Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Publishing Ethics and Allegations of Violations

Publishing Ethics and Research Violations

PJDRS acknowledges the importance of ethical principles in academic publishing and is dedicated to upholding high standards of publishing ethics. To ensure transparency and ethical behavior during the publication process, the PJDRS journal adheres to strict peer review standards. Consistent with COPE Best Practice Guidelines, this Publishing Unit establishes clear expectations for all stakeholders, including authors, editors, reviewers, and the publisher (Universitas Padjadjaran). With this ethical policy as an important guide, PJDRS promotes ethical publishing practices and prevention of malpractice among all journal stakeholders.

Publisher's Commitment to Publishing Ethics

The publication of peer-reviewed articles in the PJDRS journal is a crucial component in creating a reputable and cohesive knowledge network. It reflects the quality of authors' work and supporting institutions while upholding scientific methods. Therefore, it is essential to establish ethical standards for all parties involved in the publication process, including authors, editors, peer reviewers, publishers, and the community.

As the publisher of the PJDRS journal, Universitas Padjadjaran acknowledges its responsibility to oversee all stages of publication, ethical responsibilities, and other duties. Universitas Padjadjaran is committed to ensuring that editorial decisions remain independent and unbiased, unaffected by commercial revenue from advertising, reprints, or other sources. Additionally, the Editorial Board of PJDRS and Universitas Padjadjaran will facilitate communication with other publishers or journals as needed.

Allegations of Research Violations

Ethical violations in research refer to various actions such as fabrication, falsification, citation manipulation, and plagiarism, which can occur during the production, review, or reporting of research and article writing. Editors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of scientific writing, especially when published articles are suspected of misconduct.

To address suspicions of misconduct fairly, editors and editorial boards follow COPE best practice methods, including investigating allegations made by individuals without conflicts of interest with the article. If there is a suspected ethical violation, the corresponding author will be contacted to provide a detailed response, often accompanied by additional review by experts, such as statistical reviewers.

When there is sufficient evidence of misconduct, submitted manuscripts will be rejected, and published articles may be retracted, with links to the original article. However, in cases where ethical violations are unlikely, clarification, additional analysis, or both, submitted as a letter to the editor, often accompanied by correction notes and corrections to the published article, is often sufficient to resolve the case.

PJDRS is obliged to conduct a thorough investigation into allegations of scientific misconduct. Authors, journals, and institutions are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of scientific work. The PJDRS journal will continue to fulfill its responsibilities by appropriately addressing concerns about scientific ethical violations and taking necessary actions, such as corrections, retractions, and retractions with replacements, to maintain the validity and integrity of scientific work.

Authorship and Writing Contributions

Authors must ensure that the authorship written on the research article to be published accurately reflects the contributions of each individual involved in its conception, design, implementation, or interpretation. Only those who have significantly contributed to the conception, design, implementation, or interpretation of the research should be listed as authors. All individuals who have made significant contributions should be acknowledged as co-authors. In cases where the main contributors are listed as authors, those who have made less substantial or solely technical contributions should be listed in the acknowledgment section. Additionally, authors must confirm that all authors have read and approved the final manuscript version and their inclusion as co-authors.

Complaints and Denials

PJDRS has a well-defined process for managing complaints filed against the journal, Editorial Staff, Editorial Board, or Publisher. Complaints and types of complaints will be thoroughly explained to the individuals involved. Complaints include any issues related to journal operational procedures, such as editorial processes, unethical citation practices, biased editors/reviewers, peer review manipulation, and so on. Complaint cases will be handled according to COPE guidelines.

Data Access, Storage, and Reproducibility

To uphold research integrity and transparency, authors are strongly encouraged to provide complete data used in their research to the editorial team during the review process. Additionally, if possible, authors should be willing to make this data available to the public or store it for a reasonable period after publication. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their data can be reproduced, allowing other researchers to verify and build upon their findings.

Ethical Oversight

When conducting research involving potentially hazardous chemicals, procedures, equipment, humans, or animals, authors should disclose these risks in the manuscript to comply with research ethics practices. Additionally, if necessary, authors should obtain ethical clearance letters from relevant associations or organizations. For research involving confidential data or business/marketing practices, authors should explain how they will securely protect the data or information.
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