Factor) Value of Sunscreen Gel
Information :
n = 3 times replication
Figure 3.8. Chart of Determination of SPF (Sun Protection Factor) Value of Sunscreen Gel
Jam ke-
Sineresis (%)
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
F0 = gel without active ingredients
F1= Bisoctrizole 5% single gel
F2 = single 5% gotu kola extract gel
F3 = single 7.5% gotu kola extract gel
F4 = single 10% gotu kola extract gel
F5 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 5% gotu kola extract
F6 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 7.5% gotu kola extract
F7 = 5% bisoctrizole combination gel and 10% gotu kola extract
4. Discussion
The five gel base optimization formulas
have been evaluated to determine the
physical characteristics of the gel base
which will then be formulated together with
the active ingredients. The results of gel
base optimization (Table VI.2) show that
the five formulas have similar physical
characteristics from the organoleptic
aspect, namely in the form of a semi-solid
gel, clear or colorless, odorless, has a soft
texture and gives a cool impression when
applied to the skin. The five gel base
formulas met the homogeneity criteria by
indicating that there were no coarse grains
or lumps. The value of pH, viscosity,
spreadability and adhesion of F2-F5 is a gel
base that meets the requirements for semi-
solid preparations.
Based on the results of the optimization of
the gel base, the formula used to be
formulated with active ingredients is F5
with a composition of 2% Aristoflex®
AVC and 5% glycerin. F5 has met the
criteria of a good semisolid and gel
preparation. In addition, one of the
properties of the material used is gotu kola
extract which is thick and acidic (pH =
4.98). Based on the Aristoflex® AVC
Technical tip, this acidic environment can
reduce the viscosity of the preparation due
to the nature of Aristoflex® AVC which
can experience a decrease in viscosity due
to polymer cleavage by acid.
Aristoflex® AVC concentration as a
gelling agent is in the range of 0.5-2.0%.
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
The use of Aristoflex® AVC as a gel base
added with about 5% glycerin can make a
gel with a cloudy appearance more
transparent and does not leave a color
residue (Maharai et al., 2020). Therefore,
optimization of the gel base was carried out
to obtain the best suitable base formulated
with the active ingredient bisoctrizole and
thick gotu kola extract.
Organoleptic test
The results of organoleptic observations
were carried out to see the visual
appearance of the bisoctrizole and gotu kola
extract sunscreen gel preparations and to
show the stability of color, aroma, and
shape at room temperature storage (25).
The preparations were observed using the
five senses every week for 28 days. Based
on the results of the organoleptic test, the
combination of bisoctrizole and gotu kola
extract (F5-F7) sunscreen gel has a light
green color. This color is produced by
mixing the color of single gotu kola extract
(F2-F4), which is dark olive green with
white Bisoctrizole (F1). This Bisoctrizole
combination can improve the appearance of
single gotu kola gel preparations (F2-F4)
which are dark olive green in color due to
the high concentration of the extract used.
The more concentration of gotu kola extract
used, the darker the green color. Even
though it looks cloudy visually, it doesn't
leave any color residue when applied to the
skin. The aroma of the bisoctrizole
combination sunscreen gel and gotu kola
extract (F5-F7) is the characteristic aroma
of the extract which is influenced by the
concentration of the extract. Meanwhile,
the overall dosage form of the formula is
semi-solid.Uji Homogenitas
Berdasarkan pengamatan terhadap
homogenitas sediaan, seluruh formula
menunjukkan sifat yang homogen ditandai
dengan tidak adanya butiran kasar maupun
partikel halus yang terlihat pada penampang
kaca objek. Gel tabir surya dikatakan homogen
karena tidak menunjukkan butiran kasar atau
partikel tidak terlarut, tersebarnya warna
secara merata, dan tidak terdapat gumpalan-
gumpalan ketika sediaan dioleskan pada kaca
objek. Artinya, semua sediaan gel yang dibuat
memiliki susunan yang homogen.
pH measurement
The factor that affects the pH value of the
preparation tends to be acidic, namely the
pH of the extract used. The content of
flavonoids in the extract tends to be acidic
(Markham, 1988). Centella asiatica extract
has a pH of 4.98, and is stable in an
atmosphere with a weakly acidic to neutral
pH (Puttarak et al., 2016). The pH value of
the preparation which tends to be acidic is
more or less influenced by the pH of the
extract used as the active ingredient, where
the greater the concentration of the extract,
the more acidic the pH of the preparation.
