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Author Guidelines

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The editor receive submission of research articles and literature reviews in the fields of chemistry and natural science, for their publication in the Journal of Chimica et Natura Acta. Other types of the articles such those ideas or concepts are excluded for publication in the journal. The length of manuscript should be about 10 pages of A-4 papers at maximum, including tables, graphs, and figures. The rules for writing of the articles are as follow:

Review articles

For publishing in the journal, this type should be a critical and comprehensive analysis of actual topics, which are based on innovative new findings and recently published in literature sources. The writing of an articles starts with its Title and the Name(s) and address of Author(s), followed by an abstract (in English, provided with keywords), and “Abstrak” (in Indonesian Language), provided with “kata kunci”), Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusions, and finished with Acknowledgement and References.

Research Articles

Articles of this type should be reports on results of researches conducted by workers. Evaluation criteria applied to this type of articles are primarily their originality [i.e. they are not duplicates of anyone else’s work and that materials of the article have not been previously published either by the author(s) or the researcher(s)], their reliability of the contents, clarity of description, contribution to the advancement of science and usefulness for academic community, and their scientific quality in general. The writing of each of articles should follow the following format:


The title of an article should be made in both Indonesian language and in English, each of which should be brief, descriptive, and informative, with a maximum of 25 words. The title should be written in capital letters (excepting Roman names which should be written in italic and only their first letters are written in capital letters), and must neither contain any abbreviation nor chemical symbol. The full name of author should be written, but only under the first title version of article, and without any of their titles of scientific degree. Following the name of author(s), the institution and its postal address of each of the authors should also be written in order to facilitate communication.


Abstract should be made in two versions; Indonesian language and English version, with a maximum length of 200 and 150 words, respectively. The abstract, which in the essence of the content of an article, should include a background, objective(s), methods, results, and conclusions of the research conducted. Each version of the abstracts should be provided with keywords, which are written immediately below the abstract.


In essence, “Introduction” contains a justification to the importance of the research conducted, supported by relevant references.

Materials and Methods

This section describers materials used in the research conducted, including detailed specifications and the origin of the materials, to give information to those who interested in use of and repeating the same method(s) and enabling them to get similar and reproducible results. If the method used in the research conducted had been previously described by other researcher(s) in the literature, then relevant source(s) should be cited and referred.

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion section present results of the research conducted; if tables and figures/graphs are presented, they should have good captions or legends. The caption of table and figures need to be clear and “self-explanatory” so readers will be able to understand even without reading the relevance text. No need for data presented in tables or given in the form of the figures/graphs, to be repeated in words, in the text. The presented data are then discussed and compared to published results of previous similar studies, if any. New findings or innovations obtained as well as the contribution of the results conducted to the advancement of science need to be described in order to give more weight of the discussion of the results obtained.


Conclusions section presents a resume of research result, which is drawn following the discussion of the results in the “Results and Discussion” section. Conclusion may take the form of narration or of points of statement.


This section contains a brief written expression of the author(s)’grateful to those who have given contribution to the research conducted, including fund donor(s) and reviewer(s) of draft of manuscript.


References section presents all references used in the preparation of the manuscript. They should be listed alphabetically according to the name of first author of the respective article. Each reference should be written completely. Considering the many ways to write a reference, herein this journal, the Harvard System is used as a standard, with the following examples to write a reference of: thesis, books, seminarsproceedings, journals and papersin a conferences, consecutively.

Deka, G.C.(1987). Physical, chemical and pulping characteristic of hybrd Salix clones, University of Toronto.

Van-Holde, K.E., Johnson, W.C. & Shing-Ho, P. (1998).Principle of physical biochemistry. Prentice-Hall International Inc., New Jersey.

Hobson, P.N.(1989). Growth of mixed cultures and their biological control.In Microbial Growth.Proc. 9th Symp. Soc. Gen. Microbiology, ed. P.M. Meadow & S.J. Pirt Cambridge University Press, London, pp. 43-64

Soedjaatmadja, U.M.S., Hofsteenge, J., Jeronimus-Strating, C.M., Bruin,A.P.& Beintema, J.J. (1994). Demonstration by mass spectrometry that pseudohevein and hevein have ragged C-terminal sequences. Biochim.Biophys.Acta, 1209, 144-8.

Takashima, M. & Speece, R.E. (1998).Mineral nutrient requirements for high rate methane fermentation of acetate at low SRT. Paper presented at Ann. Water Pollut. Control Fed. Conf., Dallas, TX, 5 Oct.

The following are the ways to write a referred literature in the text part of manuscript:

  1. For a literature written by one author, Deka (1987) or (Deka, 1987); for a literature written by two authors, Takashima & Speece (1998) or (Takashima & Speece, 1998) and for a literature written by more than two authors, Soedjanaatmadja etal., (1994) or (Soedjanaatmadja etal., 1994).
  2. For literatures written in languages other than Indonesian language, use etal., but for literatures written in Indonesian language, use its Indonesian synonym, dkk.


For an easier editing, the manuscript should be sent by e-mail, addressed to Secretariate of the Journal: The manuscript should be typed using Microsoft Word with the Time New Roman type letters, font 12, and space 1.5 (except for the legend of figures, tables, and graphs, and for the list of references, which should be typed using space 1.0). Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by competent experts using evaluation criteria including their originality, clarity of description, reliability of the content, the contribution of scientific products to the development of science, their usefulness for academic society, and their scientific quality in general. The editor has the right to refuse for publication of manuscripts or to return them for revision by the authors according to the suggestions of the reviewer. Manuscripts refusal for publication are returned with reasons for not publishing them.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


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Article Publication: 100.00 (USD)

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