Proceedings Articles Repository


This repository is intended to publish articles derived from the proceedings of international conference or seminar related to the topic of industrial technology and information in the field of agriculture. Authors can contact us if the article has been published in proceedings but intend to publish through JIITA. As is customary, we need information on titles, authors, names of proceedings, names of seminars or conferences, places and dates of conferences, conference publishers or conference organizers.



Potato Inventory Cost Optimization Based On Shelf Life (Case Study At CV. Bimandiri Lembang As A Supplier Of Retail Stores), by: Totok Pujianto, Sarifah Nurjanah, Nurrusly Syarip ; email: ; Source: ISABE Proceedings, Lombok, Indonesia, 9 – 11 August 2016, ISBN Number: 978-602-14315-2-8 ; Published by: Departemen Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertannian Universitas Gadjah Mada, Organized by: Universitas Gadjah Mada, ISAE, Universitas Mataram

Abstract: A potato is one of the vegetables which are perishable commodity that could not be stored for a long time without the support of adequate facilities. In the supply management of potatoes, more frequent orders mean make the cost of inventory greater. In contrast, rarely order makes lower ordering cost, but require the product shelf life longer. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is the method of calculating the number of orders that resulted in the optimal total cost. Inventory planning through EOQ method requires a trade-off between quantity and frequency of ordering and shelf life of potatoes. This study aims to determine the number and frequency of ordering based on the shelf life of potatoes in order to obtain the lowest total cost of inventory. This study begins with an attempt to reassure the shelf life of potatoes after harvest. Experimental method used to determine the shelf life of potatoes, where the parameters measured were weight loss, hardness, moisture content, and appearance of the skin. Observations were made every three days with three different lighting treatment that is storage the material: (1) exposed to direct sunlight, (2) are not directly exposed to sunlight, and (2) in a dark room. The number of the shelf life of potatoes are used as the deadline of the shelf life of potatoes in stock, the maximum number of orders and reorder point. Furthermore we performed the analysis using the framework of the implementation of the basic model of EOQ. The results showed that based on the data last three years the company should be able to make savings of  Rp. 986,928.00 if the planned supply through the use EOQ model with the order value in every month an average of 1.72 times of the actual order, so order frequency becomes less that of an average of 12 times to 5 times a month. In order to plan next year through the decomposition method and using the data of four years earlier, then the value of forecast supply requirement of 402 071 kg a year. This value is then decomposed into each month with an average of 33,506 Kg. Using the value of inventory cost components are the same then the average value obtained EOQ is 6,087 Kg and order frequency is 5 times a month 

Keywords: Agro-based commodity inventory, EOQ on agrobased perishable product, order quantity, frequency of order


MERGING FOOD PRODUCTION QUALITY ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS ACCORDING TO THE CRITICAL POINT HALAL AND GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICESby: Totok Pujianto, Dwi Purnomo, and Seruni Rara Jingga ; email: ; Source: International Proceeding of The First Padjadjaran International Conference on Halal Innovation, Jatinangor, Sumedang West Java, Indonesia, October 13- 14, 2016, ISBN Number : 978-602-439-192-8 ; Published by: UNPAD Press, Organized by: Padjadjaran Halal Center

Abstract: Quality and safety of food products is an essential condition of the food consumed. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is a food safety assurance standards recognized at international level. For Muslim consumers of these standards still need to be coupled with the assurance of halal. Halal quality assurance system is the concept of the highest of any other quality assurance such as GMP. Nevertheless it turns out there are a number of aspects or parameters in GMP are not covered in the assessment of halal and vice versa. This means that the application of halal assurance has yet to show its status as the highest quality standards. Attempts to draw up an assessment system that combines the two standards have been done, but there are still many things that need to be perfected. Imperfections can occur if on any parameter either of halal assurance standards as well as GMP unexplained in detail. This study aims at perfecting the incorporation of a quality assessment of food production by the standards of Halal and GMP. Completion of Halal-GMP is done by modifying the Halal-GMP assessment in accordance with the principles of good judgment. This study uses indepth study of the results of previous research on quality assessment Halal-GMP. Analysis of the quality assessment of both the standard is based on the production process, and the entities involved. Afterwards performed grouping generally accepted valuation parameters separated with the applicable special. This study reinforced with field studies by taking the case of chicken meat processing, where previous studies using the case of beef processing. Mapping of field studies conducted on the level of difficulty in the production process to meet the requirements using the analytical hierarchy process. The results of the research embodied in the model parameter tabulation quality assessment of the halal standard, the standard of GMP and Halal-GMP. In the table are listed the number of parameters of quality requirements more concise to 83 points, and the parameter information requirements clearer. 

Keywords: Halal GMP Requirement, Assessment of Halal and GMP

MAPPING OF HALAL CRITICAL CONTROL POINT IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS FLOW OF AGROINDUSTRIAL PRODUCT OF CHICKEN MEAT IN WEST JAVA (CASE STUDY: TRADITIONAL SLAUGHTERHOUSE X IN TASIKMALAYA, WEST JAVA), by: Dwi Purnomo, Prayuda Surya Lesmana, Totok Pujianto, Anas Bunyamin ; email: ; ; Source: International Proceeding of The First Padjadjaran International Conference on Halal Innovation, Jatinangor, Sumedang West Java, Indonesia, October 13- 14, 2016, ISBN Number : 978-602-439-192-8 ; Published by: UNPAD Press, Organized by: Padjadjaran Halal Center 

Abstract: These days’ people doubt the halalness of veterinary product especially when it comes from Traditional slaughterhouse. Mostly, it is difficult to prove its traceability, especially because many of them have not been certified yet. West Java Province have 45 million inhabitants where 90% of their population is Moslems; create West Java into the halal market with largest halal market potential. Traditional slaughterhouses also pretty much spread out in 27 cities and regencies in West Java who need its halal traceability. To determine which nodes should be considered along the chain of halal traditional slaughterhouses, this study searches for one sample in Tasikmalaya region to be mapped its halal critical points. The study was conducted through direct observation and halal products from upstream to downstream. Commodities chosen was chicken as one of the most popular commodity that has major complexities in its halal traceability. In this study we found 61 halal critical points. The amount is higher if compared to the modern slaughterhouses that only have 24 to 44 critical points. These findings can be followed up with various policies to specifically supervise the traditional slaughterhouses in order to improve the quality of its halal traceability.

Keywords: halal critical point, chicken, supply chain, mapping, traditional slaughterhouse