
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

1. The article is an original work of the author and the team based on real research results. It has not and will not be published in any media.

2. The article, free from plagiarism including self-plagiarism (Article was reviewed independently by the application of anti-plagiarism. Click the icon of Turnitin at the sidebar).

3. The article contains research related to Journalism and Media Studies (see focus and scope).

4. The article uses English. Times New Roman 12 pt, spacing 1.15, A4 size paper, and all sides of the margin use standard size, 2.54 cm (see journal template).

5. The title contains a maximum of 12 words, no abbreviations, Times New Roman 16 pt, capital in the first letter of each word, bold, center, space 1, no subtitles and punctuation.

6. The names of all authors are written in complete without abbreviation, without a title, Times New Roman 12 pt, capital in the first letter of each word, bold, center, space 1.

7. The name of the affiliation of each author listed only the names of faculty, university (without abbreviated, without description of study program, divisions, departments etc.), city, country. Example: Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia.

8. The authors should use an appropriate email address. An example of the inappropriate email:  or

9. Abstract, made in essay form consists of introduction, purpose, method, conclusion, written in 1 (one) paragraph, 11 point Times New Roman, space 1, paragraph justify, 150-250 words max, no numbering, created in Bahasa Indonesia and English.

10. Keywords consist of 5 relevant words/phrases.

11. The manuscript consists of 6000-7000 words, with no numbering.

12. Footnote usage is not allowed; authors should write it in body notes.

13. Quotation of more than three lines should write an indirect quotation style (1 spacing with margin indented).

14. Every paragraph should use a tab / 7 beats, consisting of at least three sentences, space 1.15, justify, 12 point Times New Roman.

15. The manuscripts only consist of Introduction, Research Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References.

16. Sub-chapter in point 15 is not allowed except in results and discussion. Sub-Chapter should be written with 1.15 spacing, capital in the first letter of each word, 12 point Times New Roman, bold, left margin.

17. Introduction should consist of:

  Background problem with supporting data must be attached.

  Research objectives and review of relevant research.

• The relevant theoretical foundation/concept.

18. Research Method should consist of:

• The type of research (Each citation must be attached).

• Subject and object (Informant data must be attached to the supplementary file).

• Data collection techniques.

• Data analysis techniques.

• The location and time of the research.

19. Results and Discussion should contain:

• The findings of the research, supported by several references (Consist of minimum 80% journal).

• Results should contain at least one table or one picture and maximum 6.

• The sources should write on the center bottom of the table.

• The title of the table placed above the table, center margin, Times New Roman 11 pt, normal, and space 1. See the example below.

         Table 1 (title) [Times New Roman, 11 pt, normal]


Source: processed from: Arif (2010:28) [Times New Roman, 10 pt, normal]


• Figures could be graphics, diagrams, schematics, photos. The title, source, and figure should be grouping, so it will not rupture when the layout created.

The title of the figure should be placed below the image, center margin, Times New Roman 11 pt, normal, space 1, and the source listed in the bottom center of the picture. See an example below.

                      Figure 1 (title) [Times New Roman, 11 pt, normal]

    Source: Gumilar (2019) [Times New Roman, 10 pt, normal, figure width 7 cm]

20. Conclusion contains research findings. It should answer research goals and give applicative recommendations. Moreover, it must be written in a paragraph without numbering.

21. References

• Follows the APA style 7th Edition, arranged by alphabetic and chronological.

Suggested using Mendeley (click the Mendeley icon in-home).

• Comprised at least 25 reference sources.

Consist of at least 80% of sources within the last 10 years.

• Consist of minimum 80% of National and International Journal.

An example of writing a reference list can be seen below


Mulyana, D. (2012). Cultures and communication an Indonesian scholar’s perspective. Remaja Rosdakarya.

Balbi, G., Ribeiro, N., Schafer, V., & Schwarzenegger, C. (2021). Digital roots: Historicizing media and communication concepts of the digital age. Walter de Gruyter.

Printed Journal

Yenrizal, Bajari, A., Rahmat, A., & Iskandar, J. (2015). The meaning and value attachment to natural symbols by farmers in a rural setting: An ethno-ecology communication study of rural farmers in Swarna Dwipe village of Muara Enim regency in South Sumatera. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(16), 37630–37636.

Online Journal

Gumilar, G., & Kusmayadi, I. M. (2017). Instagram usage by barstrad community in Bandung City. Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia, 2(2).


Holmes, D. (2009). New media theory. In Encyclopedia of Communication Theory (p. 684). SAGE Publication.

Printed Newspaper

Rosenberg, G. (1997, March 31). Electronic discovery proves an effective legal weapon. The New York Times, p. D5.

Online Newspaper

Rosenberg, G. (1997, March 31). Electronic discovery roves an effective legal weapon. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Printed Magazine

Tumulty, K. (2006, April). Should they stay or should they go? Time, 167(15), 3-40.

Online Magazine

Tumulty, K. (2006, April). Should they stay or should they go? Time, 167(15). Retrieved from,9 171,1179361,00.html.

Articles from websites with the author's name

Simmons, B. (2015, January 9). The tale of two Flaccos. Retrieved from

Articles from websites without the author's name

Teen posed as doctor at West Palm Beach hospital: police. (2015, January 16). Retrieved from Hospital-Police-288810831.html

Thesis or Dissertation

Fadhila, B. (2017). Kontroversi Sensor Pemberitaan Atlet Renang Papua di Media Sosial. Universitas Padjadjaran.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The paper has never been published before, or in the process of submission to other journal.

  2. The file in Microsoft Word or RTF format.

  3. Already read and adjust your article with the author guidelines for Kajian Jurnalisme?
  4. Already checked your article with a plagiarism checker?
  5. The author is willing to pay an article publication fee (Rp1.500.000,00) if the paper is accepted for publication.

Copyright Notice

The authors who publish with this journal have agreed to retain copyright, and grant the journal right of the first publication that works simultaneously licensed under a License of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.  The authors can enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.


Privacy Statement

The name and the address inputed into the journal system are solely used for the aforementioned aims.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Publication: 1500000.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee.
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