Meanwhile, changes in pH values during
the storage period can be affected by
temperature, poor storage conditions, other
substances or excipients in preparations
that react with each other, and oxidation
due to contact with CO2 in the environment
(Putra et al., 2014).
Data on pH test results for 28 days of single
Bisoctrizole sunscreen gel (F1) and a
combination of Bisoctrizole and gotu kola
extract (F5-F7) were analyzed statistically.
In the early stages, the normality test
(Shapiro-Wilk) and homogeneity (Levene's
test) were carried out. Based on the
significance value obtained p <0.05, so the
data is not normally distributed, meanwhile
the homogeneity test shows all significance
values are more than 0.05, meaning that the
data variation is homogeneous. Therefore,
data analysis was performed using the
Kruskal-Wallis Non-Parametric statistical
test with a 95% confidence level. The
results obtained were a significance value
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
of less than 0.05 (p <0.05) for F1, F5, F6,
and F7, so it can be concluded that there
was a significant difference in the pH value
of each formula during the 28 day storage
period at room temperature. Post-Hoc
follow-up tests were carried out on F1, F5,
F6, and F7 to see the differences per day.
Significant differences in the pH value of
Formula 1 during storage at room
temperature occurred on day 0 to days 21
and 28. Formula 5 showed significant
differences on day 0 to days 14, 21, and 28;
and between day 7 and day 28. Meanwhile,
significant changes in Formula 6 occurred
between day 0 and day 21 and 28; as well
as the 7th day with the 28th day. Formula 7
has a difference
Viscosity Test
The viscosity of the sunscreen gel changed
during the storage period at room
temperature. One of the factors that
influence these changes is the use of the
active ingredient gotu kola extract which is
thick and acidic. Based on Aristoflex®
AVC Technical tip, this acidic atmosphere
can reduce the viscosity of the preparation
due to the nature of Aristoflex® AVC
which can experience a decrease in
viscosity due to cleavage of polymeric
acids on long storage. Other factors that
trigger changes in viscosity include
uncontrolled temperature, less tight
packaging which causes the preparation to
absorb moisture from the environment.
These conditions increase the volume of
water in the preparation which will reduce
the viscosity value. The effect of the thick
extract composition also causes a decrease
in viscosity (Safitri et al., 2016), where
observations show that the greater the
concentration of gotu kola extract added,
the lower the viscosity value of the
resulting preparation.
Viscosity test results for 28 days of single
Bisoctrizole sunscreen gel (F1) and a
combination of Bisoctrizole and gotu kola
extract (F5-F7) were statistically analyzed.
As an initial step, the normality test
(Shapiro-Wilk) and homogeneity (Levene's
test) were carried out. Based on the
significance value of the normality test
obtained, p <0.05, so the data is not
normally distributed, meanwhile the
homogeneity test shows all significance
values are more than 0.05, meaning that the
data variation is homogeneous. Data
analysis was then performed using the
Kruskal-Wallis Non-Parametric statistical
test with a 95% confidence level. The result
obtained is that the F1 significance value is
more than 0.05, meaning that there is no
significant difference and has a stable
viscosity. The significance values of F5,
F6, and F7 were less than 0.05 (p<0.05), so
it could be concluded that there was a
significant difference in the viscosity
values of each formula during the 28 day
storage period at room temperature. Post-
Hoc follow-up tests were carried out on F5,
F6, and F7 to see the differences per day.
Significant differences in the viscosity
values of Formula 5 during room
temperature storage occurred on day 0 to
day 14, 21 and 28; and between day 7 and
day 28. Formula 6 showed a significant
difference on day 0 with day 21 and 28; and
between day 7 and day 28. While Formula
7 has a significant difference between day 0
and day 21 and 28; and the 7th day with the
21st and 28th days.
Spreadability Test
Based on statistical analysis of the data
from the spreadability test, the distribution
of the data was not normal (p<0.05) after
being tested with the normality test
(Shapiro-Wilk), but the data had a
homogeneous variance (p>0.05) based on
the homogeneity test (Test Levene's).
Therefore, data analysis was performed
using the Kruskal-Wallis Non-Parametric
statistical test with a 95% confidence level.
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
The results obtained were that the
significance values of F6 and F7 were more
than 0.05 (p>0.05), meaning that there was
no significant difference and they had a
stable spreadability. The significance
values of F1 and F5 were less than 0.05
(p<0.05), so it could be concluded that there
were significant differences in the
spreadability values of each formula during
the 28 day storage period at room
temperature. Post-Hoc follow-up tests were
carried out on F1 and F5 to see the
differences per day. Significant differences
in the viscosity values of Formula 1 during
room temperature storage occurred on day
0 to day 7 and 28; 14th day with 7th and
28th day. Meanwhile Formula 5 showed a
significant difference between day 0 and
14th, 21st and 28th day.
