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Pengaruh pelapisan kitosan pada basis gigi tiruan resin akrilik polimerisasi panas terhadap penyerapan air dan kekuatan transversal The effect of chitosan coating on the water absorption and transverse strength of heat polymerised acrylic resin | Felycia | Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students

Pengaruh pelapisan kitosan pada basis gigi tiruan resin akrilik polimerisasi panas terhadap penyerapan air dan kekuatan transversal

The effect of chitosan coating on the water absorption and transverse strength of heat polymerised acrylic resin

Felycia Felycia, Slamat Tarigan


Pendahuluan: Bahan yang paling umum digunakan dalam membuat basis gigi tiruan adalah resin akrilik polimerisasi panas. Bahan tersebut memiliki kelemahan berupa kemampuan menyerap air yang menyebabkan berkurangnya kekuatan transversal sehingga basis mudah fraktur. Penggunaan bahan pelapis misalnya edible coating dari kitosan dapat menghambat penyerapan air pada basis gigi tiruan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh pelapisan kitosan pada basis gigi tiruan resin akrilik polimerisasi panas terhadap penyerapan air dan kekuatan transversal. Metode: Jenis penelitian eksperimental laboratoris. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 16 buah resin akrilik polimerisasi panas berukuran 65x10x2,5mm dibagi 2 kelompok menjadi 8 sampel untuk setiap kelompok. Kelompok A tanpa dilapisi kitosan, kelompok B dilapisi kitosan. Sampel didesikasi hingga mencapai berat konstan kemudian direndam ke dalam akuades selama 7 hari lalu ditimbang, dicatat kemudian di desikasi ulang hingga berat konstan. Penyerapan air dihitung menggunakan rumus Oysaed dan Ruyter dan kekuatan transversal diuji menggunakan Universal Testing Machine. Hasil data dianalisis dengan uji t-independen. Hasil: Terdapat pengaruh signifikan pelapisan kitosan terhadap nilai penyerapan air p=0,001 dan kekuatan transversal p=0,032 (p<0,05). Nilai penyerapan air kelompok A sebesar 16,26 ± 0,25 µg/mm3 dan kelompok B sebesar 15,72 ± 0,28 µg/mm3). Nilai kekuatan transversal kelompok A sebesar 96,02 ± 5,01 MPa dan kelompok B sebesar 102,10 ± 5,17 MPa.  Simpulan: Pelapisan kitosan berpengaruh terhadap penyerapan air dan kekuatan transversal basis gigi tiruan resin akrilik polimerisasi panas. Pelapisan kitosan dapat mencegah penyerapan air dan mencegah penurunan kekuatan transversal resin akrilik polimerisasi panas.

Kata kunci: Basis gigi tiruan, resin akrilik polimerisasi panas, kitosan, penyerapan air, kekuatan transversal.



Introduction: The most common material used for denture base is hot polymerised acrylic resin. This material has a weakness in the ability to absorb water which causes reduced transverse strength, thus prone to fracture. Coating materials such as edible coating from chitosan can inhibit water absorption in the denture base. This study was aimed to analyse the effect of chitosan coating on the water absorption and transverse strength of heat polymerised acrylic resin. Methods: This research was an experimental laboratory. The samples used were 16 heat polymerised acrylic resins measured 65x10x2.5mm divided into two groups, eight samples for each group. Group A was not coated with chitosan, and group B was coated with chitosan. The sample was desiccated until it reached a constant weight, immersed in distilled water for seven days, weighed, recorded, and re-desiccated until the weight was constant. Water absorption was calculated using the Oysaed and Ruyter formula, while the transverse strength was tested using the Universal Testing Machine. The results of the data were analysed by an independent t-test. Result: There was a significant effect of chitosan coating on the water absorption value (p=0.001) and the transverse strength (p=0.032) (p<0.05). The water absorption value of group A was 16.26±0.25 µg/mm3, and group B was 15.72±0.28 µg/mm3. The transverse strength value of group A was 96.02±5.01 MPa, and group B was 102.10±5.17 MPa. Conclusion: Chitosan coating affected the water absorption and the transverse strength of the heat polymerised acrylic resin denture base. The chitosan coating can prevent water absorption and decreasing transverse strength of the heat polymerised acrylic resin.

Keywords: Denture base, heat cured acrylic resin, chitosan, water absorption, transverse strength.


basis gigi tiruan; resin akrilik polimerisasi panas; kitosan; penyerapan air; kekuatan transversal; denture base; heat cured acrylic resin; chitosan; water absorption; transverse strength

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