*Corresponding author,
e-mail : imasmaesaroh0205@stikes-muhammadiyahku.ac.id
(I. Maesaroh)
© 2020 Maesaroh et al
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2020 (14-19)
Ointment Formulation and Test Preparation from Manilkara zapota L. Leaf Extract
Using Variation of Ointment Base as Boils
Imas Maesaroh
, Daniar Pratiwi
, Leli Agustin
Departement of Pharmacy, Stikes Muhammadiyah Kuningan
Pangeran Adipati Street No. D4 Cisumur Aisle District Cipari Cigugur
Kuningan Regency West Java
Received: 20 Jan 2020/Revised: 10 Feb 2020/Accepted: 11 Feb 2020/Published: 12 Feb 2020
Leaf extract of Manilkara zapota L has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus at a base
on potency test of 50%, where the bacteria are the cause of boils. Some of eort to facilitate the use and
increase the activity of active substances, then ointments are prepared on a variety of ointment bases.
This study aims to prepared Manilkara zapota L leaf extract into ointment formulations, and chosed the
best of ointment base formulations that meets the requirements standards for good ointment prepara-
tions. The extract was obtained by maceration using ethanol 96%. Ointments are formulated with four
dierent types of ointment bases, which are hydrocarbon base, absorbing base, water removed bases,
and water soluble base. The ointment that has been produced is tested for the physical characteristics
such as organoleptic test, homogeneity, pH, spreadibility, adhesion, and viscosity had been tested on
manufactured ointments. The results of this study indicate that leaf extract of Manilkara zapota L can
be formulated into ointment preparations, variations in the ointment base aect the physical character-
istics of ointment preparations.
Keywords: Ointment, Manilkara zapota L Leaf, Antibacterial, Staphylococcus aureus
1. Introduction
One plant that can be developed as an herbal
medicine is Manilkara zapota L. These plants
are found in Java, West Sumatra and West Nusa
Tenggara [1].
Manilkara zapota L plants have many chemical
contents in them, among them, in Manilkara zapota
L tree there are resin compounds, in owers and
seeds there are many saponin compounds, while
avonoids and tannins are found in many young
fruits, bark and leaves [2]. Flavonoids work by
damaging the permeability of bacterial cell walls,
microsomes, and lysosomes as a result of interactions
between avonoids and bacterial DNA [3].
This is proven by research conducted by
Octaviani and Syafrina (2018) on “Antibacterial
Activity Test for Ethanol Extract of Leaves and
Bark of Manilkara zapota L.” which shows the
results that leaf extract of Manilkara zapota L has
antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus
at a base on potency test of 50% [4].
Boils is an infectious disease caused by the
bacterium Staphylococcus aureus [5]. Treatment of
boils requires preparations of drugs that are easy to
use on the skin and have good penetration power.
These preparations are ointments, ointments are
semi-solid preparations that are easily applied and
used as an external medicine. Medicines must be
soluble or homogeneous dispersed in a suitable
ointment base [6].
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Tools
The tools used in this research were analytical
balance (Henherr BL-H2), mortar and stamper,
scatter power test equipment, sticky test equipment,
Brookeld DV-E viscometer, Glass equipments, stir
bar, stopwatch.
2.2. Materials
The materials used in the research were Manilkara
zapota L leaves, aethanolum 96% (PT. DPH), adeps
lanae (Quadrant Lab), alpha tocopherol (PT.DPH),
cera alba (PT.DPH), stearyl purity alcohol (PT.
I. Maesaroh et al / Indo J Pharm 1 (2020) 14-19
DPH), methylparaben (PT.DPH),
natriumlaurylsulfat (PT.DPH),
polyaethylenglycolum-4000 (PT.DPH),
polyaethylenglycolum-400 (PT.DPH), propylene
glycol (PT.DPH), propylparaben 0,01% (PT.DPH),
vaselin album (PT.DPH), aqua destillata (Sanqua).
