Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Zuriat contains and publishes original research reports on breeding in the field of broad-based agriculture (crops, livestock, fish, and forestry) that includes conventional and unconventional breeding including molecular breeding, and biotechnology. The study of multilocation and testing of new products in the breeding field with particular attention to the development of new varieties are also welcome. Articles with backgrounds in other research areas such as microbiology, plant pests and diseases, agricultural socioeconomics, biometry, product processes and crop protection will be accepted as long as they are significantly related to breeding.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

The manuscript submitted to the journal will be determined by a peer-reviewed of two to three reviewers selected by the editor or associate editor, however, due to timely consideration of the issue, the editor may reduce the number of reviewers. Authors are welcome to suggest potential reviewers; however, the final decision remains in the editors whether or not it is necessary to comply with the request.


Selection of Reviewer

A reviewer is selected based on many factors, including expertise, previous publications in the same topic area, and past performance as a reviewer (including quality and timeliness). The invitation to review contains confidential information.



Because we are committed to making timely and fast editorial decisions, potential reviewers will be asked to respond immediately, and those who accept the invitation to conduct the assessment will be asked to provide their comments within an agreed time frame. If the reviewer is unable to meet the agreed deadline, they are asked to notify the editor as soon as possible so that the editors can do assignments to others.


Potential Conflict of Interest

If a reviewer feels that there may be significant conflicts of interest (financial or otherwise) for a particular manuscript they invite to review, they should inform and clarify to the editor or decline the invitation.


Improvement Report

All comments directed to the author will be submitted; however, we reserve the right to edit the report's results by removing the offending language or deleting the comment that discloses confidential information.


Request for Re-review

We may request a return to the reviewer for further advice, especially if there is disagreement among reviewers or where the author believes that the reviewer has misunderstood the content of the article. However, the editor will not resend the manuscript to the reviewer if the editor can adequately evaluate revision quality without additional input.



A review of a manuscript takes note of the confidentiality of authors and reviewers. As a condition for reviewers before being willing to review and assess a manuscript all reviewers should have agreed to keep the confidentiality of the manuscript to be of value including all relevant confidential data. If a reviewer requires peer advice when assessing a manuscript, the reviewer should still be able to ensure the confidentiality of the manuscript and notify the manager of Zuriat Journal of the colleague's name summarized as the final reviewer's report.



We will not inform reviewer's identity to the author. We do not allow reviewers to disclose their identity because of concern they may be asked to comment on criticism from other reviewers about further revisions of the manuscript; We also strongly discourage writers from trying to locate reviewer identities or to respond to criticisms or suggestions directly to reviewers.


Publication Frequency

Zuriat Journal previously posted twice a year. Starting in 2018 Zuriat Journal will be published three times a year.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



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