Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Media Karya Kesehatan publish paper under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial 4.0 International License. The scope of the journal is nursing and health areas. Topics covered in journal pay special  attention, but are not limited to:

Nursing: professional care provided of meeting the basic needs provided to healthy and sick individuals

Health: a well state of body, soul, and social that enables everyone to live productively socially, and economically.

Community Health:  disease prevention approach, improve quality of life and well-being in the community.

Environment and Occupational Health: the balance between the environment and work conditions related to health status.

Nutrition: food substances that function to help the growth and development of the body's organs optimally.

Lifestyle: individual life patterns that describe his behavior, and activities

Health Education: the process of making people able to change the individual behavior, and health.

Health Promotion: the process of enabling people to increase control over, and improve the environment, their health.

Epidemiology: the study of factors related to prevalence and incidence that occur in many societies

Health Administration and Economic: the process for making effective and efficient management of resources, procedures and capabilities.

Health Policy: a set of rules, regulations made for the purpose of improving the quality of health.

Hospital Health: health devices for managing and improving hospital services.

Health Management: management of planning, implementation and evaluation activities in the health sector.

Health Technology and Information: a set of information, techniques, medicines, procedures used by health professionals in providing services.

Complementary Therapy: non-conventional therapies based on local and national cultural wisdom.



Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Articles in Indonesian or English are submitted by the author through an online system to Media Karya Kesehatan for screening by the Editorial Team. Then the article will be sent to the peer reviewer through a double-blind review process. After the article is reviewed, it will be returned to the author. The sending process from reviewer to author and vice versa is performed through an online system, which is carried out several times until the article is declared ready to be published in substance and technique. The following is an overview of the peer-review process: