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Pengaruh lama perendaman resin akrilik heat cured pada ekstrak daun tembakau (nicotiana tabacum) 50% terhadap perubahan warna Effect of resin soaking time on heat cured on 50% tobacco leaf extract (nicotiana tabacum) on color change | Savitri | Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students

Pengaruh lama perendaman resin akrilik heat cured pada ekstrak daun tembakau (nicotiana tabacum) 50% terhadap perubahan warna

Effect of resin soaking time on heat cured on 50% tobacco leaf extract (nicotiana tabacum) on color change

Regia Pramesti Aulia Savitri, Amiyatun Naini, Rahardyan Parnaadji, Dewi Kristiana



Pendahuluan: Basis gigi tiruan adalah salah satu komponen penting pembuatan gigi tiruan, 95% terbuat dari resin akrilik heat cured. Basis gigi tiruan akan selalu berkontak dengan saliva dan menjadi tempat perlekatan mikroorganisme, sehingga dilakukan pembersihan gigi tiruan. Salah satu bahan alami yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pembersih gigi tiruan adalah daun tembakau. Ekstrak daun tembakau memiliki daya antibakteri dan daya antijamur. Senyawa fenol yang berkontak dengan resin akrilik dapat berpenetrasi ke dalam bahan yang menyebabkan perubahan warna. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efek perendaman resin akrilik heat cured dalam ekstrak daun tembakau terhadap perubahan warna. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini yaitu eksperimental laboratory dengan rancangan the pre test and post test control group design. Sampel resin akrilik berbentuk persegi ukuran 10x10x2,5 mm. Uji warna dilakukan menggunakan color reader Precise TCR-200. Hasil: Kelompok yang diberi perlakuan ekstrak daun tembakau 50% selama 16 dan 32 hari memiliki nilai perubahan warna yang lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok yang direndam aquades dan sodium hipoklorit 0,5%. Simpulan: Perendaman dalam ekstrak daun tembakau 50% memberikan nilai perubahan warna resin akrilik heat cured lebih tinggi dibandingkan perendaman dalam sodium hipoklorit 0,5% dan aquades. Semakin lama waktu perendaman, menyebabkan perubahan warna resin akrilik yang semakin besar.

Kata kunci: Ekstrak daun tembakau 50%; resin akrilik; perubahan warna



Introduction: Denture base is one of the important components of denture manufacture, 95% is made of heat cured acrylic resin. The denture base will always be in contact with saliva and become a place of attachment for microorganisms, so that denture cleaning is carried out. One of the natural ingredients that can be used as a denture cleaner is tobacco leaf. Tobacco leaves contain phenolic compounds, alkaloids, saponins, and essential oils. Tobacco leaf extract has antibacterial activity and antifungal activity. Phenol compounds in contact with acrylic resin can penetrate into the material and damage the polymer chain bondssuch as discoloration. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of immersion of heat cured acrylic resin in tobacco leaf extract on color changes. Methods: This type of research is an experimental laboratory with the pre test and post test control group design. The sample of acrylic resin is in the shape of a square measuring 10x10x2.5 mm. The color test using a Precise TCR-200 color reader. Results: The group that was treated with 50% tobacco leaf extract for 16 and 32 days had a higher color change value than the group that was soaked in distilled water and 0.5% sodium hypochlorite. Conclusion: Immersion in 50% tobacco leaf extract gave a higher color change value of heat cured acrylic resin than immersion in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite and distilled water. The longer the immersion time, the greater the color change of the acrylic resin.

Keywords: 50% tobacco leaf extract; acrylic resin; color change



ekstrak daun tembakau 50%; resin akrilik; perubahan warna; 50% tobacco leaf extract; acrylic resin; color change

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