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Author Guidelines

The document is written in Indonesian or English on A4 MS Word HVS paper, using Times New Roman letters of 12 pts, spacing between lines 1.5 spaces, left margin 4 cm, and top, right, and bottom, each 3 cm. The document is numbered consecutively in the lower right corner. There are no footnotes in the text. At the top right is written short title the first three words of the article title.

The maximum document length is 20 pages of A4 paper, including clear tables and drawings. Early paragraphs are made indented 1 cm. The abbreviation when it first appears in the text should be followed by its stands for word. Abbreviations do not need to be added with a dot or periods, e.g. ME, IPM, SlNVV, JH, PDA.

The unit is written using the international system of units. Numbers from zero to nine, written in the form of a word, unless the number is followed by a unit. Example 9 cm. The mathematical formula should be written clearly and thoroughly, given a sufficient distance from the text. In the narrative, use capital letters if the words "table" and "image" are followed by numbers. Example: Table 2, Figure 5.

The submission of the document must be accompanied by a Letter of Introduction from the Primary Author with a telephone number and email address to be contacted. The document is sent to the editorial board via OJS Cropsaver Jurnal of Plant Protection

Before submitting, make sure the author's name is correct. Changes (additions and deletions) of the author's name are not permitted after submission.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Review Article:

    The topics discussed are actual public concer or issues that discussed critically and comprehensively supported by a sufficient and up-to-date literature.

    Systematic writing of review articles consists of : Title and Author Name added with postal address (written centric), followed by Abstrak (with keywords); Abstract (with keywords); Introduction (contains justification on the importance of discussed topic); 'Subject' ; Conclusion ; Thank-you note ; and References.
  2. Research Paper :

    The document consists of Title and Author Name adder with institution name, followed by Abstrak (with keywords); Abstract (with keywords), Introduction, Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions (and suggestions); and References. Acknowledgments or Awards if any were placed before the References.
  3. Title :

    • Titles are made in Indonesian and English, short, informative, and descriptive (maximum of 20 words)
    • Title is created using capital letters, except the latin name that must be italicized.
    • Try not to include abbreviations and chemical formulas in title.
  4. Author's Name and Institution :

    • Full names of authors without titles and institutions of affiliation of their respective authors.
    • Each institution name should be marked superscript matching the superscript marks on each author's name.
    • Email addresses for correspondence are written under the institution's address.
    • Before submitting, make sure the author's name is correct. Changes (additions and deletions) of the author's name are not permitted after submission.
  5. Abstrak :

    Abstrak, which is essay writing, includes brief research background, objectives, methods, results, and research conclusions. Treatment details need not be included unless they are the main objectives of the research. Abstract length is maximum 200 words and comes with keywords.

  6. Abstract :

    • English version of abstrak
    • Maximum 200 words and comes with keywords
    • Written in past tenses, except for the problem justification section using present tense.
  7. Introduction :

    • Justification of the selected subject is supported by a sufficient and up-to-date literature.
    • It must end by stating 'what is the purpose of this paper'.
  8. Materials and Method :

    • Must be detailed and clear so that a competent person can do the same research (research implementation must be repeatable and reproduceable).
    • If the method used has been previously known, then the literature should be listed.
    • Materials and tools are not specified individually but are implicit in the method narrative.
    • Material specifications must be detailed for others to be informed about how to obtain the material.
  9. Results :

    • Report what was obtained in the experiment.
    • Not displaying data at once as tables and graphs.
    • Tables and graphs must be self-explanatory (understandable without having to read the document) description of tables and graphs must be complete.
    • Do not repeat the data presented in the form of tables or graphs one by one in the form of words, except for things that are very prominent.
  10. Discussion :

    • Compare the results we get with the data of knowledge (research results of others) that have been published.
    • Describe the implications of the data we get for science or its use.
  11. Thank-you note :

    • Created concisely as a thank-you to those who helped with research, a review of the document, or a research fund provider.
  12. Bibliography :

    • The literatures cited in the text must be exactly the same as those in the Bibliography, and vice versa.
    • Bibliography is written in full and alphabetical order
    • Only literatures that have been published are allowed to be listed.
    • Using the author's article writing system which applies internationally (last name as entry), regardless of whether the author's last name is a surname or not.

    In the text, the literature should be written as follows:

    • Two authors: Kraiss & Cullen (2008) or (Kraiss & Cullen, 2008);
    • Three or more authors: Kazemi et al. (2012) or (Kazemi et al., 2012).

    Use et al. for foreign language literature and use dkk. for the Indonesian language literature. Example of writing References:

    Book: All the first letters from the title use capital letters.

    Georghiou GP & Saito T. 1983. Pest Resistance to Pesticides.  New York: Plenum Press.

  13. Chapter from one book / article in proceedings:

    In the title of the article, only the first letters and the name of the author are capital. Book titles and proceedings must follow the rules of writing the title of the book above.


    Isman MB, Arnason JT, & Towers GHN. 1995. Chemistry and biological activity of ingredients of other species of Meliaceae. Pp. 652-666 in Schumutterrer H (Ed.) The Neem Tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss, and Other Meliaceous Plants: Sources of Unique Natural Products for Integrated Pest Management, Madicine, Industry and Other Purpose. Weinheim (Germany).

  14. Journal / magazine article: In the title of the article, only the first letters and the name of the author are capital. Journal name abbreviations follow the suggestions of cited journals. Example:

    Bao, H., S. Liu, J. Gu, X. Wang, X. Liang and Z. Liu. 2009. Sublethal effect of four Insecticides on the reproduction and wing formation of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Pest. Manag. Sci. 65: 170-174.


Copyright Notice

Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a ‘Author Declaration' (see more information on this).
An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript together with a 'Author Declaration' form or a link to the online version of this agreement.


The Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if accepted for publication, copyright of the article shall be transferred to Cropsaver: Journal of Plant Protection.


This is an open-access journal in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. This permits users to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
Non Commercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.



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The name and email address entered on the journal site will only be used for the purpose stated, it will not be misused for other purposes or for other parties.
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