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Author Guidelines

PCPR Open Access Policy: All articles published by PCPR are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles in this journal, or to use them for any other lawful purpose. There is no submission fee or article processing fee. 

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guidelines below and submitted online. Submitted papers must not have been published elsewhere. It is a condition of publication that authors grant the publisher the  licence to publish all articles including abstracts. Authors should transfer copyright of the articles to the journal. Please also upload signed Copyright Transfer Agreement, Publication Ethics Statement, and Cover Letter Format

Manuscript should consist of 2 parts: Title Page Template and Manuscript Template. Table and figure format can be downloaded here: Table & Figure Format.

Manuscript should be written in English, in font size 12 pt, in Times New Roman on A4 paper. The target maximum length of manuscripts should be as follows:

  1. Original Research: 3000 words
  2. Reviews: 5000 words
  3. Case Reports and Brief Research Communications: 2000 words

Manuscript for original research, review, and brief research communication should be written in the following order: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Funding, Conflict of Interest, and References.

Manuscript for case report should be written in following order: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Funding, Conflict of Interest, and References.

Here is an explanation of each section:

Abstract: Unstructured abstract should be written in English with maximum 250 words. Abstract should be accompanied with 3˗6 keywords.

Introduction: This section should provide background information relevant to the study. The objective  of the study should be clearly stated.

Methods: Methods should be described in sufficient detail to allow others to reproduce the results. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for participant selection and statistical methods should be stated clearly. 

In this section please write informed consent which has been obtained (if applicable). Patients have a right to privacy that should not be infringed without informed consent. Identifying information, including patients' names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication.

Results and Discussion: Results were presented in a format that easily understood in the form of 2D figures and tables and written as a whole story. Tables are not allowed in figure form. The tittle of tables and figures should be stated briefly. Discuss for original research conducted on the findings of the study in relation to other relevant studies. The discussion focused on the main study outcomes. Implications of the study described clearly. For case report, the discussion should compare the case with the published literature. Evaluate the case and a rationale management of the patient, and the reasons for selecting one procedure may also be provided clearly. 

Conclusion: Conclusion linked to the objectives of the study.

Acknowledgements: It should acknowledge any research assistants or others who provided help during the research (e.g., carrying out the literature review; producing, computerizing and analyzing the data; or providing language help, writing assistance or proof-reading the article, etc.). Lastly, it should acknowledge the help of all individuals who have made a significant contribution to improving the paper (e.g. by offering comments or suggestions).

Funding: In this section please write your financial relationships with entities  (government agency, foundation, commercial sponsor, academic institution, etc) that could be perceived to influence, or that give the appearance of potentially influencing, what you wrote in the manuscript. Report all sources of revenue paid (or promised to be paid) directly to you or your institution on your behalf over the 36 months prior to submission of manuscript. If there are no funding, you may write: None. 

Conflict of Interest exists when an author/the author's institution has financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence (bias) his or her actions (financial relationships, dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties). The potential for conflict of interest can exist whether or not an individual believes that the relationship affects his or her scientific judgment. If there are no conflict of interest, you may write: None declared. 

References: References are numbered with the appearance of the article not in alphabetical order. A total of 80% of used references should include primary literature and published in the last 10 years. The minimal number of references is 20 references. 

We encourage the author(s) to use Endnote, Mendeley, or Reference Manager to help manage the reference system in the manuscript. Please note the example of writing a references as follows:

  1. Articles: Levita J, Syafitri DM, Supu RD. Pharmacokinetics of 10-gingerol and 6-shogaol in the plasma of healthy subjects treated with red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Rubrum) suspension. Biomedical Reppositories. 2018;9(6):474-482.
  2. Books: DiPiro J, Talbert R, Yee G. Pharmacotherapy: a pathophysiologic approach. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc; 2008. 
  3. Dissertation and Thesis: Mahyuzar. Dinamika komunikasi antarbudaya pasca tsunami: studi dramaturgis dalam kegiatan kemasyarakatan antar warga korban tsunami dan interaksi dengan orang asing di Banda Aceh (disertasi). Bandung: Universitas Padjadjaran; 2010. 
  4. Conference’s Proceeding: Abdulah R. Interactions of sulforaphane and selenium in inhibiting human breast and prostate cancer cell lines proliferation. Proceedings of International Seminar and Expo on Jamu; 2010 November 5; Bandung, Indonesia. Indonesia: Universitas Padjadjaran; 2010.
  5. Online: Acevedo-Rodríguez P, Strong MT. Catalogue of the seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contrib Bot 2012; 98: 1192. Available at: stream/handle/10088/17551/SCtB-0098.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y [accessed on January 2019] sule slot toto slot sule slot situs slot toto slot slot online slot online gacor