Ethical Oversight

If the research carried out involves human subjects, then the manuscript submitted to ProTVF must meet the ethical clearance requirements, including:

  1. Ethical approval for all research

  2. Protection of participants

  3. Informed consent

  4. No coercion

  5. The right to withdraw.

  6. Anonymity and confidentiality

  7. Appropriate exclusion criteria.

  8. Concern about participant’s health and well-being.

  9. Duty of care.

  10. Additional safeguards for research with vulnerable populations

  11. Ethical treatment of non-human animals.

  12. Appropriate supervision.

Research Ethics Clearance is an instrument to measure the ethical fulfilment of a research process. Approval from the Ethics Committee must be obtained before the research begins. Research Clearance Ethics is a reference for researchers in upholding the values of integrity, honesty, and fairness in conducting research. A good understanding of Research Clearance Ethics is necessary to avoid problems in conducting research and publishing research results.