Perbedaan pH saliva antara wanita hamil dan tidak hamil

The difference of salivary pH in pregnant and non-pregnant women

Inas Sania Afanina Habib, Rosiliwati Wihardja, Silvi Kintawati


Pendahuluan: Saliva merupakan cairan mulut yang terdiri atas komponen organik dan anorganik dan berperan penting dalam lingkungan rongga mulut. Kehamilan dapat mempengaruhi saliva, salah satunya berpengaruh pada pH saliva. Wanita hamil biasanya mengeluhkan mulut terasa asam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pH saliva antara wanita hamil dan tidak hamil di Puskesmas Jatinangor. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat observasi dengan desain analitik. Subjek penelitian terdiri atas 30 wanita hamil dan 30 wanita tidak hamil yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling yang berada di Puskesmas Jatinangor. Unstimulated saliva dikumpulkan untuk menentukan nilai pH saliva. Data dianalisis dengan independent two sample t-test dengan α = 0,05. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0,000 (p<0,01). pH saliva wanita hamil lebih rendah daripada pH saliva wanita tidak hamil dengan rata-rata pH saliva wanita hamil 6,519 dan rata-rata pH saliva wanita tidak hamil 7,192. Penurunan pH saliva terjadi karena peningkatan kadar hormon progesteron yang menyebabkan penurunan konsentrasi ion bikarbonat (HCO3-), dan peningkatan enzim amilase, serta seringnya wanita hamil mengonsumsi makanan manis dan/atau asam. Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan pH saliva antara wanita hamil dan tidak hamil, dimana pH saliva wanita hamil lebih rendah daripada pH saliva wanita tidak hamil.

Kata kunci: Kehamilan, pH saliva, unstimulated saliva.



Introduction: Saliva is an oral fluid consisting of organic and inorganic components which plays an essential role in the oral environment. Pregnancy can affect saliva, one of which affects the pH of saliva. Pregnant women usually complain that their mouth feels sour. This study was aimed to determine the difference in salivary pH between pregnant and non-pregnant women at Jatinangor Community Health Centre. Methods: This research was observational with analytic design. The research subjects consisted of 30 pregnant women and 30 non-pregnant women who were selected by the purposive sampling method at Jatinangor Community Health Center. Unstimulated saliva was collected to determine the pH value of saliva. Data were analysed by independent two-sample t-test with α = 0.05. Result: The results of the study showed a significance value of 0.000 (p < 0.01). The salivary pH of pregnant woman was lower than the salivary pH of non-pregnant woman with an average salivary pH of 6.519 for pregnant woman and an average salivary pH of 7,192 for non-pregnant woman. A decrease in salivary pH occurred because of an increase in the level of the progesterone hormone which also causes a decrease in the concentration of bicarbonate ions (HCO3-), and an increase in amylase enzymes, and the frequency of pregnant women consuming sweet and sour foods. Conclusion: There was a difference in the salivary pH between pregnant and non-pregnant women as indicated by the salivary pH of pregnant women which was lower than the salivary pH of non-pregnant women.

Keywords: Pregnancy, salivary pH, unstimulated saliva.


Kehamilan, pH saliva, unstimulated saliva, pregnancy, salivary pH, unstimulated saliva.

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