2.3. Preparation Leaf Extract of Manilkara
zapota L
Manilkara zapota L leaves are taken are old
leaves, then Manilkara zapota L leaves are washed,
leaves that have been drained clean. After that the
leaves are dried in the sun or roasted until dry,
the leaves are mashed with a blender. Simplisia
of the crushed leaves was then extracted by
maceration method using 96% ethanol solvent for
5 days occasionally stirring. After the maserate was
obtained, the maserat is evaporated to a temperature
of 60
C and gets a thick extract. Repeated 3 times.
2.4. Manilkara zapota L Leaf Extract Ointment
A. Hydrocarbon Base
Cere alba and albumelin manus are heated on
waterbath until melted, add propyl parabens to it,
stir until homogeneous, after chilling enter mortar
add alpha tocopherol and extract sapodilla manila
crushed to homogeneous .
B. Absorbing Base
Insert cera alba, stearil alcohol, lanae adeps, and
vaseline album into a porcelain cup, then heat it
on a waterbath until it is fused and homogeneous,
add propyl paraben, stir until homogeneous, then
remove and cool. After a cold put the base of the
ointment into the mortar, add alpha tocopherol
and sawila manus crushed leaf extract until
C. Water Removed Bases
Method of making the base can be washed with
water is made into 2 phases namely the water and
oil phases. Weigh all the ingredients needed. Heat
the mortar and stamper. Then make the oil phase by
entering stearyl alcohol, alpha tocopherol, vaseline
albumin and propyl parabens into the porcelain cup
after it is heated on a water bath until it is fused
and homogeneous. The oil phase has formed, then
make the water phase by heating distilled water,
sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, and methyl
paraben over a homogeneous stirring bath. After
two phases are formed, the oil phase is then added
to the water phase while stirring until an ointment
base emulsion is formed, after a homogeneous base
add the sapodilla manila leaf extract and crushed
until homogeneous.
D. Water Soluble Base
Insert PEG 4000 into porcelain cup then dissolve
it on waterbath until it melts, after melting add PEG
400 stir until homogeneous and formed a thick mass,
add methyl paraben into it homogeneous stir and
chill. After the ointment base is formed, enter the
base in the mortar add alpha tocopherol and sawila
manila crushed leaf extract until homogeneous
Table 1. Manilkara zapota L Leaf Ointment Formulation Formula Using Variation Ointment Base
Concentration (%)
F1 (Hydrocarbon
F2 (Absorbing
F3 (Water
Removed Base)
F4 (Water Soluble
Manilkara zapota L leaf extract
Alpha tocopherol
Cera alba
Na. laurylsulfate
Methyl paraben
Propyl paraben
Adeps lanae
Stearyl alcohol
PEG 400
PEG 4000
Propilen glykol
Vaselin album
Aqua destillata
Ad 100
I. Maesaroh et al / Indo J Pharm 1 (2020) 14-19
2.5. Evaluation of Ointment
A. Organoleptic
Observations using the ve senses are observed
from the shape, texture, color, and odor of the
ointment preparation [7].
B. Measurement of pH
Measurement of pH is done using universal pH
dipped in 0.5 gram ointment that has been diluted
with aqua destillata of 5 mL [8].
C. Homogeneity Test
Test is done by applying an ointment to
a piece of glass [6]. Homogeneous ointment
marked by absence blobs on the smearing,
at structure and has uniform color of the dot initial
smearing until the point end of basting.
D. Spreadibility Test
Weigh the ointment as much as 0.5 gram, then
place it in the middle of a round glass plate. After
that the top is covered with the same round glass
plates, or other transparent material and add 100
gram of weight, leave it in the span of 1-2 minutes.
After that the diameter of the spread of the ointment
was measured by a ruler at each additional load
when the preparation stopped spreading [8].
E. Adhesion
Test The adhesion test is carried out by weighing
1 gram of ointment placed on one surface of the
glass plate and then covered with another glass
plate. The glass plate is weighed with a weight of 1
kg for 5 minutes and then released. Squeezed glass
plates are then mounted on the sticky power test
and turn on the stopwatch [9].