Determination of SPF Value
The calculation results based on the Mansur
equation, F1 which contains Bisoctrizole
produces an SPF value of 24.85. The
addition of gotu kola extract by 5% on F5
increased the SPF value by 15.64% to
27.83, SPF F6 after adding 7.5% gotu kola
extract increased by 44.12% to 34.56, and
SPF F7 increased by 55.58 % to 37.31.
These results indicate that the addition of
natural ingredients increases the SPF value.
The higher the concentration of the extract,
the SPF value will increase. This is directly
proportional to research (Hashim et al.,
2011) which states that the higher the
concentration of gotu kola extract, the
higher the protection power against UVB
absorbance because the more triterpene
components it contains.
The observed SPF property of Centella
asiatica extract was also due to the presence
of UV absorbing compounds such as
flavonoids. Flavonoids are a group of
naturally occurring polyphenolic
compounds characterized by a flavan core.
The amount of flavonoids produced by
plants is considered an important factor in
protecting plants against ultraviolet
radiation (Lim et al., 2019). The maximum
absorption of UV waves by flavonoids is
230-295 nm and 300-560 nm which are in
the absorption ranges of UVA and UVB
rays. This proves that flavonoids can be
used as natural active ingredients in
sunscreens that can absorb UV radiation
(Dianursanti et al., 2020). The
chromophore groups in phenolic
compounds, especially the flavonoid group,
are able to absorb UVA and UVB radiation,
so they have the potential to reduce the
intensity of skin damage (Salwa et al.,
2020). The addition of natural ingredients
that have antioxidant activity to UV filters
can work synergistically as sunscreens,
with complementary mechanisms.
Antioxidants work on the surface of the
skin as a filter that absorbs or reflects UV
radiation, and also works both on the
surface and in the deep layers of the skin,
and fights oxidative stress, thus providing
fuller and stronger sun protection.
Statistical analysis was carried out to see if
there was a significant difference in the SPF
value of the combination sunscreen gel (F5-
F7) and the single Bisoctrizole sunscreen
control (F1). The normality test (Shapiro-
Wilk) and homogeneity (Levene's test)
were carried out as an initial step. The
results showed that the data were not
normally distributed and were not
homogeneous with a significance value of
p<0.05. Therefore, data processing was
continued with the non-parametric Kruskal-
Wallis statistical test, with a significance
result of 0.016 or p <0.05, which means that
there were significant differences in the
SPF values of sunscreen gels F1, F5, F6,
and F7.
A follow-up test, namely the Post-Hoc Test
was then carried out to find out the
differences in each SPF formula that was
statistically tested, especially against the F1
control, namely Bisoctrizole single
Y. D. Mardhiani et al / Indo J Pharm 4 (2023) 286-306
sunscreen gel. Based on the results of the
analysis, there are differences between F1
and F6, F1 and F7, and F5 and F7 which are
indicated by a significance value of <0.05.
Meanwhile, for F1 and F5, F5 and F6, and
F6 and F7 there were no significant
differences because the significance value
was less than 0.05. This shows that the
addition of an extract of 7.5% in F6 and
10% in F7 has a significant effect on
increasing the SPF value of sunscreen gel.
5. Conclusion
The combination of Bisoctrizole and Centella
asiatica (L.) Urban extract can be formulated
into a stable sunscreen gel based on
organoleptic parameters and homogeneity of
adhesion and syneresis. There were significant
differences in the parameters of pH, viscosity,
and spreadability, but all of the evaluation
results were in the good range of sunscreen gel
Addition of gotu kola extract (Centella
asiatica (L.) increases the SPF value of
sunscreen preparations containing single
Bisoctrizole (SPF 24.85 ± 0.11). Addition of
gotu kola extract as much as 5% produces an
SPF value of 27.73 ± 0. 04 (increased
15.64%), the addition of 7.5% extract resulted
in an SPF value of 34.56 ± 0.23 (increased
(44.12%), and the addition of 10% extract
resulted in an SPF value of 37.31 ± 0.36
(increased by 55.58%) The increase in SPF
value is directly proportional to the
concentration of the extract.Sunscreen gel
combination of Bisoctrizole and gotu kola
extract (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) provides
ultra category protection.
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