
Welcome to the online version of the scientific journal Zuriat. Zuriat is an Arabic word that means "descendants", "grandchildren" or "seeds". Zuriat scientific journal is a scientific journal for breeding science in Indonesia. The scientific journal Zuriat has received recognition from the Director General of Higher Education since 2002, in the form of accreditation as stated in the Accreditation of the Director General of Higher Education SK No. 52/DIKTI/Kep/2002. However, the Zuriat scientific journal had been inactive for several years and is now being rebuilt to obtain re-accreditation. This journal is re-activated after being active until 2019, so in 2023 the May issue (Volume 34 No. 1) is re-born with new enthusiasm for the advancement of the Indonesian breeding world. This journal is also the only scientific journal for breeding science in Indonesia, but in the new edition we also provide a few plots for other agricultural fields.

Zuriat is an Open Access journal, contains Indonesian or English writing, peer reviewed journal, contains high quality original research results. Please see the journal's Goal & Scope for information on its focus and peer-review policy.

Open Access (OA) means that you can publish your research to be freely accessed online by anyone once it's published, which means that everyone can read (and quote) your writing. Please see some explanations about Open Access on several internet sites.

The Zuriat Journal accepts the following types of articles: regular papers; reviews (review papers); short report (short report). For those who will submit a manuscript, please select the About Us menu and select the Online Submission menu or click Online Submission.


Online ISSN 2615-6261

Print ISSN 0853-0858

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24198/zuriat

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Vol 35, No 1 (2024): Mei, 2024

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Table of Contents


Yudithia Maxiselly, Rahmaini Afifah Shabrina, Haris Maulana, Ade Ismail, Intan Ratna Dewi Anjarsari
Harri Hanafi, Elly Roosma Ria, Ai Komariah, Nunung Sondari
Muhammad Syafii, Ayu Fitriani, Noladhi Wicaksana, Dedi Ruswandi
John Hendra Parlindungan Hasibuan, Warid Ali Qosim, Neni Rostini, Fajar Maulana Wijaya Kusumah, Ade Ismail
Shandy Nugraha, Neni Rostini, Fajar Maulana Wijaya Kusumah, Ade Ismail