F. Vicosity Test
Measured using a Brookeld viscometer by
means of a dosage of 30 grams put into a 30 gram
ointment pot, then a spindle no.64 is mounted and
the rotor is run. Viscosity results are recorded after
the viscometer needle shows a stable number after
ve turns [10].
3. Result and Discussion
3.1. Extraction
Manilkara zapota L leaf extract produced is
200 grams, according to the research needs for
4 formulas, each formula requires 50 gram per
100 gram of ointment preparations. Simplisia of
Manilkara zapota L leaves used as many as 738
gram with 5.67 liter of ethanol 96% solvent so as
to get the 200 gram extract. The extraction process
takes 5 days for one maceration with repetition
3 times the maceration extraction process [4].
Sapodilla manila leaf extract yields 27.1 gram.
3.2. Evaluation of Preparations
A. Organoleptic Tests
Judging from the literature, ointment preparations
should not be rancid, have a soft texture and have
a distinctive odor and color from the extract [6].
Ointment from sapodilla manila leaf extract with
variations in the base of the ointment shows that
the dierence in the base of the ointment aects the
color, odor, and consistency of the ointment.
B. Homogeneity Test
Test is carried out to nd out whether the
preparations formulated as ointment preparations
are homogeneous or not.
Table 3. Homogeneity Test Results of Ointment
Manilkara zapota L Leaf Extract Using
Ointment Base Variations.
Formula Test Results Homogeneity
F1 Homogeneous
F2 Homogeneous
F3 Not Homogeneous
F4 Not Homogeneous
Terms of homogeneity in the ointment is an
ointment should be homogeneous [6]. So ointments
Table 2. Organoleptic Test Results of Ointment Manilkara zapota L Leaf Extract Using Base Ointment Variations.
Formula Color Shape Consistency Odor
F1 Dark brown soupy Semi solid Bit lumpy
Typical leaf extract of Manilkara zapota L
F2 Dark brown soupy Semi solid Condensed
Typical leaf extract of Manilkara zapota L
F3 Dark green dense Semi solid Very thick
Typical leaf extract of Manilkara zapota L
F4 Dark green dense Semi solid Condensed
Typical leaf extract of Manilkara zapota L
I. Maesaroh et al / Indo J Pharm 1 (2020) 14-19
that meet the homogeneity test requirements are F1
and F2 ointments.
C. pH Measurement Test
Ointment preparations must have a pH that
matches the pH of the skin, which is between pH
4.5 - 6.5 [11], so that it is safe and comfortable to
use on the skin. If the pH of the ointment is too
acidic it will cause irritation to the skin, whereas if
it is too alkaline the skin will be scaly [12].
Table 4. pH Test Results of Ointment Manilkara zapota
L Leaf Extract Using Base Ointment Variations.
Formula pH (Average ± SD)
F1 5 ± 0,00
F2 5 ± 0,00
F3 5 ± 0,00
F4 6 ± 0,00
D. Spreadibility
Power Test aims to see the ability of the
spread of ointment preparations to the skin [13].
Good spreadability is 5-7 cm so that it shows the
consistency of a comfortable semisolid preparation
when used on the skin [14].
Table 5. Test Results of Manilkara zapota L Leaf Extract
Ointment Using Variations Ointment Base.
Formula cm (Average ± SD)
F1 4,76 ± 0,25
F2 5,03 ± 0,57
F3 4,43 ± 0,40
F4 3,43 ± 0,11
From the results of the tests that have been done
can be seen in table 5. that the distribution capacity
that meets the requirements is F2 which has a
spread of 5.03 cm. The results of homogeneity
and normality tests show signicance results>
0.05 which means the data are homogeneous and
normal. The results of one-way ANOVA analysis
with a 95% condence level produced a signicance
of 0,000 (P <0.005). This shows that there is an
inuence of ointment base variation on the physical
characteristics of sawo manila leaf extract ointment
in the form of a signicant dierence in the results
of ointment spread test between the ointment base
in formula one with other formulas. Next step is to
do tukey analysis which aims to nd out whether
there is a signicant dierence or not between one
formula and the other formula.
Table 6. Tukey Test Results for the Distribution of
Ointment Extract in Manilkara zapota L Leaf
Using Variations of Ointment Base.
