Journal History

Teknotan: Jurnal Industri Teknologi Pertanian is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Agro-Industrial Technology, Universitas Padjadjaran, in collaboration with the Agricultural Engineering Association (PERTETA). This journal was first published in 2007 to disseminate the technology in agriculture for sustainable agro-industrial technology. Currently, subjects in Teknotan: Jurnal Industri Teknologi Pertanian cover: soil and water engineering, agricultural tools and machinery, post-harvest and process technology, agricultural mechanization systems and management, agricultural information technology, smart and precision agriculture and other pertinent fields related to agro-industrial technology.

Teknotan: Jurnal Industri Teknologi Pertanian adopted an online journal system (OJS) in 2017 and is officially registered on CrossRef. Therefore, the article was published in Volume 11 No. 1 and held the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. Along with the many articles submitted by authors every year, Teknotan: Jurnal Industri Teknologi Pertanian publishes articles with a frequency of three times a year.

Currently, Teknotan: Jurnal Industri Teknologi Pertanian has been indexed both by public and global indexing agencies, for example, Dimensions (International), Science and Technology Index (SINTA - National), Garba Rujukan Digital (Garuda - National), Google Scholar, and another citation database. This shows the quality and reputation of this journal as a quality scientific publication media in agro-industrial technology.

Based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia No. 14/E/KPT/2019 designated as an Accredited Scientific Journal (Sinta 3). Teknotan: Jurnal Industri Teknologi Pertanian has been accredited since 2007 until now, with the following accreditation history:

  1. No. 14/E/KPT/2019