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Pengetahuan guru terkait manajemen kedaruratan gigi avulsi pada siswa sekolah dasar Teachers’ knowledge regarding emergency management of tooth avulsion in elementary school students | Majdiyana | Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students

Pengetahuan guru terkait manajemen kedaruratan gigi avulsi pada siswa sekolah dasar

Teachers’ knowledge regarding emergency management of tooth avulsion in elementary school students

Majdiyana Majdiyana, Armasastra Bahar, Risqa Rina Darwita



Pendahuluan: Cedera akibat trauma pada gigi sering terjadi pada murid di sekolah. Guru adalah orang pertama yang bertanggungjawab merespon kejadian ini. Para guru perlu memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang penanganan kedaruratannya. Manajemen kedaruratan yang tepat pada kejadian ini akan meningkatkan prognosa gigi yang cedera. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui pengetahuan guru sekolah dasar terkait manajemen kedaruratan gigi avulsi. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional yang dilakukan di Kota Pontianak Kalimantan Barat dengan mengikutsertakan 378 guru sekolah dasar negeri yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Penilaian terhadap pengetahuan guru dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dari beberapa penelitian yang diadaptasi lintas budaya. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menghitung distribusi frekuensi relatif. Hasil: Sebanyak 77,51 % responden belum pernah mendapatkan pelatihan atau informasi tentang manajemen kedaruratan cedera trauma dental. Hanya 28,84% responden yang mengetahui bahwa gigi avulsi  masih dapat diselamatkan dan dikembalikan ke posisi semula. 22,22% responden tidak mengetahui waktu berpengaruh dalam menyelamatkan gigi avulsi. 8,99% tidak mengetahui media yang tepat untuk membawa gigi yang avulsi. 78,4% yakin bahwa setelah mendapatkan pelatihan, mereka dapat melakukan pertolongan pertama pada kejadian cedera trauma dental. Simpulan: Pengetahuan guru sekolah dasar di Kota Pontianak terkait manajemen kedaruratan gigi avulsi masih kurang,

Kata kunci: pengetahuan; guru sekolah; trauma gigi; gigi avulsi



Introduction: Dental trauma often occur in students at school. Teachers are the first person who responsible for responding to this incident. Teachers need to have a good knowledge of an emergency management. Appropriate emergency management will improve the prognosis of injured teeth. The purpose of the study was to determine the knowledge of elementary school teachers about tooth avulsion. Methods: Descriptive research with cross sectional design conducted in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, involving 378 State Elementary School teachers who were selected by purposive sampling. Assessment of teachers’ knowledge and attitudes was carried out from several studied and questionnaire has been adapted. Data analyse counted by calculating the relative frequency distributor.  Results: as much as 77.51% of respondents have never received training or information on emergency management of traumatic dental injuries. Only 28.84% of respondents who know that avulsed teeth can be saved and repositioned . 22.22% of respondents did not know that time had an effect on saving avulsed teeth. 8.99% did not know the right medium to carry avulsed teeth. 78.4% believe that after receiving training, they can perform first aid in the event of a dental trauma injury. Conclusion: Knowledge of elementary school teachers in Pontianak City regarding emergency management of tooth avulsion is still lacking.

Keywords: knowledge; school teacher; dental trauma; tooth avulsion


pengetahuan; guru sekolah; trauma gigi; gigi avulsi;knowledge; school teacher; dental trauma; tooth avulsion

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