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Penapisan fitokimia dan kandungan flavonoid total tanaman Calotropis gigantea: Studi eksperimental laboratoris | Astuti | Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Penapisan fitokimia dan kandungan flavonoid total tanaman Calotropis gigantea: Studi eksperimental laboratoris

Pudji Astuti, Zahara Meylawaty, Agustin Wulan Suci Dharmayanti, Sari Setyaningsih



Pendahuluan: Efek samping penggunaan obat analgesik anti-inflamasi dapat menyebabkan infeksi saluran cerna serius dan dapat berakibat fatal. Tanaman obat biduri (Calotropis gigantea) mempunyai kandungan flavonoid yang berkhasiat analgesik-antiinflamasi, dimana kualitas tanaman obat ditentukan oleh metabolit sekundernya. Kadar flavonoid dan senyawa fenolik lain di dalam tanaman berbeda–beda di setiap bagian, jaringan, dan umur tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis penapisan fitokimia dan kadar flavonoid total dari berbagai bagian tanaman Calotropis gigantea. Metode: Jenis penelitian eksperimental laboratoris yaitu menggunakan ekstrak etanol dari daun, bunga, getah dan kulit akar tanaman Calotropis gigantea, kemudian dilakukan penapisan fitokimia untuk mengetahui adanya metabolit sekunder, seperti alkaloid, tannin, saponin, fenol, steroid dan terpenoid serta flavonoid. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran kadar flavonoid total menggunakan spektrofotometer uv-vis. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan independent T-test dengan nilai p=0,05. Hasil: Daun Calotropis gigantea mengandung tanin, saponin, fenol, steroid dan flavonoid; pada bunga mengandung tanin, fenol, steroid dan flavonoid; pada getah mengandung fenol, tannin, saponin dan steroid; pada kulit akar mengandung fenol, tannin, dan terpenoid. Flavonoid ditemukan pada daun dan bunga. Kadar flavonoid total berbeda signifikan antara daun dan bunga, dengan p=0,000<0,05. Simpulan: penapisan fitokimia pada daun, bunga, getah dan kulit akar Calotropis gigantea mengandung fenol, tannin dan steroid. Saponin terdapat pada daun dan getah, sedangkan flavonoid hanya terdapat pada daun dan bunga. Kadar flavonoid total pada daun lebih banyak daripada bunga.

Kata kunci

calotropis gigantea, calotropis gigantea, flavonoid, penapisan, fitokimia

Screening of phytochemical and total flavonoid value of Calotropis gigantea  plant: Study eksperimental laboratoris

Introduction: Using anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs may lead to severe gastrointestinal infections that could be life-threatening. The medicinal plant Calotropis gigantea contains flavonoids, which possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The quality of this medicinal plant is contingent on its secondary metabolites. The levels of flavonoids and other phenolic compounds within the plant vary across different parts, tissues, and developmental stages. This study aimed to conduct a phytochemical screening and assess the total flavonoid content in various components of the Calotropis gigantea plant. Method: This laboratory experimental research involves utilizing ethanol extracts from the leaves, flowers, sap, and root bark of the Calotropis gigantea plant. The objective is to conduct a phytochemical screening to identify the presence of secondary metabolites, including alkaloids, tannins, saponins, phenols, steroids, terpenoids, and flavonoids. Subsequently, the total flavonoid content is measured using a UV-vis spectrophotometer. The collected data undergo analysis using an independent t-test, with a significance level set at p = 0.05. Results: show that Calotropis gigantea leaves contain tannins, saponins, phenols, steroids, and flavonoids; flowers contain tannins, phenols, steroids, and flavonoids; the latex contains phenols, tannins, saponins, and steroids; and the root bark contains phenols, tannins, and terpenoids. Flavonoids are present in both leaves and flowers. Notably, the total flavonoid levels exhibited significant differences between leaves and flowers, with a p-value of 0.00 < 0.05. Conclusion: Phytochemical screening of the leaves, flowers, sap, and root bark of Calotropis gigantea revealed the presence of phenols, tannins, and steroids. Saponins were identified in leaves and sap, while flavonoids were exclusively detected in leaves and flowers. Furthermore, the leaves' total flavonoid content was higher than the flowers.


calotropis gigantea , calotropis gigantea, flavonoids, phytochemical, screening


Kata kunci: Biduri, Calotropis gigantea, flavonoid, analgesik-antiinflamasi

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