Author Statement



The undersigned below:

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Institution             :

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I herewith submit 1 (one) research article with the title:



Please note that this article:

1. Is not a result of plagiarism and does not contain elements of plagiarism;

2. Is not being processed for publication in any form;

3. Is not submitted to other periodicals for consideration;

4. All those who have made significant contributions are listed in the ownership line as co-authors and have agreed  

    to submit the final version of  the paper for publication;

5. The author is willing to bear the risk of the accuracy of the data and will not ask accountability to the editor for  

    errors in the data provided.


Thus, I made this statement truthfully, and I am willing to accept all actions taken by the Editorial Board of Media Karya Kesehatan if later, my statement is proven to be untrue.


                                                                                                                Bandung, ………….