
Starting in 2023, all articles in Jurnal Kultivasi will be published in English

Starting in 2023, all articles in Jurnal Kultivasi will be published in English  
Posted: 2023-02-23

Published Articles in Two Languages

Starting from vol. 20 of 2021, Jurnal Kultivasi has published articles in two languages, namely Bahasa Indonesia and English. Starting from vol. 21 year 2022 we highly prioritize articles in English to be published.  
Posted: 2022-06-20

National Seminar of PERAGI-UNPAD

Join the PERAGI-UNPAD National Seminar to get the opportunity to publish articles in Jurnal Kultivasi  
Posted: 2022-06-20 More...

Signing of cooperation agreement between Jurnal Kultivasi and PERAGI

Signing of cooperation agreement between Jurnal Kultivasi and PERAGI  
Posted: 2021-04-26 More...

Accreditation result of Jurnal Kultivasi

After re-accreditation, Jurnal Kultivasi has increased in rank from Sinta 4 to Sinta 2 starting from volume 17 number 1 of 2018. The result of accreditation is provided in the Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology/Head of BRIN Number 200/M/KPT/2020 concerning the Accreditation Rating of Scientific Journals Period III year 2020.  
Posted: 2021-02-07

Acceptance of reviewers/editors

For those who are interested in becoming reviewer or editor, please contact us. The requirement to become reviewer or editor is having experience in terms of research and article writing in both national and international journals. An additional requirement is a Scopus H-index of at least 1.  
Posted: 2020-09-29

Call for article

We open for articles containing research result or literature review in the scope of Agronomy. Writing instructions can be found in the author's guide and templates section.  
Posted: 2020-09-29
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