Comparison of
Test Formulas
F1 with F2 0,574 Insignicant dierence
F2 with F3 0,068 Insignicant dierence
F3 with F1 0,404 Insignicant dierence
F4 with F2 0,000 Signicant dierence
F3 with F4 0,005 Signicant dierence
F1 with F4 0,001 Signicant dierence
Results of the tukey test indicate that each
formula has a diuse power dierence. For F1, F2,
F3 have dierences but not signicant, while F4
has signicant dierences when compared with F1,
F2, and F3.
E. Adhesion
The test aims to see how long the ointment
preparation is attached to the skin. Good adhesion
requirements for topical preparations are more than
4 seconds [10].
Table 7. Test Results of Ointment Adhesion From
Manilkara zapota L Leaf Extract Using
Ointment Base Variations.
Formula seconds (Average ± SD)
F1 5,33 ± 3,51
F2 3,00 ± 1,00
F3 6,00 ± 3,00
F4 1,67 ± 0,57
Longest attached ointment is the F3 ointment
that is ointments on the basis of ointments can be
washed with water, this is due to the consistency of
the F3 ointment at the time after manufacture has a
very thick consistency than other formulas so that
when tested adhesion requires more time to remove
the glass slab.
F1 is an ointment based on hydrocarbons whose
purpose is to extend the contact of the ointment
with the skin so that the time obtained in this test
meets the ointment adhesion requirements [6]. So
I. Maesaroh et al / Indo J Pharm 1 (2020) 14-19
the formula that meets the requirements of good
ointment adhesion is F1 and F3 with values of more
than 4 seconds [10].
Homogeneity and normality tests show the
results that the data are homogeneous and normal
with a signicance value> 0.05, so that it can be
followed by one-way ANOVA analysis. After one
way ANOVA analysis was carried out it showed
signicance results> 0.05. Signicance> 0.05
states that there is no eect of variations in the base
of the ointment on the physical characteristics of
the ointment of sapodilla manila leaf extract, so
that from these results it is concluded that there
is no signicant dierence from the test results of
the ointment test of sapodilla manila leaf extract
between the ointment base in formula one with in
other ointment formulas.
F. Viscosity
The viscosity test of ointment preparations aims
to see the thickness of the ointment preparations
that have been made. The value of viscosity range
by SNI 16-4399-1996 is in the range of viscosity
values 2000 - 50,000 cPas.
Table 8. Test Results of Ointment Viscosity of Manilkara
zapota L Leaf Extract Using Ointment Base
Formula cPas (Average ± SD)
F1 7880 ± 738,39
F2 3,00 ± 1,00
F3 6,00 ± 3,00
F4 10064,6 ± 138,07
Of the 4 formulas there are only 3 formulas that
meet the requirements, namely F1, F2, F4. Formula
F3 with a base can be washed with water, Test
result of ointment viscosity on formula F3 because
formula F3 has a very high level of viscosity, this
is due to the consistent base of the ointment that is
used is very thick than other ointment bases and also
occurs because the stickiness test on the F3 ointment
has a stickiness with more time long is 6 seconds,
where the adhesion is aected on the viscosity of
the preparation. Viscosity has a relationship with
viscosity, the longer the viscosity of the ointment,
the higher the viscosity value produced [15].
Besides being inuenced by dierences in the
base of the ointment. The viscosity value in the
preparation is inuenced by temperature, the higher
the temperature, the smaller the viscosity value.
Viscosity is also aected by storage time [16].
The results of the viscosity of the ointment from
sapodilla manila leaf extract with variations in this
base can only be analyzed descriptively.
4. Conclusion
Manilkara zapota L leaf extract can be formulated
as an ointment preparation. Variation of ointment
base on the ointment preparation formulation of
Manilkara zapota L leaf extract aects the results
of the ointment physical characteristics test where
the results of each ointment characteristic test have
a signicant dierence including the spreadability.
However, to test the physical characteristics of pH,
homogeneity, organoleptic, adhesion, and viscosity
have dierences but are not signicant.
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