Impaksi horizontal gigi molar kedua maksila bilateral simptomatis yang menyebabkan nyeri kepala rekuren

Horizontal impaction of symptomatic bilateral maxillary second molar causing recurrent headache

Tichvy Tammama


Pendahuluan: Gigi impaksi yaitu gigi yang tidak dapat erupsi ke posisi fungsi normalnya karena terhalang, baik disebabkan oleh faktor lokal maupun sistemik. Gigi yang sering mengalami impaksi yaitu molar ketiga, diikuti oleh kaninus dan premolar. Gigi molar kedua jarang mengalami impaksi, dan umumnya disebabkan karena terhalang oleh molar ketiga di sebelahnya. Tujuan laporan kasus ini adalah untuk menjabarkan penatalaksanaan kasus impaksi horisontal gigi molar kedua maksila bilateral simptomatis yang menyebabkan nyeri kepala rekuren. Laporan kasus: Seorang wanita berusia 23 tahun datang dengan keluhan sering mengalami sakit kepala sebelah kiri. Foto panoramik menunjukkan gigi molar kedua rahang atas kanan dan kiri mengalami impaksi horisontal, disertai agenesis gigi molar ketiga rahang atas kanan dan kiri, serta bawah kiri. Pasien belum pernah melakukan pencabutan gigi tetap sebelumnya. Selanjutnya dilakukan bedah pengangkatan gigi molar kedua atas kiri yang impaksi. Kunjungan kontrol, pasien melaporkan bahwa sakit kepalanya berkurang secara signifikan. Simpulan: Impaksi gigi molar kedua rahang atas jarang terjadi, dan dapat menyebabkan berbagai gejala sakit kepala, sehingga pencabutan gigi impaksi dapat mengurangi gejala nyeri kepala yang dialami.

Kata kunci: Impaksi molar kedua, horizontal, maksila bilateral, nyeri kepala rekuren. 



            Introduction: Impacted teeth are the teeth that unable to erupted into their normal functional position because they are blocked, caused by both local and systemic factors. Teeth impaction often occurred at the third molar, followed by canines and premolar. The second molar rarely experiences impaction and generally caused by being obstructed by the adjacent third molar. The purpose of this case report was to describe the management of cases of horizontal impaction of symptomatic bilateral maxillary second molar that caused recurrent headache. Case report: A 23-years-old woman with a chief complaint of a recurrent left headache. Panoramic image showed that the right and left maxillary second molar were experiencing horizontal impaction, along with agenesis of the right and left maxillary third molar, and also in the left mandibular. The patient has never extracted any permanent teeth before. The next treatment was the surgical extraction of the impacted left maxillary second molar. In the control visits, the patient reported that her headache was significantly reduced. Conclusion: Impaction of the maxillary second molars is a rare case that can cause various headache symptoms thus extraction of the impacted teeth will be able to reduce the headache symptoms.

Keywords: Second molar impaction, horizontal, maxillary bilateral, recurrent headache.


Impaksi molar kedua, horizontal, maksila bilateral, nyeri kepala rekuren, second molar impaction, horizontal, maxillary bilateral, recurrent headache.

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